The California Lumber Merchant - May 1940

Page 1





0 OO n) copyriTt t /e3e ty cttc,hd rrolucts corpvl,in l. Fcrces:-Specicl 3-Ply Fir Selected Fqce lor pcint or (S tlg



2. Core:-All Sugcrr Pine to insure 6ght weight. 3. Glue:-Core blocks individuclly glued lor lcsting strength. 4. Bcrnds:-Verticcrl Fir to crssist in litting. 5. Carried in stock l3/e" lot interior qind l9/q" Ior exterior. 3600 Tyburn Street

Los Angeles, Cqlil

Albany 0l0l Sold Only Through Decrlers


vol, t8. No. 22

Index to Advertisements, Page 3

MAY 15, 1940

Houston, Texas, The Gulf Coast Lumberman, America's foremost retail lumber journal, We also publish - whichatcovers the'entire Southwest and Middlewest as the sunshine covers California.


May 15, 1940

Sa fegaard Against Destractive Condensation

The new improved Sealed Lok-Joiot Lath is fabricated from Graylite (integrally treated with aspbalt) and provided with a vapor seal on the

reverse side to retard vapor travel from ioside rooms ro stud spaces.

Bildrite Sheathing controls the dissipation of such vapor as may escape the vapor bar-

rier into the outside air. By permitting vapor passage, it effectively prevents condensa-

tion within the stud spaces.



NO ITOUSE is modern unless the condensatioo problem has been squarely met and overcome. Vapor is always prevalent in the air. It generally travels from warm to cold areas, quickly passing through unprotected inside walls into stud spaces and there condenses. The Neu INSULITE S7ALL OF PROTECTION controls vapor. The combinatiooof Sealed Graylite Lok-Joint Latb etreaively retards the passage of vapor, while Bildrite Insal.ating Sheatbing allows aoy possible vapor within the stud spaces to escape. Sealed Graylite LoA-Joint Latb is the same, safe, rigid plastering surface. The famous "Lok" secures each unit, reduces danger of plaster cracks to the minimum, thus assuring smooth walls and ceilings.

Copyrisht 1940, by Inrulit

Bildrite Sheatbing with four times the bracing strength of wood sheathing horizontally applied, ofiers you the ultimate in stroag, practical insulating sheathiag. Together these insulating materials form the INSULITE nfALL OF PROTECTION. lfrite Insulite, Dept. C50, Minneapolis, Minnesota, for complete information describing how the INSULITE I7'AIL OF PROTECTION conrols vapor, guards against condensation within wall areas. INSUIITE PRODUCTS INCLUDE: Stntcttnah Sealed Graylite Lok-Joint Latb, Graylite Lok-

Joint Lath, Ins-Lite Lok-Joint Lath, Bildrite Sheathing. lntcrior Fiaishes: Ins-Lite, Graylite, Smoothcote, Satincote

in 4 washable colors, Hardboards, Acoustilite, Fiberlite

I NSU LlrE @





May 15, l9,f0

Millwork Panels Wall Board Sash Doors CALIFORNIA BUILDERS SUPPLY CO.

700 Ah Avenue,

15th a Spear Sts.


Sacramcnto COmltodc 1777

Hlsatc 6016

CENTRAL VALLEY HOO-HOO CLUB The monthly dinner meeting of Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club was held at the Clark Hotel, Stockton, Calif., on Monday, April D. Tom Jones, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton, president of the Club, presided. Loys T. Newton was the speaker of the evening. S. F. PERMITS SHOW INCREASE

Building permits for the month of April in San Francisco were valued at $2,359,083. Total value of work covered by the 3,O20 permits issued during the first four months of the yearwas $10,550,190, as compared with 3,043 permits amounting to $8,1n,467 issued during the first four months of 1939'

BUY YARD AT LEMON GROVE The sale of the interests of the late Herman J' Bjornstad

in the Lemon Grove Lumber Company, Lemon Qrove, Calif., to Stephen Westover, in conjunction with C. H. Schulte and E. L. Sunbury, has been announced. The yard will be under the management of Mr. Westover who has had many years' experience in the lumber business in California.

HENRY HESS ON HAWAIIAN TRIP Henry Hess, president of Henry Hess Compatry, San Francisco, and Mrs. IIess are enjoying a vacation in the Hawaiian Islands. They sailed from San Francisco on the Matson liner Lurline on April 11 and expected to be gone about two months.


White BrotherE-------------------------


I. E MARTIN McncgingEditor

W. T. BTACK Advertising McurcEer

May 15, 1940


W. T. BLACE 615 Leqvcnworth 3t.

Sca Froclrco PBoapect 3810

JackDionne,publ*hu l,t. ADAM' Clrcdctioa Mclcgrr

Soulhcr:r Beprersladr.

t.c.Drourc,",-.ts3T,*".?t.""El'#fu lTV"l-"?#iH"r.",ooosccrltcry Pub&Lcd tho lr! cad l5tL ol eqcb raoatl qt 318-19-20 cglga .rua1"e;ros w-;-siiii SixtL Ff,.ji-r,"T Strccr. Lor^$9r-c-l_ec, 9, l(B_Wilt Lgcreo, Cqt.,-fotopUoc col- port rorr VArdtLe {565 d.r.6 c. tr.coD.t.Glct _Ecil.r-g.ptctrbcr g', 192t, igt;-ai at tha th; poitidmci Lor 'c€p9.clar.-Eattrr.Srptcrabcr_25, Ansrter, Cqtilorntq.'uadrr -Aa' o{ l,i-"if-i; idtg' "t

Subrcipaion Price, $ZJl0 per yecr Single Copies,25 centr elch.


NOBEBT AYLIN S*oad Nctl. B-D lldg. Hourtoa, Texsr

Advertiaing Bcler on Applicction


How Lumber Looks May 7, 194O.-The weekly

averase ot.S.:?,,1",jMashington, West Coast lumber prq4u_ction in April (4 weeks) was l4l,2l3,W board feet, or 71.7 per cent bf th! weekly'alrer_

age..for.l92Gl9D, the ind_ustry,s years of highest clpacity real-ization, according to the We.t Coast Luribermen',s AJ_ sociation in its mon-thly survey of the industry. Orders averaged .139,O7^6,CfJlc.-board feit; shipments, i39,g29;000. Th.".industry's unfilled order file siood ai Sti,Sei,m ,board feet at the end of March I gross stocks, at 991,b00i00. West Coast lumber held its 6wn during'April,;iih;; noteworthy change from its February-Maicn jevel. With the home-building rnarket as its m-ainstay. the industrv meets the second quarter of the year in a fiir position brit wlth. uncertainty .in. its outlook because of the possible ettect of war conditions on general business trends. The shipping. shortage remains thi major barrier to its progress. The shortage of water space :has grown more sJrious month by month. As the West Coasl lumber industry is pred.ominantly a water-moving industry, tna tacf. #ifiip, plocks out a large part of its capacity at the sawmill docks. une hope_tul element in the shipping situation is the Buck_ Johnson Resolution which, if enacled, will in time make available for water-borne, lumber trade ships now laie ;p. Relief will be slow because of the time required to ,ecoi_ dition old ships for efiective service. A second retarding influence on the industry has been the.exceptionally la_te winter, with snowfall reported in the Midwest as late as May 1. According to Dodge, residential FujlAilq for the.first quarter of t94O"ran aboit'g10,000,000 behind last year's firsf quarter. When real sprins *""ifr., gomgs, the 1940 home-building market shouid p"roceed at its 1939 pace, barring changes iue to war. week ended April 27, lg40, 492 mills produced ^^Pgi"g thefeet 230,889,000 of softwoods and hardwooas .bmb;nea.

shipped 239,782,W feet, and booked orders of 230,705,000 feet, according to reports to the National Lumber'Manufacturers Association from the regional associations covering the operations of representative hardwood and softwood mills.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended Mav 4, III mills reporting, gave orders as 75,323,W feet, shipments 72,871,W f.eet, and production 72,5I5,0n feet. Orders on hand at the end of lhe week totaled 23\S7A,W feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended May 4, L27 mills reporting, gave orders as 32926,00O feet, shipments 30,698,000 feet, and production 26,M,W f.eet" Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 73,4ff.,W feet.

Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended May 11 totaled 24,377,W feet as compared with 14,568,000 feet the previous week. Pacific Coast building activity during April, 1940, registered a gain of 21.13 per cent over the same month last year but was about the same as the preceding month, according to the 'Western Monthly Building Survey prepared by H. R. Baker & Co., San Francisco. Los Angeles was in first place with a total permit value of. 5,757,617. San Francisco, in second position, had a total of $2,359,083 and Honolulu was in third place with permits amounting to $l,Z4l,7lZ. Seattle, Burbank and Long Beach followed with totals over one million dollars, while several other Southern California cities established all-time records during the month.

Sudden t Ghristenson Lunbcr ard thlpptng 7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg.,

310 Sansome Street. San Francisco


Auoricrn Mitl Co. Hoquirrn l,rrnbcr & Shinglc Q6. Hulbcrt MilI Co.

Vilhpr Hrrbor Lunbcc Milb LOS ANGELES

630 Boerd of Tndc Bldg.

Abordlo, \Prrb. Hoquirm, !7erh. Abcndrra, VuL

STBAMBRS Ryder Hr,,ify

Annic Chri*cnron

Dorothy Crhilt

Edvin Chrirtearoa

Jane Chrirtcnroo

Certcrinc G. Suddo

. kynoa4 VrA. Cherla Chrircoro Bilrch Odccr: SEATTLE

Netioorl Banl of Concr,cc Bldg.

Elcenor Chriacom

PORTI.AI\D 2(Xl HcarT Bldg.

May 15, 1940

Phg ot buttaflic1 tluh or V.joint op-

tiaal in Oah Plaft.


St rrlnn/ Q ea*qrtttltrrr" ,,, HARDWOOD FLOORS


Standatd snip ot "Nail.Scatcd" bco the NOFMA labcl.

reputcrtion rests on cr solid foundcrtion"OOL*'S built up over yeqrs of effort. This loundcrtion has been built, not by qccepting trs its linal attainmenl lhe best flooring which todoy's eguipment qnd methods turn outt but inslecd, bv regcnding itE cnrrenl best cs c guide lowqrds fiuther bettermenl . . . beccnrse tomonow's building dollar will dencmd nore in retunr thcrn todcy's.

substtute llooring mcrteriqls. Upon thct premier position resls your opportunity for prolit.

Brcdley recites this policy in recognition of ils obligclion to the decrler, building profession curd conaumer. For Brcrdley believes thcrt only by beinq qlert lo conslcmt chcnge ccrn it mcintcrin the premier mcsket position ol its hcrdwood llooring cgoinst cggressive competition lrom mclrers ol

tributors qnf'where in the United Stcrtes, Bradley invites inquLv lor Bed cnd White Ock Flooring in stcndcnd strip, "Ncil-Secrted," or plcrnk . . . qnd for Beech flooring . . . cll items beirig produced under grcrding rules ol the Nctionql Ocrk Flooring Mcnrulcrcturers' Associqtion.

In distibution, Brcrdley's methods hcve been developed to benelit the decler cnd user. . . which firrther conbibutes to the repulcdion oI Brodley's producls cmd service qs ilre Stcndcrd oI Compcr-

ison in hardwood llooring. With cmple siocks, availcble through loccl representqtives cnd dis-

Bneorsr Lumnnn GorrPrrft ffi q#'oFARKANSAS WP


Rcg. U. S. Pot. Offico


"So many Gods, so many creeds, So many roads that wind and wind, When all this sad world really needsIs just the art of being kind."

