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A wondetful bon-fire-yes-but what about the cost?
We strive to prevent such fires as this for our policy. holders. ff fires do come, adjustments are fair and payments prompt. Vhen cost is figured, our dividends represent a substantial and welcome saving.
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Ccntnl ilrmfidnm totul luruccorprw of Vu Wcrt. OLio lndiraa Lumbcnor D|lhil lmrucc Coupely of Iniiurpolir, hd.
Tf,c Luubcr tlutual Firo hnmc Conpaly of Botoo. fr&
Thc lilbcnu flhrl lrnme Conprar of tudcld, OLio llortf,ratcn fiturt Brc Amcirtion of Sattlc, WrrL Pouyhuir Lunbcrrcor ilntual Fire lqnruc Co. of PLihdclphir, Pr.