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$[ra@rproof Aitight- Weatherproof
[Jnder siding, Etucco, shingles, etc. LJnder Floors to prevent warping; around window frames, and many other uses.
Small investmeat-No detedoration-{lean-Easy to handle-Establbhed r6ale prices-Prompt service from seven points on the Pacif,c Coast
Aslc your nean*t Distributor for Samples and Detailed fnformation
J. E. Higg_ins Lumbel Company
San Francisco, Califotnia
McCraken-Ripley Company
Pordand, Oregon
Strable Hardwood Company
Oatland, California
Miller-McDermott Hardwood Co.
San Diego, California
Flaris-Pendergtass Co.
Frecno, California
V. E. Cooper Lumber Company
Loc Angeler, California
Lockwood Lumbet Company
Seatde, Va$ington
I watched them tear a building down, A gang of men in a busy town.
With a ho-heave-ho and a lusty yell, They swung a beam and the side'wall fell.
I asked the foreman: "Are these men skilled, And the men you'd hire if you had. to build?"
He gave a laugh and said: "No indeed !
Just common labor is all I need.
I can easily wreck in a day or two
What builders have taken a year to do"'
And I thought to myself as f went my way, Which of these roles have I tried to play?
Am I a builder who works with care, Measuring life by the rule and square?
Am I shaping my deeds to a well-made plan, Patiently doing the best I can?
Or am f a wrecker who walks the town Content with the labor of tearing down?
-Edgar A. Guest.
Civic Pride
Young Son: "Dad, what a mean when you say lCivic Pride'?"
Father: "Well, son, this way; if the state institution for the located in our city, we refer to it as the 'state hos i if it is located in some other city we call it the asylum'."
"'Who is that over-dressed woman over there who is trying to flirt with half the men in the roorn?"
' "That's my wife."
"Oh ! Beg pardon ! My mistake !"
"Not at all-MINE."
The Business Of Life
Take it as though it was-as it is-an earnest, vital, and important affair. Take it as though you were born to the task of performing a merry part of it-as the world awaited your coming. Take it as opportunity to do and achieve, to a grand forward great and good schemes, to help and a suffering, weary, it may be a broken-hearted Now and then a man stands aside from the labors earnestly, steadfastly, becomes famous for wisdom, confidently, and intellect, skill, of some sort. The wodd wonders, admires, idol[6s, and it only illustrates what others may do if they take hold of life with a purpose. The rniracle, or the power that elevates the few, is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the promptings of a brave, determined spirit.-Mark Twain.
There is no cutting t ordian Knot of Life; each must be smilingly unravel
Nature And Business
When business embarks on a rampage that does not help humanity to live and grow-wherr it pushes beyond this range of usefulness and over-produces human nsgdsor when it falls behind and out-lives its usefdlness-it runs into trouble of some kind. And when the business tree is crowded with these dead or dyrng branches, the tree as a whole begins to suffer. We run into a business depression or plunge into an industrial war to shake the rotten branches down.-V. C. Kitchen.
Real Men
He Was Under Selling
"The testimony," said the Judge of the court to his prod- the defendant, a milk man charged with w uct, "shows that your milk is 25 per cen ,t
"My goodness !" exclaimed the milk n. "Then I should have been selling it as cream.If. you1fri Judge, to look up the that it is 80 to 90 per cent I've been cheating myself."
I So if mine is only 25
The real men dare and the real men do, They dream great dreams they (Dme true; They bridge the rivers and plains, And gird the land with thei trains. They make the desert And send the cataract in bloom, the flume, To turn the wheels And bring the coin thousand mills, a 4ation's tills. take the trouble, The real men wor and the real men plan milk, you willfind And, helping lves, help their fellow man. And the sham n yelp at their carriage wheels barks at the big dog's heels.
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