*{.* As we look at the world conditipns today, it looks very much like "the art of being kind" is one of the lost arts. {.*rF

I have received many letters of late quoting the Bible to show that the "end of the world" is at hand. One biblical student filled three single-space tlryewritten pages witb references that seem to him to point to present world conditions as indicative that the end is near. ,rt*

To those who interpret the scriptures literalln there is premonition in abundance to point to the early end of this world. To those who interpret it spiritually, there is abundant promise of hope and joy. Every time unusual things develop in this world, good and serious people read their Bible to prove that those signs which shall precede the final destruction of the earth, are at present with us. **{<

One of the kindest, sweetest, most Christian men I ever

knew died at the age of more than eighty. All his life, at very frequent intervals, he had pointed to the things he found in his beloved Bible to prove that the end of the world was approaching. I think he rather regretted that all his very definite prophecies failed to come true.

May 15. 1940

Which reminds me that the Book of Genesis furnishes, with regard to the stars, the all-time champion understatement. It tells of the creation. How the Lord labored for days making this world, and all that is in it. And after that labor was accomplished, just as a sort of after-thought, the Book says: "He made the stars also." Astronomy tells us that there are about seventy billions of major stars close enough to be estimated, and this earth one of the smallest of the small. Wouldn't it have been a sad oversight to have forgotten to make them? **r!

No, I don't think the "end of the world" is at hand. If the epidemic of murder that now so nearly encircles the globe were to wipe out the last human, this hunk of rock and sand and water would still go rolling on in its appointed place. *{<*

That, of course, won't happen, either. Sooner or later the gorilla men who now threaten the peace of the world, will go back to the darkness and foulness from whence they came and "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself' will once again become the basic law of civilized people. There will probably be dark days in between; but that right will prevail over wrong, love over hate, friendliness over force have not the slightest doubt. You will find mountains -I of such assurance in the New Testament.


rtarda story o' nou"l, ;. ;"" that greatly impressed I recently wrote one earnest man who was certain that mft Jefferson Davis, seeking a man for an important mis-

the things foretold in the Bible as immediately preceding s$n, asked Lee about a certain officer. Lee recommended the end of the world are now happening, and called his \ officer very highly. Whereat another officer expressed attention to what St. John the Divine said would happen his surprise that Lee should so praise a man who often when the end of theworld came. spoke most critically of Lee. The great general calmly re*{<* plied: "Mr. Davis wanted to know what I thought of that St. John says that at the end the stars shall fall down officer; not what that officer thought of me." upon the earth. Since we know that there are billions and billions of stars, each of which is thousands of times as big as this little celestial body we call "earth," (many of \l- lO"" of the most guoted stories of Lincoln is of that them as much bigger than this earth as this earth is bigger s&e type. A mutual friend advised Lincoln that Secretary than a single grain of seashore sand) that will really be Stanton had referred to him as a fool. "Well" said Lincoln, some fall, won't it? My friend didn't answer that one. smilingly. "If Stanton says I am, I must be, for I've found Guess he thought I was facetious. I was not. I was just Stanton to be nearly always right." quoting from the record. (Continued on Page 8)


May 15, 1940


IT PAYS TO SELL fhe exnra"yearage" of

Where Quality Sfarfs From extensive virgin forests in the regrion noted for growth of soft, even tex-

Nature gives Redwood the inherent

tured, comes the "Pcrul Bunycrr"

qualities which enable it to withstand

product. Soft Ponderoscr ond Sugcr Pine

exposure to earth, air and moisture.

cut by seiective logging. Milled, kiln-

Palco Redtrood has the accurate mill-

ing, proper curing and careful grading

seosoned crnd remcrrufactured under

that bring your customers back for more. It pays to sell the extra"yearage" of Redwood. It pays to buy Palco Red-

yeor round production.

wood. The Palco Redwood representa-

of industriol and building items. Strcight

tive will show you why.

ccrs or mixed cqrs.

Red River ships complete assortments

Sponson of tbe Dsrable Voods Institctc



IUMBER GO. WESTV/OOD, CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Seler Ofice: 715 Vertern Pacific Bldg., 1031 So. Broedway Varehoure: L. C. L lTholerale, 7O2 E. Slauson Ave.


Selec Ofice: 315 Moaadaocl gfit.ling


OAKI.AND Saler Or6ce: 908 Fiaencid C,cater Buildiag MEMBER WESTERN PINE ASSOCIATION

May 15, 19$


\ draws *\)bide \ MemoV is a wondrous consolation whereby man

at will the curtains of distance and of time, and enThe moral being that truly great men .,can take it.', Sush men never meet criticism with vindictiveness or reprisal. joys the witchery of departed days. Was reading the other day statistics on the rapid and continual grow,th of the number of divorces in this nation. They are veqy startling when you consider that we call this

a "Christian nation," yet Christ himself absolutely con-

demned divorce. Yet it is a fact that across the face of the marriage license of a tremendous percentage of American couples, the clerk might safely write this word: ..TEMPORARY."

{.*{. Mind you, I'm not condemning divorce. Just as death is often a happy release from a life that has grown intolerable, divorce is often a necessary release from a bond that has grown unbearable. But it lras become too common, and too easy to get Fortunate the human *ilo i"rl"en so wise that when he reaches those later years of life, he finds his storehouse of such treasures as affection and friendship, have not been made subject to the age limit. *{<*

Jealousy is the strangest monster mankind has to contend with; for it is the only beast that manufactures the meat it feeds upon.

However, the cynic Voltaire told of a man who "in his earlier years exhausted his capacity for physical sin, and spent his declining years indulging in crimes tJrat were entirely mental." 'woman's ptace in ,h. ;";

in orrrtrr""" and in the pro-

fessions has been a much-debated subject during recent decades. But, in spite of such inroads by the fair sex into

realms that formerly knew her not, the faci remains that woman's chief profession, today as it has always been- is MAN.

Home Loan Volume High In 1939 Home loans made by savings and building-loan associations of California in 1939 aggregated D,O32 in number and $723n,W in amount, the best year since the twenties, according to a survey just completed by the California Savings and Building-Loan League. Loans for the construction of homes in 1939 accounted for 50 per cent of the dollar volume. Home ownership was made possible for 11,768 families, which were assisted with loans aggregating $36,419,611, while 5612 loans totaling $13,907,157 were made for the purchase of homes.

PHILWALL wholcsale



including Douglas




Commons and Clears



DEAI.ENS. Exchaagr rorvicr-drqlor'r ultraat.d lubcr lor our Cbroastrd Zbc Chlorido rtocl

plur cbargr lor tr.atiag. Tr.atilgt doqlrr'r owl luabcr+ill rhip.

E.!tr lo our docl or bucl lob &06 drclcr'r ycrd.

t0l WEgl FlFTll 8t., Lor llsrolo gE! t30 MOIIIGOMEBY ST.,


E. T. STANTON & SON since 1892


ll.?r'ats, & h,

LOS ANGETES Conplete Philwall moldings wiihoul set-up charge


May 15, 1940


frigh Eaily Strength PORTI.AND GEMENT Gucacrnteed to neet or exceed requirements ol Americcm Society lor Testing Mtrtericrls Specilicctions lor High Early Strength Portlcsnd CemenL as well ce Federcl Speciliccrtions lor Cement, Portlcmd, High-Ecnly-Strength, No. SS-G201.

[IG[ IARI,T STRDIIGTH (28 dcv concrete sbengths ia 24 hours.)

SI'I.PHATD RISISTAIIT (Result oI courpound composition crnd usuclly Iound only in special

cementE desigmed lor this purpose.)

IInIMUIil DXPAIf$0If and G0ilTRACTI0If (E:ctreurely acvcre cruto-ckrve test recults consistently iadiccte prcrc-

tically no extrrcrnsion or conbcrction" thus elinincrting one oI most rlillisqll problems ia use oI cr bigh ecrrly sbength cement.)

, 0tf llEP KffCllEtY 7;-.1HEy say the modernization market is everlasting. That's tru". But there's one room in many homes that can cause


more dissatisfaction than any other. Hundred.s o;f womzn noar you heenly war*tlw conwnionne tlnt

onlg a mndern, attrortioe kifchon can gina them.

Why don't you go into the kitchen business? FHA has a time-payment plan to help you sell. Many Curtis Dealers make a specialty of remodeling kitchens. And lots of dealers have found that new kitchens planned the Curtis way actually help them sell house jobs! Do you know that Curtis has helped "Mrs. America" plan over 50,000 kitchens? The combination of Curtis sturdy wood cabinets and the fact that these cabinets give the housewife complete freedom in choosing her color scheme, is one big reason for this popularity with dealers. There's lots more to this Curtis Kitchen Planning story. You should know all about it. Why not return this coupon today? Get the Curtis plan. You can make it work for you qui,ckly, profrablu. If you live in Canada, write to W' CEdwards & Co., Limited, 991 Somerset St. W., Ottawa, Canada. Curtls Woodwork ls Rocommondod by loadlng Architccts Evorywhare

PAGIIDD III IIOISTUM. PNOOT GNIHI PAPDN SAGf, STAIITPHI WNil DATI OT PACKilG AT MTI.I (Users' qsaurcnce of lregh stock, unilonnity cnrd proper results lor concrete.)

EdhTrs wootrwoRK

o Mcmulcctured by


'llfet Proceg" MilL Ior Aagcler, Cclilgaic 721 Wert Sevcnth SEeel

CIltls nak!3 r comPlct. llnt of Archltrctt|trl Woodwo* hctrdlng thc f.moB SlL"EllTllE wlndow

-- - : ---- -- --::: --.- :--------!I r-:--Bunpeu, Clinton, Iowa CoMpewrpe Snnvrcp i Cu*rts 1--!

flease send me your new Kitchen Planning Book.

Ilr no".

al t Aildress----..




May 15, 19,{0

57 Year-Old San Francisco Firm Moves to N"w Location J. E. Higgins Lumber Company recently completed moving into their new location at 99 Bayshore Boulevard, San Francisco.

In a four-page removal announcement sent to the trade a brief history of this firm's progress was given under the heading, "A Few Milestones," beginning in 1883 when Frank Howard Allen and James Edwin Higgins started Allen & Higgins Lumber Company at 18 and 20 Spear Street, San Francisco, with an opening inventory of five cars of hardwood lumber. In 1897 they bought out their principal competitor, John Wigmore & Sons, and moved to Wigmore's location at Spear and Howard Streets. Mr. Allen passed away in 1901, and in 1906 the buildings and stock were completely destroyed in the big fire. Before the embers were cool new buildings were under construction and new stocks of hardwood lumber were on their way from the mills. J. E. Higgins bought the interest of Mr. Allen's widow in 1909 and in 1911 the firm name was changed to J. E. Higgins Lumber Company. The property at Sixth and Harrison Streets was purchased in I9L2 and the business moved to this location rvhere it remained for'?E years. The goodwill and inventory of the San Francisco branch of the Cadwallader-Gibson Company was purchased in 1925 for about $35O,00O, and in 1926,1927,1928 and t9Z9 the i* ventories were purchased of Edward F. Niehaus Company, Dieckmann Hardwood Company, the Hardwood Department of the American Trading Company and the Richards Hardwood Company, in that order. In l92B a block at Bayshore Boulevard and Army Street on the 'Western Pacific Railroad was purchased and modern hardwood dry kilns were installed and the first warehouse built. The factory of the defunct Sulmock Manufacturing Company in Oakland was purchased and operated as the Higgins Furniture Manufacturing Company until 1937. It is now leased to other interests. In 1931 The Higgins Company was organized with dis-, play rooms and offices at 2335 Broadway, Oakland, for the manufacture and installation of Venetian blinds and awnings, and installation of linoleum and all types of resilient and wood floors. This business was sold in 1938.



f# SE^


Beduced rccsimile

Mr.J. E. Higgins passed away in 1937 and J. E. Higgins,

Jr. was elected president. Early this year the necessary additional warehouses and office were built at the Bayshore yard. President J. E. "Ted" Higgins injected a little humor into the moving operations by having an artist draw a cartoon for the first page of the removal notice depicting the moving taking place in caravan style, led by a motorcycle escort.

