1 minute read
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For High Earty Strength Concrete
When your customer hos o drivewoy to pove in o hurry. . . Or o concrete iob in o plont where production must go right on -
Or ony iob where time is crowding him, recommend -
High Earty Strength Cement
Poths qnd drivewoys poved withVEIO wif f stond troffic within 24 hours.In building construction, forms con be stripped within 24 to 48 hours, while mochine foundotions, floors, looding plotforms ond similor work con be used ofter o 24 hour set.
Vf tO conforms to oll the specificotions for stondord Portlond cement.In qddition, it is highly plostic qn d produces o dense,wotertight concrete. For oll-oround quolity plus emergency service . . deolers should stock ond recommend VE LO Cementt