3 minute read

|\IOVIE"TPEE ailEtU'{l i'iguiiE DEILEA

Typical Conments from Enthusiastic Dealers...

"Your mqryelou! plctuo wce ghowo bere lo capaclty crow&. lile wtsh to thonl you moet hccntlly lor the opportuuity to ahow the people where we g6t the high cl^s lunber rpe hqve lor iherr in our ycrd."Fred Duncqneon, Winnebcao, Minn.

i... We showed'TREES C MEN'to ll00 people. We were compelled.to run it twlce eo cll might see it."-Elmwood Lunber Co., Elmsood, Wis.

'l r r Nothing but the highest lype oI comptiments pcid rbe show."-Hqmnond Lun. ber Go., Hc'n-on& Wis.

"r... fhe first show wds very crowded. After the second show, calls were gtill comlnE itu we ghowed it qgqln at l:45 P. M. \trle qre well pleose& ao lg lhe publicj' -Fullerton Lunber Co., Elleworth, Wis.

'L o We hcd qu qttendsnce ol sevbnhundred-lilty ol our ghow. It geens thst lhlr nethod ol cdvertieing ir the best thqt we hcve crrived cl yet."-Gentrcl Lumber Co- New Rlchnond, \llls.


Firsi Nctioncl Bqrt Bldg., Sqint Pcnrl, Minnesolc Plecrse send ne the "TREES 6 IvIEItl" lolder qnd tell me wben I cqn qrrqnge cr showing.

Nqme ol Deqler.



My father smiled this morning when He came donrnstairs, you see, At mother; and when he smiled then She turned and smiled at me. And when she smiled at me, I went And smiled at Mary Ann, Out in the kitchen; and she lent It to the baker man.

So then he smiled at someone whom He saw when going by, Who also smiled, and, ere he knew Had twinkles in his eye. So he went to his office then, And smiled right at his clerk, Who put some more ink on his pen And smiled back from his work

And when this clerk went home he smiled Right at his wife, and she Smiled over at their little child As happy as could be.

And then the little girlie took The smile to school and when She smiled at teacher from her book Teacher smiled back again.

And then the teacher passed it on To little Jim McBride, Who couldn't get his lessons done No matter how he tried.

And Jimmie took it homg and told How teacher smiled at him, When he was tired, and didn't scold, But said, "Don't worrS Jim."

And when I happened there to be That very night to play, Jim's mother had a smile to spare, Which came across my way. And then I took it for a while Back home, and Mother said"Here is that very self-same smile Come back with us to bed."

The Right Answer

Question: IIow can I keep milk from turning sour in warm weather?

Answer: Mix the milk with the yolks of two eggs, put in a dash of sugar, beat well, when it gets piping hot, put in a goodly dash of whiskey-and send for me.

Not A Bad Offer

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used to relate a bantering conversation he had many years ago with a young English actor who was then making ten dollars a week in the cast of one of his plays. The youngster laughingly suggested that he would like to enter into a contract with Sir Conan by which they would agree to divide their incomes equally for the rest of their lives. Naturally, Sir Arthur turned it down. He learned to regret the decision. The young actor was Charlie Chaplin.


Business is not static. ff it were, there would be more sure fire formulas for business success. Business changes constantly and sometimes violently. Alert management shapes policies to meet current needs.


Question: I hesitate to invite people to my home because my English is so poor. What would you suggest?

Answer: "Don't be silly! Nowadays people don't care about the quality of your English. ft's your Scotch they judge you by.


The Hotel Lexington in New York, whose clientele includes many salesmen and buyers from other cities, keeps a record of the business houses represented among the guests. A breery lady buyer from the 'West, after filing her name and address on the registration card, seemed to be brought up short by the query: "Firm?" She nibbled her pen a moment, then wrote: ttNot very."

-The New Yorker.


I do the best I know how, the very best I can. f mean to keep on doing that down to the very end. If the end brings me out wrong, then ten angels swearing I had been right would make no differBnce. If the end brings me out right, then what is said against me will not amount to anything.

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