Dl/T(buIoIU' ANo RS'MANUF/ACTUrt:V "WE/TFR! HEMTOCK"RB9 CeoAt urMbER.q /tt$t6rE/

pHoNe BR(movAY 347+ TER$if

rhcr cppecred in


PoRS',rAND, OrtF6o}}.

flrAL ,tAL?t lrLOG.

Rcril cnd Ccrgo Shipments




Arlhur lL Colc 16 Cclitomic SL

L T. (Art) Mcrthewr

Frrnlc tr Oough

Freruo 3-86116

YOIL 2968

Gf,rf,ctd 8870

3933 Nevcdc SL Frerlro

lll8 Trerncrhc


May 15. 1940

Make Mone


fOR SEIJIJING MORE IJUMBER? Attack the problem of increasing your lunber sales this s6y; Tell prospective customers about the advantages of Wolmanized Lt'--

ber*. Explain what it is, what it does, what it costs. Many will be seriously interested when they

O Here's your chance to get back into the overhead gmage door business. Stock and push the new CrawFir-Dor . . . and soon you'll have a real volume on this popular door. The Craw-Fir-Dor appeals to every builder and home owner because it's low-priced . . . because the price includes lock ... because it's easy to install ... because there is no servicing expense ... because it's ideal for both old and new garages. In addition to the 8-panel door shown in the illustration, two l6panel designs (one with sash) are now ofiered at slight extra cost. Don't delay the Craw-Fir-Dor profit parade to your yard. Stock up today. If your d.istribator can't supply yon, urite Fir Door Institute, Tacoma, lYash,, or Craulord Door Company, Detroit, Micb.


learn that Wolmanized Lumber gives dependable protection against expensive damage, yet adds less lhan 2/e to the total cost of an ordinary house. Once you get interest aroused, you are in a good position to sell both Wobnanized Lumber and the other materials required. Wolmanized Lumber is distributed through regular trade channels. You can get it from leading lumber producers, who ship in straight or mixed carloads. For complete information about it, write to AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY, 1648 McCormick Building, Chicago. *Reqdlrerod Trademark

Los Angeles: l03l South Broadway, PBospect 4360 San Fraucisco: 116 New Montgonery Street, SUtter 1225

TO HELP YOU SEtt rlob sigm.a, which arouse

intereet in Wolrnanized Lumber, and foldera, which effectively explain

its advantages, arre now available. Write to us for sarnples.





May 15, 1940

ttlV 4aporilk Strrrul 82 lac* Siaaaa

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told jot 20 yearu---Some Legg

No Advance Information He could very well be described as young and well dressed, and, to even the casual observer it was apparent that he was very drunk, for he swayed visibly in the breeze, and there was no breeze. He attracted much attention for he stood on a busy corner, and held in his left hand a writing tablet, and in the other a fountain pen, and he was working hard witb this free-hand style of writing, mumbling the letters and words aloud as he pushed the vagrant pen across the face of the tablet. The kindly-faced officer across the street watched him with some amusement, and finally walked over to him. "Good morning, friend," he said to the drunk in smiling

MOVES TO NE.w LOCATION Patten-Blinn Lumber Company is now in its new and larger yard at 823 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, just across the street from its former location, with a completely modernized. of;fice building and extensive storage sheds where all lumber and supplies are kept under cover. The interior of the office building is finished with Celotex insulation board and all storage sheds have been painted and reroofed. In addition to rough and finish lumber, the company handles Old Colony paints and painters' supplies, hardware, sash and doors, and other building products including lroncraft barbecue fittings. They operate a mill in connection with the yard. Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, formerly Patten-Davies Lumber Company, established the Monrovia yard in 1926. Norman S. Crandall is manager.


The drunk stopped writing and glared at him. "Don't bozzet me," he said, "can't you shee I'm busy writing?" "Well," said the cop. "And what are you writing?" "A letter, 'at's whatr" said the drunk.

"f seer" said the cop. "And who are you writing the letter to?" "To myshelf,'at's who," said the drunk. "So you're writing yourself a letter, eh?" the cop said. "And what are you telling yourself in the letter?" "How do I know what I'm writing myshelf ?" said the drunk, with evident disgust. "I won't get the letter till tomorrow.t'

NEW PERMATOL BULLETIN Portland, Oregon, April l5-Three and a half years ago the Western Pine Association announced the development of Permatol by their Research Laboratory as an effective preservative treatment for sash, doors, frames and exterior millwork and published an 8-page technical bulletin on the subject. On March lst another revised edition of this publication, known as Technical Bulletin No. 6, has been issued and single copies are now available without cost from the Association in the Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. The latest bulletin brings the various Permatol formulas up to date and includes the preservative treatment standards as approved by the National Door Manufacturers Association in their "Seal of Approval" program. New illustrations have been added to show an endless chain type of tank for dipping products in Permatol.

BAGK PANET GOIUPANY Douglas Fir Wallboard California Pine Panels Hardwood Plywood

Douglas Fir Plywood


310-314 E 32nd Street, Los Angeles, ADcmrs 4225

May 15 1940



Sash and Door Wholesalers Will Hold

Joins Dant & Russell's Saleg Staff

Golf Tournament May 23

John S. (Jack) Butler will cover the Sacramento Vallev territory for Dant & Russell, Inc. He started out last weel with his father, Seth L. Butler, San Francisco, Northern Caifornia representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., on a trip through the Valley to get acquainted with the dealers. It is interesting to note that he is the fourth generation of lumbermen in his family and that his great grandfather built one of the first sawmills in North Bend, Oregon, in

The Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California will hold a golf tournament

at the Altadena Golf Club. North Hill Street, Pasadena,

Thursday, May %, The tournament will start at 1 :00

p.m., and a big turnout is expected.

Among the prizes to be played for are the Earl Gal_ braith and Bill Sampson trophies, the special feature event, and blind bogey. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., and will be followed by the presentation of prizes and cards. The golf committee in charge of the arrang.ements in_ cludes Glenn Fogleman, Orrin Wright and Earl Galbraith. Reservations can be made by calling Earl Galbraith, tele_ phone VAndike 0845, Los Angeles.


Jack got some experience in the manufacturing end of the business by working in Northwest sawmills in vacation periods, and since his graduation last June ftom Stanford University has worked for Loop Lumber Company, San Francisco.

NEW YARD AT DOUGLAS, ARIZONA Joseph Joss, building materials, dealer at Douglas, Ariz., has added a line of lumber stocks and will operate the busi_


ness as the Douglas Lumber & Supply Company. perry Jack, who was formerly with the old Douglas Lumber Compan, will manage the lumber department.

The next regular meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 will be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, May 20. Dr. Rex Turner, principal of Fremont High School, Oak_ land, will be the speaker of the evening.. There will be a musical program arranged by Tom Branson, entertai;nment

BUYS YARD AT CULVER CITY Benjamin Zuck has purchased the Capitol Lumber Com_ pany at 9050 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, Calif., from Joseph Kelman. Mr. Zuck was formerly with Webber_ Zuck Lumber Co. of Brooklyn, N. y. Art Twohy, Twohy Lumber Company, lumber yard brokers, negotiated the

chairman. I




FEAT URING-the Coner-Keyed toinr Construction.

Ioints like this in every door unit prevent sagging.

I Panel 3 Panel 5 Pcnel desigms stocked in our wqrehouse lor the convenience ol the deqler trcde.


235 So. Alamedc


Los Angeles

Mlchiscn 1854

May 15, 1940


\(/alue and Wolume Bv JACK DIONNE

I recd the other day cbout c very successlul business mcrn, whose pcrtly lacetious but entirely truihlul businese proverb is-"Give 'em wcrlue crnd you'll get wolume." Undoubtedly you will, iI you offer the "wclue" to enough people. c suffhient ngnrber oI buyers, ie iust crs importcnrt-more, in ftrci-thcrn the cs we recently crgued in this column, low value goo& cre frequenlly sold goods by mecrns oI better cnrd more lorcelul selling.

the valu<rble goods to ol the goods, beccuse, prelerence to high vclue

young mcn He disHcd a tclk the other dcry with cr "sales pychologist." A work. Thought scrles psychologY, cgreed with my olt repected stctement thct selling is 75 per cent properh crpplied, wcs much more importcmt thcn leg work. He id thct the experience ol the lcrge has crrrply demonstrcted that to be corporcrtions who do intensilied selling lhrough lcrrge scles q fcrct.

bee. This little lellow is estimated to visil I'm hcrrd-headed. I told him crbout the bee. The II c sclesm<nr mcde 7,200 cclls cr dcry he 7,200 tlowers every dcry, seeHng honey. Thcrt's cr lot of 'time. Ncturclly, thct's c little too much to expect. would be cble to buy out Henry Ford in cr lew ccrlled on 6,200 flowers c day, he would get thct But the rule crpplies, iust ihe aqme. II the honey oI thouscrnd in cr d<ry his volume would go down much less honey; iI he ccrlled on only cr cccordingly. You couldn't possibly mcke me lesser number oI prosPects bY bcrck oI the hen house where no one stcnd, and not to be rePected under ogy" is ninety per cent el toro (il

ihct the honey bee could get crs good results cclling on c his sales psychology. II you'll ccrtch me crll alone, down me, I'll confide in you-entirely in coqlidence you under-



-" "iuru."$$uscrres psvcho'I-

I don't believe I'm much *rles eflorts on lhe Pcrri ol

And the sclesmcn who hcrs cr chcnrce to sell me is no psycholo' guy, with c terse, strcrighdonvcrd method oI presenting his ccrse. Autogist. He's cr plcin crnd his cppecrance, his clothes cind their condition" his lace and its expresmcticcrlly cmd quickly I is c sclesmcn's lofiune), cnd the way he comes directly cnd plecs' sion, his voice (c hcrs to offer, why I should be interested. Those are the two things, quickly, crntly to the point. Whct thcrt I wqnt to lrrow. The minute cr scrlesmcn stcrrts crecting "crtmosphere" ecsily, crnd his sqle with me. or "suspetrae" he is Dress properly, crct properly, look righi, get down to business quicHy. Then, iI the prospect scys he is interested, give him the dope. Don't impose on his intelligence by doing cr visible "build-up" oI some

kind. And when you lecrve him, go see some other proper prospect, cnd do it over cgcin The smcrrt boys with the studied scles psychology mcry get by with chumps, but with busy business men they hcrven't q chqnce. Give me thcrt honey bee, Ior my scles excrmple. He gets the "walue crnd wolume" both.


