1 minute read
Palco's Premium Posf Contest
The Prizes
lst Prize--A pretty kettle of fish. Zrl.d Prize-A pretty kettle. 3rd Prize-A pretty fish. 300 additional prizes of one 6sh each.
The Judges
The Smijh l1es.-Nlahatma Ghandi-Tav.an
While this may sound a bit fishy, you ate asked to look below ffi atFast Facts and write an essay of not more than to,ooo words on "'Why Palco Premium Posts are not the chees" # and kisses
Order for a schooner load of Posts must accompanyeach essay
Post graduate3-you fellows that have reached the stage of saying "Oh yeah" to all post promises have a pleasant surprise ready to uncork. Palco Premium Posts are uniformally good. Shipment after shipment----every post is saleable. And that's Hot Cha in Postal lingo,