1 minute read
WEYERq{AEUSER Ll6l{TS rl4s ffiW
I'his is c lree show for your customers. It is c cqre' Iully worked out crnd tested 4'SQUARE promotion which pqcks'em in, then sends them home plecsed crnd grctelul to the 4-SQUARE dealer lor real entertainment, crnd with <r better understcrnding of modern lumbering.
It's been so simple to crrcrnge.. The 4'SQUABE decrter merely lollows the tested plcrn. He dishibutes the crttrqctive illustrcted hcrndbills, cnrd the tickets, which qre all imprinted crnd lurnished free. There cre crlso free posters.
Hcving crrcrnged with local movie theatre lor c specicl show, he runs the newspaper crd crnd letrs his customers crnd prospects, in town <rnd country, know thcrt his ycrrd is hecrdqucrrters lor 4'SQUABE improved lumber, qlso thcrt <rvcrilable thru him are the many vclucble 4'SQUARE services,the Demonstrqtion Homes' Farm Plcrn Senrice <rnd Installment Selling.
Ifs the deqler's show from st<rrt to linish. Even the trqiler on the lilm flcrshes his ncme in screen size letters to remind the crudience thcrt they cre guests of his ycrd. This lree show is iust one part ol the Weyerhceuser ptogrqm lor 4'SQUABE decrlers"
Twocolor illusbsted hqndbills, posters, notwle paper mcts qnd gpecicrl trciler on film conplete this.effective plcn, wb'ich is cll recdy tor dealer's uge.