May 15, 1940




The illustration shows the recently modernized warehouse and office of the T. M. Cobb Co., 5800 Central Avenue, Los Angeles, wholesale dealers in sash, doors, plywood, California Pine mould-


ings and lumber. The building has a frontage of 10O feet on Central Avenue and is 135 feet in depth. In the office low density Gold Bond insulation was used on the ceiling, and l?-inch horizontal Gold Bond texture planking on the walls. The company's warehouse at 14th and National, San Diego, carries a similar stock.

LUMBER SCHOONER WRECKED The lumber schooner Daisy Matthews, bound from Coos Bay to San Francisco with a cargo of 1,00O,00O feet of lumber, crashed on the rocks of Trinidad Head, 17 miles north of Eureka, May 4, after having been abandoned earlier in the day. Capt. C. J. Carlsen and his crew of 23 were rescued by the Coast Guard cutter and the steamer Lumberman.

POPE & TALBOT EXECUTIVES VISIT COAST Arturo H. Geigel, Puerto Rico manager of Pope & Talbot Lumber Co. and McCormick Steamship Company, and A. P. Leatherbury, Atlantic Coast manager are visiting the Pacific Coast during the month of May on an inspection tour of the company's lumber mills and terminals. Both of these executives will attend company sales meetings in the Pacific Northwest and in California.



I'LL SELL PLENTY OF CET(|TEX PR(|DUCTS! Celotex Dealers from coast to coast know that every carload, every big board, every square foot of Celotex Insulation gives them the benefit of that famous EXTRA


Tbe Sanrday Eoming Post Better Homes & Gardens Hotse BeaatiJz l, Hotse & Garden

American Home C.atntry Gentleman

ard otber importad magazines,

INGREDIENT-Celotex advertising!

Thousaods of coupons fowing in a

steady stream into Chicago testify to tlpe pzblic's interest in the current campaigo. The advertisemeots which briog those coupoos are being read by your cus-

tomers and prospects-btilding btsiness Jor yo4 right now!

More thao eight million dollars have


been spent by Celotex in recent yeafs to

give that EXTRA INGREDIENT its

present importance! Its ooly purpose is to build sales-and profits-fol you, the Celotex Dealer. Our "through-dealers-

only" distribution policy proiects those

profits. And our great program of dealer helps gives you the ammuaition you need

to chse sales.

Check your stocks ofCelotex Products now, and make sure you're ready for the business Celotex advertising is building

for you!

Ex .

f:;;T' :'#":;;'I::: ffirffi

GUARANTEED cANE FIBRE I"TiiU^ITTIoN INTERIoR FINIsH TRIPLE SEALED RooFtNG pRoDUcrs r eypsuM pRoDUcrs rHE cELorEx coRpoRAiloi"'": "iT;'"it;;"rlu';i""L"i:1i," IJ'JJr= . cHrGAGo, rLLrr{or3





We ccrrry a complete stock oI trD framesprecision mqchined by LONCTBEIJ-ftom the softest textured verticcl grcrin Douglcrs Fir. AlSO-Reinlorced BROWNSKIN FI.ASHING PAPEN.



IIIacD0UGALL D00R &PLYW0OD G0. Phoae Bnbqll 3l8l

2035 E.Slst St

Los Angeler, C-liL


@ 1r

Mcrrufocturers ctnd Distributors


Lumber tvfining


Corgo ond Roil Creosoted and Wolmanizd 461 Mcrlcet Street Scnr Frcncisco

May 15, 19,10

Information Service on Home Ownerrhip Announced for Southern California "American families would build a million homes in 1944, if the general public was fully informed on two basic facts:

(1) the building industry is today offering more house for the dollar than ever before; (2) the 19,10 home is easy to own, more so than in any previous year of American progress."

So states C. W. Pinkerton, Chairman of Southern California Homes Foundation. Mr. Pinkerton's statement was made in announcing the program and purpose of the recently formed Foundation, which is sponsored by the associated retail lumber dealers of Southern California, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and the National Small Homes Demonstration. "For three years 32 national organizations within the building industry have conducted studies seeking reduction in the cost of small homes," Mr. Pinkerton's announcement says. "This work has been done in the medium of a nonprofit, nondues-paying association, The National Small Homes Demonstration. It has gone into every corner of the small-homes field, from financing to construction methods, from plans to paint. Southern California Homes Foundation has been formed to bring the results of these studies to this section, and to apply them to specific new-. home needs and preferences of Southern California families. "The primary task is to make such facts as the following known: "1. Since 1934 every California family that can pay rent has had the opportunity to use its rent money-the same monthly amount-to own a better place in which to live. "2. On August l, 1939, it became possible for the first time in the U.S.A. to buy a $5,000 house and lot for $50O cash and less than one dollar a day. The monthly payment on a $4500 loan covering a $5000 property under the new 4l per cent FHA fr-year plan is $D.57; f.or a ZS-year term, $26.15. "3. For a home costing $2500 or less, under the FHA, Title I, Class 3 type of loan, the down payment may be as little as five per cent--only $125 for house and land valued at $2500, or about the cost of a good cabinet radio. "4. To take advantage of such opportunities, the renting family needs only a modest savings account, or ownership of a lot, to provide down payment on a complete new home. "These and many other related facts will bear repeating over and over, because the great progress made during the past two years in small-home financing, design, materials and construction methods, is not widely understood. The work of Southern California Homes Foundation is to make this progress known." Further information on Southern California Homes Foundation may be had by writing the headquarters office, 441 Douglas Building, Los Angeles, California.


601 w. Ftlrh sr

Tninitr 52{l


Municipcl Pier No. FRcnllia 7234


612 Title d Trurt 8lds.

Telephone 43121

VISITS NORTHWEST Carl R. Moore, Oakland lumberman, recently visited the sawmill of Moore Mill & Lumber Co., Bandon, Ore., and a number of mills in the Willamette Valley. He also conferred with Oregon Lumber Sales, Eugene, Ore., which he represents in Northern California.



May 15, 1940

New District Managers Appointed

by Insulite Changes in the national sales organization of The Insulite Company, just announced by Vice-President and General Sales Manager E. W. Morrill, brings a new district manager to the Pacific Coast District. U. L. Plain, formerly of the headquarters i n Minneapolis, succeeds L. C. Monahan as Pacific district ma,nager, and




has already taken up his new work in San Francisco. The appointment of Mr. Plain as Pacific district manager follows the transfer of U. L Plain Mr. Monahan to the eastern he where is to 6erve as Eastern dispart of the country,

trict manager. Mr. Plai,n has been with The Insulite Company since 1928. He joined the company twelve years ago as assistant export manager. In 1931, a year after the large Insulite mill was completed at Kymi, Finland, Mr. Plain was transferred to Europe. He was sent there to head the Amsterdam office, and organize its distribution centers. Ife represented the company there for three years, during which his work took him to practically every country in Europe. He returned to America in 1934, to organize the distribution of Insulite products throughout Canada. The Pacific district office of The Insulite Company serves one of the largest and most important building areas in the United States. Its territory includes the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Nevada. "There is a big future for Insulite products on the Pacific Coast," said Mr. Plain today. "'We know this is true because there has been a constantly increasing demand for all our items throughout every part of our coast territory during the past years. Dealers everywhere report a growing demand for Insulite from the thousands of new builders up and down the coast. We shall do our very best to improve our service in every way, so we can render even better service to the many users of our products. "Insulite originated and developed the first rigid fiber insulation board twenty-six years ago at International Falls, Minnesota. Its products are used in all parts of the United States and Canada, and in many foreign lands. New items are being continually added to widen Insulite's many uses. The eight new materials introduced this year include four pre-decorated, washable interior finish materials, and two low density acoustical materials for sound quieting and light reflection. All of these 'new products are enjoying a wide acceptance and sale and supplementing the older products in a most satisfactory way."


Be Assured of the Highest Quality

by Purchasing for Direct

Mill Shipmcnt 2035 E l5th St. tOS A]|GEIES, CALIF' Telcphonc PRorPcct Sltt










Main Office

SAN FRANCISCO 110 Mad<a Ste*



Pittoclc Block

5995 Vibhire Blvd.



WARM SUN AND CHILL WIND The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day: When the sun is out and the wind is still, You're one month on in the middle of May. But if you so much as dare to speak, A cloud comes over the sunlit arch, A wind comes off a frozen peak, And you're two months back in the middle of March. Frost


NO INHERITANCE TA Father (facetiously)-Don't you thin our son gets his in(eligence from me? (likewise)-He must have. ve still got mrne. .


ALL MINE "Here is a letter from your wife saying you are the father of a ten-pound boy." "Does she say anything else?" "That's all, except at the end of the letter she says,

'Truly yours."'

IT MADE A M/'A OF HIM Poverty is uncomfortable, /" t testify; but nine ""n times out of ten the best thinf, that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overbofrd and comp€lled to sink or swim for himself. A. Garfield -James

I BUT THE ..EYES" HAVE IT \ I fool yourself, brother; girls who are easiest on the \l Don't are the hardest {es

on the nerves.

THE VALUE OF A SMILE No one ever added up The Value of a Smile; We know how much a dollar's worth And how much makes a mile. We know the distance to the sun, The size and weight of earthBut no one here can tell us just How much a smile is worth.

PROMOTED AT LAST Sales Manager:-You give me a pain in the neck. Supply Salesman:-Thanks for moving me up.

May 15, 1940


HOW rT cR The flyidg rumors gathered as rolled, and all who toH ittd+d something new ant all who heard it made enlarge{rt too; in every .^, f spread, on every tongue it grew.-Pope WANTED LIVE SCENERY Two Kansas censors visited the show manager for the third time. When the manager saw them, he snarled: "Well, whatd-yuh want to take out now-the bedroom scene?"

"Nope," sez they, "the two blondes."

A SONG IN MY HEART Into my heart God put a song, A tuneful melody, At will, to hear symphonic chords, Or muted harmony.

/ e{t in the search for worldly needs, \ ryy song has gone astray, \4"a there is left a vain regret Xo torture me each day.

Perhaps sometime my life will be Attuned to right each wrong, Then I shall find great happiness, In my recaptured song. Reta M. White

IN DEFENSE OF LIBERTY I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American; and I intend to perform the duties incumbent upon me in that character to the end of my career. I mean to do this with absolute disregard of personal conse_ quences. What are the personal consequences? What is the individual man, with all the good or evil that may be_ tide him, in comparison with the good or evil which may befall a great country, :rnd in the midst of great transac_ tions which concern tltat country's fate? Let the conse_ guences be what they will, I am careless. No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer, or if he fall, in defense of the liberties and constitution of his country.




