1 minute read
cond.f to Uen ifl tests prove I3BII SEAL OPBNEBS Save Tirnttre Money and Materials!
Zip and it's open!
In a series of comparative tests, Red Seal Openets averaged Iess than f/foth the time required to open the old style roll roofing. And not the slightest damage resulted to the materid as is frequendy the case where a knife is used to cut the wrapper. Flere's arcal selling story that will appeal to every one of your roll roofing customet:s . . and itts an advantage available exclusively to Pioneer Deders. Make this test for yourself! Find out why lumber dealers everywhere are saying, ttRed Seal Openers are the first real contribution to roll roofing in years!"
.nlBes PBOOF -- Read what this roof,ng contractor says:
proximately 10O hours of working time, or more than the full time of one man working for a period of two weeks. Pioneer has led the field in this remarkable new improvement.t'
(Signed) Theo. Michael Engineering Department,; J. L. Michael & Son, Roo6ng Contractors t'Naturally I was enthusiastic about the Red Seal Opener I frcm the voly firct roll I opened, but I really didn't think what it meant in dollars and cents to the roofing contractor until the Chrysler job came along. There, we laid 7 acres : of roofing. It took 7oo0 rolls. If only a minute per roll was saved over the old method of opening-we saved ap- 7