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San Francisco Launches Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign
San Francisco, April 26.-San Francisco's catnpaign for 1932, sponsored by a civic committee appointed by Mayor Rossi and cornposed of the heads of various organizations, was launched this week with unprecedented enthusiasm.
The Golden Gate Paint Club, of which R. D. Sullivan is chairman of the Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Committee, is supporting the movement energetically and has decorated the business places of the citywith official Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign display material obtained from the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau in Washington.
Whitney Tenney, a well-known attorney, is chairman of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Committee.
Mr. Sullivan has informed the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign headquarters in Washington that the plan outlined in the official campaign handbook is being followed and is being supplemented by many novel features.
The campaign was opened by a grand parade, with city officials in automobiles, machines from the Fire Department and the Police Department, the Fire Insurance Patrol, Red Cross Nurses on a truck, and trucks carrying Boy Scouts, Campfire Girls and Street Cleaners, and decorated trucks from the manufacturers of paint and allied products. The program included trucks from the Garden Club, featuring "Better Homes," and three bands.
For publicity purposes, Mayor Rossi arranged to have
Ad- the dome of the City Hall washed with a new stand-pipc ' ; equipment. Another feature on the program of "stunts"' is the "Tin Can Matinee," with trucks standing in front of a theater to receive the tin cans brought by school childrcn in lieu of the usual price of admission
A permanent all ihe year around Clean Up and Paint ' Up Campaign Committee, to be composed of the heads of ;, the present civic organizations and representatives of thc" Paint Club, is favored by Mr. Sullivan, who believes that the value of cumulative experience, is very great, and that a perman,ent committee should function for at least four, '., or five years. It is considered that such an organization, : with experienced leadership, will be able to carry the history of each campaign into the following year, and to con- ii., tinue and strengthen the contacts with the city officials, as i well as with the civic organizations. Such a practice would give added impetus to the campaign in each successive effort, and, while retaining the interest of those organizations .' which had taken part in the campaign in the past, would add more civic organizations to the support of the moye-. ment. has ever been witnessed in San Francisco.
Enthusiasm for the Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign r, is running vcry high in San Francisco, in the city admin-'rt
Ilnthuslasm tor Ulean Up ano ralnt Up LampAlgn tr istration, the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Goldcn ", Gate Paint Club, and allied civic groups. This year's Clean year's ' , Up and Paint Up activity is the most enthusiastic whieN;;::
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