May 15, 1940

Reunion at Post Laureate's Home A group.-annual of lumbermen, with their wives and friends,

held th-eir spring round-up at the home of Adeline Merriam Conner, Poet Laureate of the lumber industry, near Ndrth San Juan, Calif., April 27 and B. Mrs. Conner was guest of honor at a dinner on Saturday evening at the National Hotel, Nevada City. Her husband, Fred Conner, fbrmer prominent lumberman, was in charge of the program which included talks by George W. Hallock, president of the California Hydraulic Mining Association, and Judge George L. Jones, also the presentation of a motion picture showing the mining and refining of gold. Mr. Conner read a humorous poem by Mrs. Conner entitled, "Exit the Bird." On Sunday a picnic lunch was served at the Conner home under the supervision of Mrs. B. E. Bryan and Mrs. F. W. Trower. This was followed by a program of readings, poems and recitations in which everyone present took part, presided over by Jas. B. Overcast, major-domo for the round-up this year. Those present were as follows:

.....North San Tuan Mrs. Adeline Merriam Conner. Fred E. Conner. North San iuart W. B. Jefferson, Greater City Lumber Co.. . San Francisco Mrs. W. B. Jefferson ....San Francisco B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardrvood Co.... . .. . .Oakland Mrs. B. E. Bryan. Oakland Frank W. Trower, Hill & l\forton, Inc.. . . . . Oakland Mrs. Frank W. Trower .Oakland . . Stockton Charles G. Bird. Stockton Lumber Co.. . . Mrs. Charles G. Bird. . . .Oakland Mrs. G. L. Huntington... .....Oakland James B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co.........Oakland . . .Oakland Martha Stanka. Strable Hardwood Co.. . . C. D. LeMaster, Western Building Review....Sacramento ....Oakland E. A. Gordon, Strable }fardrvood Co.... Mrs. E. A. Gordon Oakland .San Francisco Dr. W. E. Janke. . San Francisco Mrs. W. E. Janke R. A. Hiscox, Hiscox Lumber Co.. . . l3erkeley .....Berkeiey Mrs. R. A. Hiscox. George W. Hallock, Cal. Hydraulic Mining Assn..Alleghany W. W. Esterley, Calif. Hydraulic Mining Assn.. Alleghany .....Nevada City Judge Geo. L. Jones. MODENNOBE.AI'T'IFT'LOECONOMICAL

"Gadwall-Philippanel' Solid Philippine Mchogcmy Wcll Pcrnelling

A Sensational New Product That Sells on Sight



ANNOUNCING Moving Our Office and Yards io




- Ponderoscr Pine Spruce - White Cedar

Oak crnd Mcple Flooring Plywood

Celotex cnd Upson Products Telephone VAlencicr 8744



May 15, 19,10

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club Meets

In Keepingr with our Policy

"4 Plfrcl, aAa Suentt P*tpto" We now hcrve for immedicte shipment from our lcrge wcrehouse stock SIJCED WAINUT PTAIN OAK ASH

BtsCH EI.T\4



%"x48x96 lnexpensive Hardwood Pqnels lor modern home construdion cnd modernization work.

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2 held its monthly meeting at the Mona Lisa Cafe, Los Angeles, Wednesday noon, May 8, and there was a good turnout. Luncheon was followed by a short business session, and it was decided to hold a golf tournament in June. LeRoy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, was appointed chairman of the golf committee.

Larue J. Woodson of San Francisco, member of the Supreme Nine, was the guest of the Club and gave an interesting talk on Hoo-Hoo activities. He reported that the rejuvenation of Hoo-Hoo is being received with enthusiasm, and many Clubs are being organized throughout

the country The Club has received its new charter from International headquarters, and Vicegerent Snark J. E. Martin, who presided at the meeting, reported a number of f'ormer members have sent in their reinstatements.

The following attended the meeting:

iltnts PtIU00D c0nP0RITt0il (Dirtlbuton for Herbord Producb)

540 Tenth Sbecf, $n Francko Phone MA*ct 6705{-7

CAMINO QUAITITY California Pine Lrumber Our lumber is mcrnufqctured from high quclity timber cut olong the Mother Lode Belt, q fine region for the growing of Cclifornicr pine. It comes in excellent sizes crrd widths.

We hcrve crvcilcdcle good stocks of Selects ond Shop lumber in both Cclifornic Sugcr Pine ccnd Cclifornic Ponderosc Pine.

Michrlgan-Ca lif ornia


L. J. Woodson, Wheeler-Osgood Sales Corp.. San Francisco Geo. E. Ream, Geo. E. Ream Co.... ...Los Angeles E. A. Wright, Washington Veneer Co.. . . . . . Los Angeles W. .W. T. Black, The Calif. Lumber Merchant.San Francisco P. Johnson, Anglo California Lumber Co..Los Angeles F. lJ. Bowles, The Long-Bell Lumber Co.....Los Angeles Gene DeArmond, Pacific Cabinet Co.........Los Angeles Hans Wall . . Los Angeles G. I. Fischer, California Saw Works . . . Los Angeles R. J. Cairns, California Saw Works . . . . Los Angeles Leo Hubbard, Hayward Lbr. & Inv. Co.. . . . . . Los Angeles Carl Reeder, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co.. . Los Angeles Ray Van Ide, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co. Los Angeles Bill Sampson, Sampson Co.... .....Pasadena Hall Templeton, Templeton Lumber Co.. . . . Portland, Ore. Ed Schafer . . Los Angeles F. E. Golding, Anglo California Lumber Co...Los Angeles Geo. Lounsberry, Lounsberry & Harris......Los Angeles W. W. Wilkinson, Ore.-Wash. Plywood Co..Los Angeles Pat Sublett, American Hardwood Co.........Los Angeles Ted Combs, 'West Coast Lumbermen's Assn.. Los Angeles C. F. Ramstrom, West Coast Lumbermen's Assn.. ..Los Angeles E. H. Biggs, American Hardwood Co.........Los Angeles W. Schorse, Pope & Talbot Lumber Co.. . . . . . Los Angeles Roy Barto, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc.....Los Angeles R. S. Osgood, Cadwallader-Gibson Lbr. Co.. . Los Angeles Cecil E. Williamson, Owens-Parks Lbr. Co.. . Los Angeles Jim Clynick, Owens-Parks Lumber Co.. . . . . . Los Angeles A. W. Donovan, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co.. . . . Los Angeles B. W. Byrne, Western Hardwood Lbr. Co....Los Angeles E. T. Nelson, Riverside Lumber Co.. . . Los Angeles LeRoy Pitcher, Security Materials Co........Los Angeles W. R. Hawn, Hammond Redwood Co.......Los Angeles John W. Fisher, Fisher-Swartz Lumber Co.. Santa Monica Dennis Gilchrist, Pope & Talbot Lumber Co.. Los Angeles Harvey Koll, H. W. Koll Lumber Co........Los Angeles Kenneth Smith, Lumber & Allied Products Institute.....Los Angeles LeRoy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son. . . Los Angeles Francis Pool, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. . . . . Phoenix, Ariz. . Los Angeles Joe Tardy, E. J. Stanton & Son. Howard Curran, Frank Curran Lumber Co.....Santa Ana J. E. Martin, The Calif. Lumber Merchant...Los Angeles

May 15, 1940



Arizona Dealers' Annual Convention at Grand Canyon M.y 17 -18


The %th annual convention of the Arizona Retail Lumber and Builders Supply Association will be held at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, Friday and Saturday, May 17-18, I94A.

Our Appointment qs Northern Cqlilornic Distributors

Announcing the convention, Secretary Chris Totten sent out an album with many humorous drawings of notables and scenes that will be re-enacted at what he says will be the Southwest's greatest convention of all time. The album also carries an interesting article by him on "The Grand Canyon of'Arizona As I Saw It for the First Time, April 12, I94O." Secretary Totten says it will be an old-time Arizona lumbermen's convention, and wholesalers, manufacturers, their wives, sweethearts, and all friends will be invited. In addition to the business sessions, there will be many entertainment features, and the annual banquet will be held Saturday evening. A record-breaking attendance is


SAV-A.SPACE SLIDING DOOR FRAMES For room-to-room openings in homes, apartments, offices, hotels and depcrrhnent stores I


Appointed Chief Forester of N. L. M. A. The appointment of G. H. Collingwood, for many years Forester of the American Forestry Association, as Chief Forester of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, has been annnunced by M. L. Fleishel, president of the Association, and G. F. Jewett, chairman of its committee on Forest Conservation. Mr. Collingwood took over his new duties on April 15. He succeeds John B. Woods of Portland, Oregon, now Executive Officer of the Oregon Forest Fire Association. W. R. Burt, member of the National Association staff since 1937, and who in recent months has assisted the regional associations in presenting industry information to the Congressional Joint Forestry Committee, and has capably handled many forestry matters for the industry, will continue as Assistant Forester.

APPOINTS GOLF COMMITTEE LeRoy H. Stanton, chairman of the Los Angeles HooHoo Club golf committee, has appointed Geo. E. Ream, Bob Osgood, Harvey Koll and Fred Golding as members of the committee. A golf tournament will be held Friday afternoon, Jane 7, 194O, and announcements will be sent out at an early date.

WILLIAM B. DOWNS ON PACIFIC COAST William B. Downs, Lumbermen's Credit Association

Inc., Chicago, I11., has been in Los Angeles the past ten days calling on their subscribers. He has just completed a trip through Southern Texas, and will now cover the Pacific Coast states, going as far north as Vancouver, B.C.

VISIT MILL Glenn Fogleman, manag'er, The California Door Company, Los Angeles, returned May 7 from a trip to the company's mill at Diamond Springs, Calif. He was accompanied by Mrs. Fogleman, and they stayed over Sunday at Yosemite National Park on the way north.


D escri ptiue literoture mailed

to d,ealers on request



Lumber, llillwork, Sash and Doors OFFICE. MIIT, YARD AIID DOCES

2nd 6 Alice Sts., Ocllcnd Glencourt 6861

M"y, 1940 IATIOTIAI Red Cedar Shingle

OVER.ROOIIIIG MOIITH The biggest merchcmdising effort ever undertcrken

by the lumber industry in behcrlf oI the retcil lunber declers oI North Americcr-publicity, nctiontrl cdvertising, scles promotion, dealer helps, cmd displcrys.--cll contribute to direct the vcrst over-roofing m<rrket to deal with the retail lumber decler. Libercrl free decler helps.--coruult cpurouncement recently mciled you, or write Red Cedcr Shingle Burecu, Secttle, Wash., U. S. 4., or Vcrncouver, B. C., Cancrdcr.





May 15, 1940

C. D. Johnsoh, Lumber Industry Lead er, Passes Clarence Dean Johnson, 74, f.oander and president of

moved with his family to

Union Sawmill Co., president of the Little Rock and Monroe Railway Co., vice-president and general manager of the Frost-Trigg Lumber Co., a stockholder of the Lufkin Land & Lumber Co., and a director of the Noble Lumber Co. of Noble, La. All of these enterprises later became known as the Frost-Johnson Lumber Co. Mr. Johnson sold his interests in the Frost-Johnson Lumber Co. in 1918 and moved west. His first investment on the Pacific Coast was in a California Pine mill known as the Davies-Johnson Lumber Co. at Calpine, Calif. In L92l he acquired Oregon property and founded the C. D.

sas City in 1885. His first work in the lumber business was in a small sawmill at Chopin, La. Later he went to Shreveport, La., and when 20 years old was bucking logs at Carmona, Texas, at 50 cents a thousand. From there he went with A. W. Morris at Barnum, Texas, one of the founders of the sawmilling business of Texas, as foreman and shipping clerk. From this modest start he rose rapidly in the lumber business and by 1899 in St. Louis was president of the

Johnson Lumber Company and the Pacific Spruce Corporation, which later through re-organization became the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation. The firm's mill is at Toledo, Ore., and the plant, built in 1923, has the largest rated capacity of any combination rail and cargo mill in Oregon. He was a member of the Masonic Order, the Arlington Club, the Bohemian Club, and was a former vice-president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson; three sons, Dean and Robert F. of Toledo, Ore., and Ernest E. Johnson of Portland, and several grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Portland on Saturday.

the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation, passed away at

his home in Portland, Ore., May 2. Mr. Johnson, an outstanding figure in the lumber industry, was born in Cato,

N. Y. in April 1865. He

Kansas in 1877 and to Kan-

May 4.

