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MacIl0tfALID & HARRIIIGTOil, LTID. 16 cArrFoRMA jffii;ir* FBANcrsco

Wholesalers of all West Goast forest ProductsCreosoted and Wohtartzed Lumbet and Piling- RAIt_CAReO


J. H. Baxter & Co. lssues New Booklet

One of the most interesting new advertising booklets on wood is just off the press and available for distribution through California lumber dealers to their home prospects and contractor ,customers. It has been issued by J. H. Baxter & Co., Los Angeles, with the distinct forethought of first selling the outstanding advantages of building your home of wood and second of showing how Chromated Zinc Chloride salt treated wood can be effectively used to prevent termite and fungus attack, thus making a wood home both lower in first cost and as permanent and low in maintenance cost as those built of other materials.

The attractive four-color brochure illustrated here appeals to the home owning instinct of all readers. The two young people who are about ready to build a home are shown i,n conversation on the cover, and on the following page, expressing their desire for an attractive up-to-date home that is safe and comfortable as well as low in cost through the years. Their conclusion is to build a house of wood. Then under the heading "It's Good Business to Build Your Home of Wood," the many merits of wood construction are persuasively discussed. How wood can be protected against termites or fungus and this problem overcome in wood homes is then clearly explained.

In the last part of the booklet Baxco CZC pressure treated lumber is recommended for use in the portions of houses where termite and dry rot damage mostly occurs. The qualities of Chromated Zinc Chloride salt in Baxco CZC lumber are pointed out and the availability of this pressure processed lumber through the lumber dealer is featured.

Mcnrufcrcturers' order files cre lcrge,. shipments crre slowing up. We hqve q lcrge inventory cnrd cre prepcrred to give you quick shipment.


The book is an excellent answer to the claims that wood homes cannot be built to be low in up-keep 4nd erpens up for the lumber dealer a profitable method of competing with many materials of the permanent type by selling pressure treated lumber.

30" x 12" Endleas Bed Orton Plqner direcl motor driven. Price ' $750 Arnerican 24" x7" Plqner, withouttower. Price .....". $250 Rebuilt cnd gucrtneteed.


1163 E. 63rd St., Los Ingeles CEntury 29235 We Tr<rde Termg


Retail lumber salesman for Los Angeles and surrounding territory. State experience and qualifications. Salary is open. Address Box C-760, California Lumber Merchant.

Will Sell Or Trade

Table Tilt Top Saw and all accessories including switches. 5 H.P., direct drive. Will sell or trade for lumber truck. Sawmill Sales Co., 601-619 W. Garvey (31 miles east of Five Point), Baldwin Park, Calif. Telephone Covina 64&01.


Man 20 to 30 years of age with office and yard experience. A real live wire. Give age, experience and salary expected. Address Box C-757 California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Lumberman Wants Position

Retail lumberman with twenty years experience wants connection. Has filled all positions from yardman to yard manager. Knows building materials. Southern California experience. Go any place. Can furnish references. Address Box C-755, care California Lumber Merchant.


Portland, Oregon, April 28.-"Building a Home With Western Pines" is the title of a new motion picture film, which has just been released by the Western Pine Association. This is the third talkie-movie in a series of industrial films made by the promotion department of the Association on behalf of the mills, factories and dealers, who produce handle and deal in lumber and related products manufactured from Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine and associated species growing in the Western Pine region.

The new film is an interesting step-by-step portrayal of the actual building of the Western Pine Home at the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island in San Francisco B"y. Opening with scenic flashes of San Francisco's skyline, the Bay bridges and Treasure I'sland, the successive stages in the construction of this Cape Cod Colonial house are shown from the staking out of the foundation lines to the completely furnished home.

An added feature of the latest Western Pine film is the 130 feet of natural color (Kodachrome) in the closing scenes, which shows the beautiful finishing treatments on the pine


Wanted for Los Angeles territory, Industrial Salesman. Experience in Hardwoods, Ponderosa and Sugar Pines necessary. Address Box C-754, California Lumber Merchant.

Opening For Yard Man

Have opening for good yard man, capable of keeping up yard inventory, serving pick up trade, and shipping out orders of lumber and millwork. Large country yard in Central Coast section. Replies confidential. Address Box C-7 59, California Lumber Merchant.


Experienced man to handle wholesale orders and shipments. Must be familiar with grades, both softwoods and hardwoods. Give complete details when applying. Address Box C-756, care California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards For Sale

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petrol' eum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect E746.

Young Lady Desires Position

Expert lumber stenographer wants position with wholesale or retail lumber concern, either permanent or temporary. Have had 8 years California experience. Can furnish A-1 references. Address Box C-758 California Lumber Merchant.

woodwork and the harmonious furnishings in each room in the completed home.

Requests for bookings are invited by the Western Pine Association, Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon, from whom complete information regarding the film may be obtained.


R. H. M. Robinson, president of The Insulite Company, has just announced the election of E. W. Morrill as a vice president, and the resignation of E. H. Batchelder, Jr." as senior vice president in charge of sales, to devote his time to other business interests. With Mr. Batchelder's resig,natiofl, the position of senior vice president has been discontinued.

E. W. Morrill, who is well known in the building field, has been associated with The Insulite Company since 1926 in executive sales work and the technical development of the various l,nsulite building materials to serve modern building needs. He now assumes the administration of general sales operations and the determination of general sales policies of the company.

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