4 minute read
Dewalt Announces New \(/oodworking Machine
Partnership Dissolved
Announcement is made that the Stapleton Lumber Company was dissolved May 1 by agreement between the two partners, J. A. Stapleton and John H. Tyson.
Both partners are continuing in the lumber and piling business. Mr. Stapleton will do business under the name of Stapleton Lumber & Piling Com,pany, Mills Building, San Francisco, and Mr. Tyson will devote all his time to the Wholesale Lumber Distributors, Inc., Foot of 9th Avenue, Oakland, of which he is president.
F. G. (Frank) Thornton, who has been associated with Stapleton Lumber Company for some time has resigned. Mr. Thornton, who was for many years in the lumber department of the Charles Nelson Company, San Francisco, has not yet announced his future plans.
Douglas Fir Entrance Doors Factory-Fitted
The DeWalt Products Corporation, l32B Fountain Ave., Lancaster, Pa., annou,nces that its engineers have reached an outstanding achievement in designing the new Type GP DeWalt woodworking machine. It is light in weight, readily portable, and is indispensable for residen'ce building contractors, cabinet shops, woodworking shops, shipping departments, storage warehouses, department stores, and many similar applications.
It is designed to offer a fast, rugged and accurate machine in the low priced field, and with a compact cast frame has all the flexibility and variety of performance of the heavier type DeWalt machines. It is adaptable to any desired working position, accommodating a wide variety of saws, grooving heads, shaping cutters, routing and boring bitts, grinding wheels, sanding attachme.nts, etc.
The Type GP DeWalt is furnished in f, I, and ll horsepower rating.
New Officers Elected
V. J. Herrman was recently elected president of the Tilden Lumber Company, Berkeley, succeeding the late Waverly Tilden.
E. M. Tilden, Jr., is vice-.president and O. W. Weibel is secretary-treasurer.
The Fir Door Institute, Tacoma, Wash., announces that stock doors prefitted to exact size and ready to be hung are now available to dealers through the members of the Institute. The Tru-Fit line of Douglas fir entrance doors embraces designs to fit every major architectural trend. Among the twenty-seven separate layout styles are Colonial, Early American, Monterey, English, Fre,nch, Modern, and ultra modern doors.
The doors are manufactured from all-heartwood vertical grain, soft, old-growth Douglas fir. The preparation of the doors at the factory includes "easing" of the sides, application of scuffer strips, top and bottom, and i,ndividual wrapping. The prefitting of these doors come at no increase in cost. Other stock Douglas fir doors, including interior doors, may also be factory-fitted and scuffer-stripped at a small charge per opening, on order. Dealer helps, including folders and mailing pieces, are available to dealers through the Institute.
Announcement is made by L. J. Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, San Francisco, member of the Supreme Nine, that he has appointed William G. McHugh of I\{orrison-Merrill & Company, Salt Lake City, Vicegerent Snark for the state of Utah.
Mr. McHugh speaks encouragingly of the possibility of obtaining reinstatements of practically all the old members.
Ten Years Ago Today
From Moy 15,1999lssue
E. B. Harris, E. B. Harris was elected president of the Lumber Company, Inglewood, Inglewood Rotary Club.
Francis Boyd was the win,ner of the low gross prize, the Frank Curran cup, at the Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Oakmont County Club, Glendale, May 10. Don Philips won the low net prize, the Roy Stanton cup.
W. R. Chamberlin, ,W. R. Chamberlin & Co., will be chairman of the day at the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club meeting on May 23. "Slip" Madigan, football coach at St. Mary's College, will be the speaker.
Kenneth Smith, Lumber & Allied Angeles, addressed the Douglas Fir on April 30.
Products I,nstitute, Los Club of San Francisco article of the State ColLumber Company at San
Douglas fir timbers, the gift of the West Coast lumber industry, for the reconditioning of the famous frigate, Constition, "Old Ironsides," at Boston, Mass., were officially presented to the U. S. Navy, April 16, at Seattle, 'Wash.
This issue carries an illustrated lege branch yard of the San Diego Diego.
D. D. McCallum has started in business in Los Angeles where he is manufacturing and wholesaling sash and doors. He is owner and manager of the new concern, operating under the name of D. D. McCallum. His slogan is "For the Yards-Strictly Wholesaling."
Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company held their fourth annual picnic for their employees and their friends. Nearly 200 people enjoyed the outing.
Lochlin Dernier has joined the sales stafi of the RollAway Window Screen Co. of Berkeley, Califor,nia, and will call on the Northern California retail lumber trade, from Bakersfield north. He is well known in California Iumber circles, and for the past few years was with the E. M. Dernier Service Bureau of Los Angeles.
East Bay Club Meets May 22
The next dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 will be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, May 22.
George E^idemiller, salesman for the wholesale department of Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, left April Z7 f.or a three weeks' trip to Honolulu.
O When this Soles Monoger receives on order, he turns to o Roting Book where he knows he will find uptodqte informotion-becquse the book is supplemented twice-q-week.
O He knows whqt is going on in the industry-he leqrns of the new concerns stcnting up, prospective buyers of his firm's products-of Credit Roting chonges of the firm's customers ond "prospecls", ond of ony hoppenings thot elfect purchosing power ond pcying cbility.
O The Credit Service he uses is "geored" to his needs. It gives him definite qnd complete coveroge of the Lumber cnd Woodworking Industries-just the inlormcrtion he wqnts-no "excess boggcge" to pcy for.
O He uses the Lumbermen's Red cnd Blue Book Service ol credit and sqles informqtion, on which lumbermen hqve relied Ior more thon 60 yeors. It meets his needs to q "T".
O If you sell in wholesole quontities to buyers of lumber qnd ollied products, it will fill your needs excctly. Let us prove it by 30 doys use ol the complete service ON APPROVAL crnd without obligotion. Write our neqrest olfice.
The services of our Collection Depcrhent cre clwcys avcrilcble to !rou, crnd the rcrtes cre recrsonqble.