Mrs. Katherine A. Hoffman

Charles N. Wood

Mrs. Katherine A. IIoffman of Santa Monica, Calif.,

Charles Norton Wood, traveling representative of Forsyth Hardwood Company, San Francisco, passed arvay in Oakland on April 30. Mr. Wood's death was due to complications following injuries received in an automobile accident near Fresno, March 6, in which several other cars were involved. He was well known in hardwood lumber circles, having formerly been with E. A. Howard & Company, San Francisco and Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jean Wood, and a son, Norton. Funeral services were held in Oakland on May 2.

passed away on April 25 following a long illness which be-

gan last January when she suffered a hip fracture. She was 82 years of age, and had been a resident of Santa Monica for 8 years. She is survived by two sons, Earl L. Hofiman, of Los Angeles, Western sales manager for the M and M Wood Working Co. of Portland, Ore., and William J. Hastings of Santa Monica. Funeral services were held at Santa Monica. Saturdav afternoon, April 27.

Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany ,

SEITING TIIE PRODUCTS OF r Tbo MoCtoud Rivcr Lurabcr Conpcly







McCloud, C-lilornio

Sn Fir.t Nstioaal Soe Liao Bqitdiag


Shevlia-Clcrlc Conpcly, Liniled



Port Fmcc!, Oatario

r lLc Shcvlil-llixon Conpaay Bad, Oregoa r MctDb.r ol tha W.stcrn Pinc Agsociation, Porllcrd, Oregoa



1604 Grsybc


Mohmk 4-9117

CHICAGO 1863 LoSolle-Wocker Bldo.

Tclephone Centrcl 918f,



SUGIR (Gsnuine Whtte) PINE

101) Moncdnock Bldo.

D(brool 7041


330 Patroleum Bldg.


PRospect 0615



May 15, 1940


Models of Low-Cost Homes Now Available Washington, April 30.-Lorv-cost models of lorv-cost, dollar-a-day homes, which the average retail lumber merchant can afford, are now being made ayailable by National Small Homes Demonstration. The first two patterns are basic Demonstration llouses prepared for l94O; and the quarter-scale models of the onean d-a-hal f-s tory --44-Z de si gn-an d the two-story-40- I design-cost the dealer but $6.25. Attractively presented on green cloth covered board, the models accomplish from a sales standpoint a result closely approaching that obtained from the usual model available at several times this cost. In quantities of four or more the models are still less expensive, making possible a widespread distribution among prospects, in which capacity they are sure-fire business-getters. In lots of four they may be purchased for $22.ffi; and in lots of six for $30.00.


Appointed Agents for Sliding Doors

"DURO" BnoNze

"DUROID" Etectro Galvanized

Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland, have been appointed distributors in Northern California of Sav-A-Space sliding doors.

These doors, manufactured by A. J. Koll Planing Mill Co., Los Angeles, have been accorded widespread acceptance by architects, builders and home owners. They are made for room-to-room openings in homes, apartments, offices, hotels and .department stores. Some of the features claimed for Sav-A-Space doors, in addition to saving of valuable space, are quietness and ease of operation, ease of installation, good appearance and economy.

Descriptive literature will be furnished to dealers on request by Hogan Lumber Company, Znd. and Alice Streets, Oakland.

MODERN Designed for tTtt)

Opens Branch in Los Angeles

roa,ay s

Hallinan Mackin Co., T.16. recently opened a branch office and yard at 1829 West 62nd Street, Los Angeles. They are wholesale dealers in hardwoods, softwoods, furniture dimension, Fir and hardwood panels and box shook. This concern has taken over the business formerly carried on by J. V. G. Posey & Co. both in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The principals are E. C. Hallinan and R. A. Mackin. The head office is at 725 2nd Street. San F-rancisco.

IOHN E.MARSHALL' InG. TUMBM HANDI.ERS Pier "4" qnd "8", Outer Hcrbor, Long Becch, Calif,

ing done-put tbe hot iron in iron receptcrcle, lold up bocrrd cnrd close ccrbineL lt's lireprool. Hot iron rest cmd sleeve bocrd included. Ccrbinet is ccsed cnd door hung. Fits cny 2"x4",16" center wcrll. Good mcrgin ol prolit A phone ccll or post ccrd will bring full pcrrticulcrs.

[. H. IUBAI|K & So[f, IilC. Blvd.

Long Becch 862-ll Plecrscnt 14331 tOS ANGET.ES NEPNESEI{TATn|E 328

This new board moves in cr hclf circle. Iust swing it crround to where it ccrn be used. Iron-

Sold through decrlers only.


r. O. MEAITIS Pctrolcua Securiticr Dldgt lolopboac PBorpoct


l0l0 Ecst Hyde Pcrrk


OBegon 8-1666

Inglewood, C<rlil.


Big Hoo-Hoo Concatenation to be Held

May 15, 1940

News Flashes

In San Francisco May 24 A big Hoo-Hoo Concatenation, marking the revival of Hoo-Hoo in San Francisco, will be held at the Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco, on Friday, May 24, at 5:D p.m. A number of kittens have already signed up. There will be a big attendance of old cats. Kittens are to report at the hotel not later than 4:39 p.m. The Concat will be concluded by 6:59 p.m., and will be followed by a dinner, the cost of which will be $2.75 a plate. Old members who wish to be reinstated can do so for $z.99. This includes dues to September, 1940. In announcing the Concat, Bert Bryan, Vicegerent Snark for Northern California and Nevada, said in part: "International Hoo-Hoo is definitely on its way back to its rightful place in the lumber industry. Reinstatement of old members is taking place throughout the United States. Concats are being held in all sections of the country with a resulting tremendous increase in membership. Old HooHoo Clubs have been revived and new ones instituted. "There has been no Concatenation i,n San Francisco for twelve years, and so much enthusiasm has been shown in recent months in the revival of International Hoo-Hoo that arrangements have been made for a monster Concat. The initiating Nine will consist of many of the oldtime San Francisco Hoo-Hoo members. You can expect an old-time party." The initiating officers will be as follows: B. E. Bryan, Vicegerent Snark; A. J. Nolan and Harry Vincent, Junior Hoo-Hoo; Carl A. Warden, Gurdon; Fitz Dettmann, Senior Hoo-Hoo; Seth L. Butler, Jabberwock; Bert Johnson, Scrivenoter; Larue 'Woodson, Custocatian; Earl Carlson, Bojum; W. B. Jefferson, Arcanoper. A number of out of town Hoo-Hoo members who are coming to San Francisco to attend the opening of the Fair on May 25 are expected to attend the Concatenation. Application blanks for reinstatement and for candidates may be secured by telephoning Larue Woodson, 3045 lfth Street, San Francisco, VAlencia 2241, or Lewis Godard, 2350 Jerrold Avenue, San Francisco, Mlssion 0901.

Freeland of the Los Angeles office of West Oregon Lumber Co., recently visited the company's mill at Linnton, Ore.

NEW OWNERS OF SAN DIEGO YARD Smith-Trevor Lumber Company are successors to the

spent a few days early this month in San Francisco, where he conferred with O. L. Russum, California representative

East Side Lumber Company, 4748 El Cajon Avenue, San Diego, Calif.


IN VETERANS'HOSPITAL Taylor Sublett, salesman for J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, has been given leave of absence to enter the Veterans' Hospital at Livermore, Calif. for a period of observation.

Liggett Lumber Company, Santa Ana, Calif., has taken over the building directly across the street from their plant and will open it for a cash and carry lumber store. Ben Levy, Ben Levy Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has been visiting in Spokane, Wash.

Baskett Lumber Company, Whittier, Calif., are remodeling their offices. Val Baskett is manager.

Frank Park, Park Lumber & Investment Co., La Mesa, Calif.. has returned from a trip to Northern California.

E. Steffensen, Brown & Dauser Co., Fullerton, Calif., is spending a few weeks in the Middle West. Francis Pool of Phoenix, Arizona representative for E. K. Wood Lumber Company, was a Los Angeles and San Francisco visitor last week.

Carl Hornibrook, sales manager, Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., was in Los Angeles last week on business.

Paul Graham, Alamosa (Colorado) lumberman, has been vacationing in Los Angeles.

Barr Lumber Company are remodeling their offices at the

Whittier (Calif.) yard. C. C. Barr is yard manager. E. L. Green, vice-president in charge of sales for Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, left April 20 on a two months' business trip in the Eastern territory. He was accompanied by Mrs. Green.

Lyle S. Vincent, district sales manager, and "Friday"

Carl H. Kuhl of Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Co., Portland, of his firm.

Hall Templeton of Herbert A. Templeton Lumber Co., Portland, was a business visitor in Los Angeles and Phoenix last week.

A meeting of sales, manufacturing, traffic and operating representatives of Pope & Talbot Lumber Co. was held in Portland, May 1, 2 and 3.


SASH 58@ Cenbcl Avc. LOS ANGEI.ES

IDm. llllT

DOORS MOULDINGS Two Vlarclouscs to Serve You


I{tb{ N$oncloAvo. Frurllir 8873


May 15, 1940

Richmond Yard Malces lmprovements


Redwood lssue Available in Reprint Form San Francisco, May 8, 194O,-"Due to the importance of Redwood as a native Western material and its wide distri-

The neat office building of the Tilden.Lumber Co., Richmond, Calif., illustrated here has been remodeled and its owners consider the money well spent. Other improvements around the Tilden plant in the past year or so include painting the mill with aluminum paint, renewing the corrugated iron roof, building another dry shed and construction of a large sawdust bin. Tilden Lumber Co. has had a yard in Richmond since l9U. The plant is located at 1519 Nevin Avenue, just a block from the main street. The yard is a branch of the Tilden Lumber Co., Berkeley.

W. W. (Bill) Forrest has been manager since 1932. He reports a steady increase in the volume of business every year for the past seven years.

bution in all parts of the United States," according to Frederick W. Jones, editor of Architect and Engineer magazine, San Francisco, "we have found that this lumber deserves special consideration in modern residential design and have therefore devoted an entire issue of the magazine to it." Already circulated through the medium of its regular subscription list to thousands of Coast architects, the material contained in the Redwood issue of Architect and Engineer is now available in reprint form to lumber dealers, architects, and builders, in all parts of the country. S. J. Sharp, manager of the California Redwood Association, has high praise for the editorial content of the reprint. "We are very happy that the official organ of the State Association of California Architects has seen fit to produce an issue on Redwood. The information it contains is helpful and accurate, covering not only production and use of Redwood lumber but also giving as it does finishing and painting instructions and formulas as well as grade use guides and a style sheet of Redwood siding patterns." The booklet illustrates work by both eastern and western architects and designers who have used the material in recent construction. Sample copies are available without charge when inquiry is made on business letterhead.

alard /Verl eurh'lt e.nt, the quiclc and easy way ln I

Lumbermenrs Credit Rating Boolc This book lists the wholesale buyers of lumber crnd qllied products crnd tells where they cre. It states exqct lines of business, gives cn qccurqte estimqte of purchasing power of ecrch ccnd stcrtes how they pcry their bills. It is olwcrys upto-dcrte in crll respects beccruse it is supplemented twice-q-week.

Use it for 30 Days on Approval If you hove not used this speciclized service crnd cne therefore not cwcrre of its mcrny helpful fecrtures for promoting scles cmd crvoiding credit losses, inquire cdcout our 30-dcry Approvol Plcn.

Our Collection Depcrtment can qssist you in collecting your pqst due accounts.

