3 minute read

Homes Are Better Where the Dealer ls Directly lnterested

Bv Jack Dionne

We have crlwcys contended thct cr community in which there otrrerctes one or more live crnd on-the-iob building merchcnis, is c lortuncte community, indeed; ihct the lumber decrler is either c blessing or cr stumbling block to his towtt" depending entirely upon the mcnner in which he hcmdles his stewcndship.

This is true in many wcys, cnd lor many sound recaons. For instqnce, the live curd worthwhile building mctericrl merchant is MORE interested in securing new cmd better homes lor his town, thcm he is in simply relling the building Ercterials lrom which these homes shcrll be constnrcted; thct his intereet is mutuql with fhat ol the hone builder, hirnsell cnrd stops only ct the point where the consumer is hcppily cmd $rtistactorily supplied with the best possible home for his mecnre

Hcrs it ever occurred to you, Mr. Building MerchtmL thqt the town in which the lumber' ncrn is directly interested in securing or crecrting lor his clients scrtislcrctory homes, secureg Ictr better hones thcrn the town where this is NOT the ccrse? Undoubiedlyl Remember the story oI fhe ierry-built house thct lell down beccruse lhe ccreless coatrtrctor took down the exterior sccdolding belore he put on the wcll-pcrper. In mcrny ccrses where the lumber merchcrnt hcs no direct interest, they build homes chnost that bcrd. But NOT where the lurnbermcsr, himsell, hcs c finger in the pie. Beccruse the lurnbernqn ie in town to stcrl', he hcrs cr reputction to sustain if be is to keep on selling building mctericls, crnd knows thct his ulri'rrcrie success depends on the good will ol the building public. And he knows that houses built merely to sell-regcrdless oI proper mcrtericls curd construction-will probably give trouble sooner or lqter; generclly aooner.

So, when the lumbermcn hcrs cny responsible connection with the building ol cr home, he is going to see to it thct the plcce is built right using the right natericrls in the righl wcry, othenrise the blcnne comea bcck to him iI the house begins to "give dowa-. The consumer who buys cr home from or through the lumber decrler, or in some intelligent mcnner mckes the lumber dealer responsible lor the chcrcrcter ol the honre he gets, is going to get a better house, in qll humcn probcbility, thqn in trny other wcy.

You hcrve both cr gerious responsibility tmd cr distiDct cdvcntcge in thct thought qnd lhct 1o"tr l/h. Lumber Merchant. Bemember to both coDaetse cmd preserve it.

Sash and Door \fholesalers Will Hold Golf Tournament May 23

The Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California will hold a golf tournament at the Baldwin Hills Golf Course, Tuesday afternoon, May 23.

The golfers will compete for two beautiful trophies, the Earl Galbraith and Bill Sampson cups, also prizes will be awarded in the other events. Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 p. m., after which the trophies and prizes will be presented to the winners.

"Pick" Maule and Atr Koehl are in charge of the arrangements. Reservations can be made by calling Secretary Earl Galbraith, VAndike 0845, Los Angeles.

Machinery Firm Adds Two


Two salesmen were recently added to the staff of Kemp Machinery Co., 1133 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles, dealers in new and used machi.nery. These are Bill Dolbee, a former well known millwright, and Maurice Horan, experienced electric tool salesman.

This firm recently took over the agency for the American Sawmill Machinery Co. They are age.nts in Southern California and Arizona for J. A. Fay & Egan Co., and represent R. B. Rogers Machinery Co., Los Angeles, manufacturers of cut off saws, jointers and radial saws. They are also agents for the Skilsaw line of portable electric saws, drills and sanders.

Oscar P. Kemp is the owner of Kemp Machinery Co., and his son James O. Kemp is his assistant.

Perry Dame California Visitor

Perry A. Dame, sales manager of Vancouver plywood & Veneer Co., Vancouver, Wash., was in San Francisco and Los Angeles for a week early in May. While in Los Angeles he called at the office of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Southern California sales representatives for his concern.

Buys Yard At Santa Barbara

Gordon Cudworth, formerly with the Barr Lumber Company at Santa Ana, has purchased the Ganahl Lumber Company at Santa Barbara.

Happy Event

Born, on Sunday, April 30, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Normen Cords at Merritt Hospital, Oakland, a son, Robert Normen, weight 7 lbs. Brl ozs.

The happy father, who is with Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, says the boy looks as if he might make a good lumberman.

James Wtsnom On World Tour

James Wisnom, Wisnom Lumber Co., San Mateo, sailed April 77 on the motorship Canada for a trip around the world. This will be his fourth globe-circling trip. When in Ireland he will visit his old home in Belfast. He is accompanied by John Wisnom, also of Wisnom Lumber Co.

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