3 minute read
Arizona Dealers Hold Annual at Phoenix
George Reitzer Elected President
George Reitzer, Clifton Lumber & Im,provement Co., Clifton, was elected president of the Arizona Retail Lumber and Builders Supply Association, Inc., at the annual convention held at the Hotel Westward Ho, Ph,oenix, May 6. He succeeds Louis Jennings, Jennings Lumber Company, Safiord, and will serve for the ensuing year.
Albert Stacy, Bassett Lumber Company, Douglas, was elected first vice-president, and J. F. Olds, Olds Bros., Winslow, was elected second vice-president. Chris Totten, Phoenix, was re-elected secretary-manager,
Francisco; Harold Britt, Foxworth-McCalla Lumber Company, Phoenix; Jack Stevens, Hamman Lumber Company, Phoenix; R. A. Nickerson, assistant secretary, Arizona Retail Lumber and Builders Supply Association, Tucson; M. H. McCalla, FoxworthMcCalla Lumber Company, Phoenix; and Chris Totten.
ChriE Totten
The directors elected were: Louis Jennings, Jennings Lumber Company, Safford; M. H. McCalla, FoxworthMcCalla Lumber Company, Phoenix; H. S. Corbett, J. Knox Corbett Lumber Company, Tucson; Paul II. Morton, Central Commercial Company, Kingman; F. M. Pool, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Company, Superior; Albert A. Hays, J. D. Halstead Lumber Company, Phoenix; John G. O'Malley, O'Malley Lumber Company, Phoenix; Avery Corpstein, Valley Lumber Company, Phoenix; Grady Stubbs, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Company, Holbrook; Claude A. Hayes, Prescott Lumber Qqrnrpanl, Prescott; J. F. Olds, Olds Bros., Winslow; L. M. Hamman, Hamman Lumber Company, Phoenix; Cecil Drew, E. P. Drew & Son, Mesa; Jim Henderson, Henderson Lumber Company, Bisbee; George Reitzer, Clifton Lumber & Improvement Co., Clifton; Neal Waugh, Neal B. Waugh Lumber Company, Tucson, and Wm. Killen, Foxworth-Killen Lumber Company, Tucson.
M. H. McCalla and Chris Totten were elected directors of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association.
The meeting started with a luncheon after which there was an executive session and election of officers.
Speakers on the program were J. E. Mackie, Western manag'er, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, San
Mr. Mackie paid a fine tribute to wood as a building material, stating that some of the oldest dwellings in the country are of wood. one being a house in Dedham, Massachusetts, built in 1636, also .the Pontabla Apartments in New Orleans built in 1840 and still occupied. Both these houses are entirely of wood construction. He discussed building costs, and also referred to the low fire hazard of frame dwellings in the United States.
The subject, "Why a discount should be given to contractors," was debated by Jack Stevens, taking the affirmative, and Harold Britt, the negative, and proved very interesting, both men handling the subject with ease and confidence.
M. H. McCalla spoke on "The value of close cooperation with the Association," citing the different associations such as steel, coal and cement, and the successful stabilizing of conditions by such cooperation
"What move ca,n be made to increase the use of lumber in the construction of homes," was discussed by R. A. Nickerson in a very interesting and capable manner.
Chris Totten g'ave his report of the last year's activities of the industry in Arizona, a.nd after an informal discussion in which many of those present took part, the meeting adjourned.
It was one of the most successful and constructive meetings the Association has had in several years, a.nd the attendance was very good, over seventy members being present.
Port Orford Cedar
A Vision
A vision came to me last night while I slept.
I saw the Christ look down upon the world, He wept; And then He knelt, and raised His eyes and hands in prayer;
And peace fell o'er the world, and there was silence there;
And then he spoke, His words came pure, and clear, and sweet;
"Oh, Father, here I kneel humbly at Thy feet, Praying that Thou let Me g'o once more to earth, To consummate the plans for which Thou gavest Me birth;
For there the hypocrites, self-righteous ones do reign, My lessons of sweet peace and holy love seem all in vain.
Oh, Father, grant Me now again I rpray this boon, For Thou did'st send Me there TWO THOUSAND YEARS TOO SOON."
-Frederick G.
Elected President Coast Counties Club
Henry Hansen, Union Supply Company, Monterey, was elected president of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club at the last meeting of the board of directors. George N. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, who was elected president at the Club's annual meeting, on March 3, found it impossible to accept the position due to his ill health during the past winter.
Going And Coming
Glenn O. Fogleman, manager, The California Door Company, Los Angeles, is spending a few days at the company's sawmill at Diamond Springs, Eldorado County.
Ralph M. Rounds, Wichi:a, Kansas, president of the Rockport Redwood Co. Rockport, Calif., was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles and San Francisco offices.
Stuart Smith, Doud-Smith, Los Angeles, spent several days on a fishing trip in the High Sierra around the first of the month and brought in several limit catches.
Here's a Story to Carry Home With You
The traveling man walked into the dining room of the hotel, and sat down. It was breakfast time, and the waitress came to take his order.
"Young woman," he said, "listen carefully, because I want this breakfast just exactly like I order it. See? First, I want some toast. Burn it black on one side, and don't cook it at all on the other. Then I want some scrambled eggs. Stir them till they get full of lumps, and then burn 'em. And I want some weak coffee. and I want it served luke warm."
The waitress listened in wonder.
Back From Arizona Trip
Ray Shannon, IJnion Lumber Compa.ny, Los Angeles, has returned from Arizona where he spent a few days with R. B. Howell, their Arizona representative, calling on the Phoenix a.nd Tucson dealers.