Lumbermen's Credit Association Inc. 608 S. Decrrborn St., CHICAGO



May 15, 19,{0





tad t rd c'

HOVCT Ol S.?t r€ F,rr €ataoc


- P LAN.


Note the most unusual detqils which hqve been inco4rorcrted into this grrcrnd little home. The corner hcll qffords direct connection lrom every room to the bcth cnd is so crrcrnged thcrt it ccrn be opened into another bedroom which mcy be added lcrter on.

The new Modern Low Cost Homes plcnbook, iust issued by the E. M. Dernier Service Burequ, 3443 Fourth Avenue, Los Angreles, CalilornicL whose plcnning depcrrtment is under the direct supervision oI Wm. E Chcdwick, Regristered Structurcl Engineer, Ieatures many other crttractive small homes to choose from.

May 15, 1940


"'Vl est Coast Woods"---New Publication Seattle, Washington.-Thirty-six modern views of West Coast lumbering and wood use in a photographic sequence

that pictures the industry from wilderness timber to its retail outlets in all corners of the country have been published in booklet form for general distribution, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association has announced. The publication, entitled "West Coast Woods," is the first of a series based on a year's work by Kenneth S. Brown, renowned for his photographs of Coulee Dam, and an industrial photographer of national reputation, the announcement stated. "A year ago the Association employed Mr. Brown to prove his contention that West Coast lumbering is 'the most photogenic of all American industries,' " the announcement continued. "To date he has produced a thousand negatives, the views ranging from vast vistas of reforestation to everyday details of lumber use, including dramatic studies of men and machines in action, and all forming a modern photographic record of'the West Coast lumber industry. "The first use of this new photograph file, in 'West Coast Woods,' is designed to give a popular outline of the scope and services of the industry and the retail dealers who carry its products. A distinctive feature which has caused wide comment is the front-cover design, which is simply a photographic study of the pattern of a rough, band-sawed Douglas fir board. The back cover illustrates retail yards in the Northwest, Northeast and Southwest. In each a retail salesman is displaying to a customer a standard item and grade-B&Btr Douglas fir drop siding. The moral pointed is that this and other items and grades of West Coast woods are nationally standardized. "Between the covers a sequence of photographs pictures West Coast logging, lumber manu{acture, and products in service." "West Coast Woods" is being distributed to retail lum-

WILL MANAGE CELIO'S RETAIL YARD L. R. Van Luven has been appointed manag'er of C. G. Celio & Sons, Inc., retail lumber yard which is located at the company's mill at Myers, Calif. Mr. Van Luven was formerly with the Truckee-Tahoe Lumber Compa,ny.

Photogrcphic loreet study by Kennetb S. Brow* lormerly oflicicrt Dcrm crad one of Americo': tecding ex. -at Coulee ponents of industricl photogrcrphy . . Loggere hornewcrd bound in the eveaing shcdows o{ c Douglcs fu lorest . . . In "Ncture'e Nurrery ol TclI Trees"-the Douglcr Fir Region-there is enough stcnding timber to build a modern home lor every tcmily in the United State; and still hqve congtruction mcleriql lor such history-ncking proiects cs the San Frcncisco World's Fcrir, the Ncrrowg Bridge, cnd thg unprecedented Flocting Bridge ccross Lcke Wcshington. photogrcrpher

ber dealers through their regional associations. A free copy may be had by postcard to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, 364 Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington.

JOINS AMERICAN'S SALES STAFF Hal Eberle is now an outside salesman for the American Hardwood Company and is calling on the trade in the Los Angeles territory. He has been with the company the past year and a half, having worked in both the yard and office.


Cor and. Cargo Shippers

Now is the time to stcrt preparqtion for next Winter's snow sports, Skis should be oiled cnd sandpapered mcny times belore using. HICKORY SKIS ROUGH BTANKS SEMI-FTMSHED

QUIUTY FtR YIRD SI0C[ Arizona Represetrtative


Write lor descriptive circulcn.

California Reprecetrtative

O. L. RUSSUM P. O. Box 1865, Phoenix 112 Market St., San Francisco Telephone 31121 Telephone i,Ukon 1460



Telephone: TErrplebcr 5584




May 15, 19,10

California Building Permits for April City

APril, l94O

April, 1939

..$ 6,757,617 Los Angeles .... L. A. Co., IJnincorporated 3,737,m 'San Francisco 2,359,83 *San Fernando Valley r,4&,338 Annex *West Los Angeles 1,164,889 r,067,265 Burbank .. r.... ... .:::.: 1,053,730 Long Beach . ... 1,u7,652 Sacramento 900,193 San Diego 821,325 Oakland *North Hollywood 646,512 *Hollywood 644fpo 5&,7& South Gate . 5t7,938 Glendale 438,707 Inglewood 396,t57 Berkeley 358,370 Vernon 335,250 Alhambra 301,020 San Jose 299925 Beverly Hills . D4,305 Fresno

$ 6,@,619 2,352,76 1,585,063 1,?8,5,159 1,003,525

1,147,898 834,785 1,186,816

837,969 959,962

6t8,764 574,859

252,D9 436,336


n5,217 74,328

23OW 368,320 223,85O



San Mateo San Gabriel . .. . Santa Monica . . Bakersfield *Van Nuys Compton Culver City San Marino Alameda San Bernardino .......,. Riverside Santa Ana Newport Beach Stockton Palo Alto Pomona *San Pedro Lynwood Albany Arcadia Montebello Redwood City . Ontario Burlingame Monterey Park .


855,418 323,317 143,965





City Modesto Santa Maria .. .. Lodi . Santa. Barbara Eureka Tulare

........... San Fernando ...

Salinas El Monte

Monterey Piedmont Redondo Beach Hawthorne Torrance El Centro Hermosa Beach

6,517 40,150


65,O78 38,788













23,569 8,849 31,735

37,85 37,050 36,993


D,950 D,393

Coronado Oceanside

33,541 30,875

Upland Seal Beach Monrovia Hayward Bell

26,695 25,570 )\ q7,2 25,440




Huntington Beach




Fullerton Palos Verdes ... Colton Hemet Porterville




Claremont Claremont Palm Springs Anaheim Sierra Madre

19,310 18,096

r57pzr 72,n2 141,343








84,676 76,962

59,750 49,300






Indio San Jacinto

97,672 93,376 80,500 80,230


80,033 77,425 76,755


70,655 70,495 67,455

47,956 23,741 28,500

National City Vallejo *Wilmington Whittier




132,939 13r,725




57,212 83,47CI

76,65 144,M9 83,585






81,275 118,316



Exeter Gardena

Santa Paula . .. . Emeryville Blythe Escondido Brawley Pacific Grove +Harbor City . Elsin.ore



23,950 23,495



218,305 181,510 180,995 163,707

27,956 24,930 2,3L5 35,800 74,154 12,434 29,530 12,NO 22,336


251,508 227,541



Watsonville San Luis Obispo







San Rafael








t25,525 123,575 173,870

Visalia Santa Cruz Ventura Manhattan Beach South Pasadena Laguna Beach


El Segundo


Santa Rosa

April, 1939


San Clemente Los Gatos Banning West Covina ...

Huntington Park .

April, 1940





?3,2r8 6,385 6,385

15,590 15,317


14,450 13,935 13,550

21,244 4,240 3,7@





11,435 11,110 11,040 10,510



3,76 600 13,255

5,7@ 8,100















7,m ( 4(n



La Habra


Covina Orange





1,900 Avalon 1,300 La Verne 1,090 Lindsay * Included in Los Angeles total.

4,330 7 970


May 15, 1940



Port Orford Cedar

(Also ktrotlnr cs White Cedqr or Lcwgon Cypreas)


Timbers - Ties - Crossing Plcnks - Decking - Tunnel - Venetian Blind Stock AIro Supplien ol SPIJT NEDU/OOD, DOUGLAS FI& RED CEDA& I'NTNETTED AND CBEOSOTED PBODUCTS



Ten Years Ago Today From May 15,1930 lssue

llB2 ltfillr Bddbc, Sqa Frsod*o, Ccl" Phooo Slltter 75al

Wins A. T. A. E. Award for Outstanding Trade Association Achievement

Washington, April 30,-For its achievement in formulating an exceptionally well-rounded program and carrying it through during 1938-39 in a sustained and highly successful manner the Douglas Fir Plywood Association was today named winner of the eighth national contest for "Outstanding Trade Association Achievement." The contest is ing. sponsored by the American Trade Association Executives. This is the second time within three years that a lumber The San Diegb Hoo-Hoo Club held their April meeting trade association has received this recognition, the National on the afternoon and evening of April 26 at the Rancho Lumber Manufacturers Association winning the award in Santa Fe. There was a golf tournament in the afternoon, 1937 f.or its National Small lfomes Demonstration program, bridge for the ladies, and a dinner dance in the evening. termed by then Secretary of Commerce Roper "a worthy continuing objective." Edward J. Noble, IJndersecretary of Commerce, preAmong the interesting exhibits at the San Francisco Boat Show was that of White Brothers, with yards in San sented the award on behalf of Secretary of Commerce Francisco and Oakland. Their exhibit was devoted ex- Harry Hopkins at a luncheon of the A.T.A.E. in the Mayclusively to the many varieties of hardwoods used in the flower Hotel, Washington, D. C. Stating that the basic problem faced by the industry was boat industry. the need for the development of new markets, Mr. Noble R. S. (Bob) Osgood of Los Angeles received his airplane said: "To accomplish this the Association formulated a 3pilot's license on April D, having completed the necessary year test program setting up its own research laboratory ten hours solo flying. He made his first solo flight on and cooperating with other technical agencies to further plywood research. A nationwide campaign was carried on April 8. to reach the key specifiers of building materials, and various well-planned methods were used to contact some 23.000 J. C. Ferger and Mrs. Anne Thorne of Fresno were married on April 25 and spent their honeymoon in the Sa.nta lumber dealers throughout the country. Sales-education arrangements were formulated to assist the3e lumber dealers Cruz Mountains, Southern California and Old Mexico. Mr. Ferger operates the Ferger Lumber Company in Fresno. to be more efiective merchandisers of the now-improved product. This improvement had been brought about through extensive industrial research including: tests and Valuable publicity for certain woods was obtained inspection of production; studies of fire-proofing; data on through the display by Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Com- acoustical properties of plywood; plywood wall tests; testpany, San Francisco, of Clear Port Orford Cedar air-dried ing the strength of glue used in plywood, etc.', boat planking, Clear Vertical Grain Spruce boat stock, and The National Retail Lumber Dealers Association reClear Sugar Pine pattern lumber in the Sea Scouts In- ceived honorable mention for the favorable effect of its dustrial Exhibit at the San Francisco Boat Show. "Tested Selling Methods" course in increasing residential construction and remodeling-"an educational program for Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francis- retail lumber and building material dealers and their emco, made a business trip to Colorado and Texas. ployees."

Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, was the speaker at the meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, April 26. Many members of the Northern Counties Lumbermen's Club attended the meet-


A. L. 33GUS'' HOOYER "the Rcpreenting in Southcrn Calilornia: Thc Pacif,c Lunber Company-Wendling-Nrthan Co.

5995 Wilshire Blvd. Lor Angclcr

Personal Seroice

lllon" ,Ef?.",


May 15, 19.10

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rate---$z.sO Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One'Half Inch.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RE?AIL YARD FOR SALE 70 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing community. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, god equipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.

