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SeIIing c0NsTR|JCTt0 tf

To lrfake ilfore Protlls tot tou

Crrotr* rs sELLTNG Good

Construction At a Prof.t to You-thtoagh its largest national advertising and promotional campaign in ten years using Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, Better Homes and Gardens, American ffome, House and Garden, ffouse Beautiful and 74 otber leading pabli cat ions rcaching consumers and tradethrough its biggest and strongest consumer and trade direct mail campaign-through the largest field force it has ever had to help you sell. Our stricr through-the-dealer sales policy brings this business to lotr.

Tho prctaclldcalmyto tha ao.l vllcl pad. of a hona qt Io, cotl

Celotexnetional advertisiogon Safety Seded Conscuctioo is selliog an idea 4c lo, exTrib le Sea led Rdn e pmdrcts to seal the top of the house rgainst the elemeats-l-iacb Cclor.x Vaporseal lztb to seal top-f,oor ceiliogs against e:cess sumEer heat-wiotef fuel waste-vapor coodensation.Cclotex Vapo*scel Sbeatbhs outside the framework tnil Vapor-xal lztb inside, with "breathiog space" betweea, to give strong, wind-tighg fuel-saving side walls, cogectly vapor.sealed providing gumnteed protection at low cost!

ASp||ttT sItilcLEs, stDtilc, n00Ftltc sTnucrunil. tilsut ATt0lt, tllrEnton Ftiltsll

9t9 NORTH AlttCHtcAN AVE, CHICAGO, tu.tNots

Tlu wil Cdda h a banil w iilatilv;rq a grwp of Fotfude mhcteit bV ftu Cdd6

Crprclim aut h fddcrt u a ,ruila-Mh thm d,tuttac k ,hh adodtirmaf

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