2 minute read

Millwork Institute lssue

Revised Orange County Lumbermcnts

Sash and Door Schedules

The Millwork Institute of California has just announced the publication of Stanclard Sash & Door Schedules No. 132,.it bejlg a revision and simplification of the preceding editions, Nos. 128 and ID.

In compiling this edition, the Institute's Schedule Committee gave careful consideration to all suggestions for improvement submitted by members and other users of the schedules since the original publication of No. 128. All suggestions of merit have been incorporated in this issue. F mphasis has been placed upon attaining clarity and sirnplicity.

A further improvement over former editions is the nerv loose-leaf manner in which No. 132 is compiled. This ivill enable the committee to issue new sheets whenever market or manufacturing costs changes \4'arrant, thereby keeping the schedules in balance so that a uniform discount mav at all times be applied. The revision of a sheet or two r'rom time to time will involve but very little expense.

The Schedule Committee, under the able chairmanship of Al Koehl of Los Angeles, who is also southern vice president of the Institute, has done some very thorough work in compiling this new edition. They have worked constantly for several months, and in addition to the gen- eral experi,ence gained through the use of former schedules, the committee has been composed of men thoroughly conversant with the subject of sash and door schcdules.

Standard Sash & Door Schedules No. 132 are being distributed to the mills and dealers on the following basis: I to 1O copies, $1 each; 11 to 50 copies,85 cents each; 5l and over copies, 75 cents each. The above prices include a loose-leaf binder for the schedules.

Golf Tournament May 18

_ The next golf tournament of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club rvill be held at the Hacienda Countiy Club, Whittier, on Wednesda-y, May 18, L932, instead of tie California Country Club as previouslv announced. The arrangements committee for the tournament includes: N. E. Leitz, Barr Lumber Company, Santa Ana; R. E. Hostetler, Costa Mesa Lqmber Co., Costa Mesa, and Art Kelly, Brown & Dauser Co., Fullerton.

National Forest Renamed for President Roosevelt

The name of the Colorado National Forest was changed on March 28 by proclamation of President Hoover to Roosevelt National Forest. the U. S. Forest Service announces. The forest renamed in honor of the late Theodore Roosevelt is located in north central Colorado and extends from near Denver to the Wyoming state line.

Mrs. Edith K. Roosevelt, widow of the late president, in a letter to the Secretary of Agriculture, has expressed her appreciation of the renaming of the forest as a tribute to the great conservationist and founder of many national forests.

Back From Southwest Trip

Perry A. Dame, Western sales manager.of the Creo-Dipt Company, returned to his San Francisco headquarters Apiil 30 from a seven weeks' business trip to Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and Nevada.

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