WANTS POSITION Lumberman wants position with wholesale or retail concern in the metropolitan Los Angeles district. Ten years' retail and wholesale lumber experiencegeneral office worlg bookkeeping and typing. Last lour years with Los Angeles lumber firm. Address Box C-804, California Lumber Merchant.

WANTS TO BUY YARD Interested in buying small yard between West Hollywood and Santa Monica. Address Box C-812. California Lumber Merchant.

POSITION WANTED Retail lumberman, 25 years experience, last l0 years

in Los Angeles, fully familiar with all office detail,

GOOD OPPORTUNITY Splendid opportunity for financially responsible party, acquainted with the building trade, to sell baked enamel fibre wall tile. Would like one party for Los Angeles, and another for Long Beach. Product is recognized leader. Give full particulars about past experience. Address Box C-808, California Lumber Merchant.

sales, collections and credits, desires position as man-

ager. Excellent references. Go anywhere in California. Address Box C-788, California Lumber Merchant.

BUILDING MATERIAL SALESMAN Wants connection as salesman for building materials or builder's specialty with manufacturer or jobber. Knows the retail lumber trade-have called on California and Arizona dealers for several years. 34 years old, married. A-1 references. Go anywhere. Address Box C-809, care California Lumber Merchant.

E,XPERIENCED LUMBERMAN WANTS POSITION Retail lumberman wants position. 17 years' experience in Southern California. Estimator, yard foreman, and familiar with paints, hardware and plumbing. Good references. Address Box C-8tt Califronia Lumber Merchant. WANTED young Wanted man with lumber experience in Southern California for position as second man with line yard concern. Address Box C-814, California Lumber Merchant.

LUMBER YARD FOR SALE One of the best locations in the Los Angeles areaon two main highways-ideal for both contractor and

cash-and-carry business. Includes mill and trucks, all

in first class condition-inventory very low at present. Low rental-S4000 will handle. Address Box C-8f5 California Lumber Merchant.


WANTS LUMBER CONNECTION Young man, experienced lumber accountart, desires wholesale or retail lumber connection. Preferably in Southern California. Address Box C-799 California Lumber Merchant.

LUMBER YARDS FOR SALE We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los An-

Lumberman wants position as yardman in retail lumber yard. Over twenty years' experience. Can give good references. Address Box C-802, California Lumber Merchant.

geles. Telephone PRospect 8746.


so. cALrF. HoME SHOIV\/ MAY 2s rO JUNE 12

Washington, April 15.-An ice skating palace 150'x 230' equipped with bleachers, restaurant and dressing room' and offering year-round winter sport facilities, has been constructed in Sacramento. California.

The Southern California Home Show, sponsored by the Building Contractors' Association of Southern California. will be held in the Pan-Pacific Auditorium, 7600 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, May 25 to June 5.


May 15, 1940



Atltnn-Stutz Campuy, rU MuL.t Strart ..1..............Gllr6dd r$l Boolrtavc-Moorc Lrmbc CoS!5 Marlct Srret .............. Et$rook a7a5 Dut & Rurell, Iac., 557 M{tct Slret ................GAr6c1d 0202 Dolbq & Guu Lurbq CpzL Mcchutr Erchergc Bldg,,.....Sutts 7|56 Gusaton & Grc.D, fE|| Arnv SL .........,..........Atwater l30c Hall, Jancr Irl3z llllb BUr....... ... .............SUtter 75at

Iamu-Boadajtm Conpely. rO Cdifordr Str..t ..............G4ric|d 3$f MacDoald & Huinston" Ltd. 16 Calliomia St...................GArfietd tltgr Prcific Lubq Co- Tbr 100 Burb Strut ..................cArfcH ffEf Popc & Talbot L|nlrcr Co.. ,16l Markqt Stret...............DOuglu 2501 Red River Lubcr C4.. 315 Monadnocl Bl&. ............GAric|d IOZ Suta F. f-unbcr Co16 Calilomir StrGrt ............,ExbrooL Ztil Sbrvlb Plu SrL. Cor rG|0 Monadrocl Bldr. ..........Exbrco& ?elf Suddon & Chri.toron 310 Surma Strrt ........,.....GArGdd 2!|a Udo lrubc CcCrccLc Buttdtt ...... .........SUtr- artl

Hannond R.dwood f.ornDany,

aU Montg@dt SL ..........,..D0ut1t 33tE Hobbr Wall Lubc Co2350 Jemld Avc.....,........... . ...Mlerio lllfl Holmo Eurc&e Lrubc Co.. llO5 FirDGtd C.ntr BUs. .......GAridd r92r Roy M. Juln Lunbc 6.,

Arthur H. CoL, fa Crlilomir St...GAr6.ld ttTl C. D. Johnro bnbc Corporatiol, 250 Callfonh Slr..t

.....,.......GArficld a25t

Carl H. Kuhl lrmbc Co. O. L. Rugsun, 112 Marlet St......YUkon 146|l

Wodllag-Nathan Co..

ll0 Mukct Strc.t ..............,.Suftc

E. IC, Wood leunbr Cor


I Drumm Stret ,....,............EXbroolc 3?fl Wcycbacuu galcr Co. ra9 Callfomh Strc.t ..........,..G4t.1d Sgra

HARDWOODS AND PANEI.S Mrie Plywood Corporatloa. gl fGh StrG.t ...... ... .,. . . .MArkct 6it05-6?!3

Vyhlt Brcthd3, Flfih ud Brlmu

Stretr.........SUttcr l3t5


Unitcd Stata Flrryood Corlnration,

ll9 Kilss

Stret ............-..MArker lEt2

TVh*ler Ocgood Sales Corporation

30{5 rgrh st. ......................vAlencia




Ancriu t.mbc & Tr.atira Co,, tl6 Ncr Mmtepmry St.........,Surtc 1225 Butc. J. H. & Co- gi. ............,DOu8!u lttg 3!3' Mmtroncry HalL Jano L. 1032 Mlll! Bldg. ............. ........Sutrlr 7521



Cdltonh Bulldcr Supply 6.,

Crmrrtoo & Crsr\

?|f lrL Avr. .........'....."."..'Hkrt

9th Avcnuc Pier ..... ..,....... .. .,Hlgatc 2255 Gornu Lp-frcr Co., tllZl Tldwetc Avc.,.... .........,Alldovs l0l0 Hlll & Mcron, lacDoa|ron St. Whrrf ............ANdow l]7t Ho3u lmbc Cmpun hd & Allo Strut ..,....,.,.GlaaourtGtllt Rcd RIvc Luabc Cotaa FlD.ncld Cot6 Bldt..,..TlVimr|rr SllC E. IC Wood Lunbc Co.. Frsdcrlct & Klnr Str. ......,.FRuitvrl.0U2


Carpeny, Horra -hd Lunbc & Alico Strcctr..'.........G!-mowt 6t6l

Wotm Dc & tt$h Co5th & Cypror St! ...........TEmplc,bu E{.0 HANDWOODS

SlnbL Hrrdwod Co-

!8t Flnt Slr.d ..............TEnplcber 55El

W}'ltr BrolLrn'

5|O High Strlct ................ANdovc 160|



Aryl,o Gdltonlr Luu[cr Co655 Eart Florune Avc. ........THomwdl Slll Atklnon-Stutz C;onpeny, Ctubcr of Comercc Bldg....-,.PRorFct tt{3

Bm Lunbc Co55f Cbubc ol Cmorcr Bldr-.PRotFGt ttaf Dmt & Rurcll, Inc., l5l5 E. Scvatb SL ...,............., TRiDity 6757 Dolboor & Cum b-rc 6. tA nddrt' DHr. ............,..VAd&c aztz Humad Radvood CoEDut fGf So. Brord;ry ,....:...,...PRo.p.ct n!3

Hobbr Wdl Lunbcr Co.,

625 Rosan 8U9.......,.........,...TRjnity

Holmu Eur:&r Lubc Cq.


Al-?U Archlrrt. Dt&.- .........Murud grtt

Hovr, rL l526 lVlhhln Blvd. .................YO;L rltt Roy ltr Juta Lumbc GoF. A. Gloqtr, ff$ Trcmaim.......X)tiL 2t6t C. D. Johmon !.unbcr Corpcattm, 6ee Pdrdcm Bldsl,.. LrrooPhllipe Lumbcr Co, Gl3 Patroleum Btds.........., .....PRorped tl?4 Meclloald & Haringbu, Ltd., 5{? Pctroleu 81dg..,............PR6pect 3rZ? Pacific lanba Co- The. 5225 Wlbbiru Blvd. .................YO* rra6 Prtta Bliu Lumbr Co., 5Zr E. stL St .....................VAad&c 2321 Popc & Tdbot lrnbcr Co., 60r W. Fifth St. TRtntty 52lr Rd Rlva hnba cor ?lNl E. Shnm CEarury a0ll lGlf So. Budway ..............PRorpocr 6lf


R.ltz, Co. E. L,

ilil3 Pctrclm B|ds..............PRorD€t zilc9 San Pcdrc Lunbc Ca. Su Pcdrc. fE00A Wllnllgt !r Road ......Su P.dro 22X

Sutr Fc Lunbc Co3U Fbedd Cair Bldg. ......VAadllc||?r Shcvlln Plnr Salcr Co. 33C Pctrolcum Blds..... .......... PRospcct C6f5 .

Suddo & Chrlrtopn, 53C Board of Tredi Bldg. .......TRinityttll Taoma Lunbcr Sdcl, lZl Pctrolcun 81dg......,..... . .. .PRorpect ll0t Unlon l.mbc Co.,

9a W. M. GlrhDd Bldr. ........TRtnlty 2zE2

Wcndlln3-Nathu Ca. 5225 Wlrhiro

Blvd. .................YOrt


Wcrt Oregon Lmbsr Cc, 4? Petrolcu Bldg... .... .,....,.,Rlchnond e2El Wl&inrcn ud Buoy,

3rt W. grh SL ...................TRinity1613 E. K. Wod l.unbs Co'|70l Suta Fo Ava .,..........JEffqru 3lll lVcyerhuu Sabr Cr{ tz| W. M. Gehrd Bldg. .....Mlchigu 6Ll| CREOSOTED LUMBER-POLEII-PILINETIES

Ancican Lubcr & Trcating Cof03f So. Broadway .............PRorpcct aSGt Butcr, J. H. & Co., 601 Wrt sth Slt. .......,.......Mlchigu @9a

Cedwdladr-Glbon Co., Ine -

ilzr-E-irt O-y-plc''Sfii'.' ......AN3clur lllcl Stantd, E. J. & Son, Z0i0 Ert SEth 9trG.t ..,........C8!turtrZU Wotcm Hardwood Lubor Co., 20ra E. tSth st. ............ :....PRorpcct |ttl SASH-DOORTI-MII.I.WORK PANEIJ AI\TD PLYWOOD

BacL Pucl Conpuy, 3rG3U E. 3ard St.................ADrnr Calilomie Dw Conpuy. fto 23?-Zr C.ntrd Avo. .............Tnidb,

Cellfornia Pucl & Vcnccr Co.. 955 So. Alucdr

Cobb Co., T. M5Ee0 Cetrd



St. .....;...,...TRidtytGl

Avc. ...............ADut ltllt Eubanl & So, lnc., L H. (Inglcood) l0le Eut Hydc Par& Blvd.....ORcio !-faaa Kchl, Jrc. W. & Son, qz So. Mycre St. ...........,,,.ANsr|u.4tt1 MacDougall Dmr & Plywood Co., 21t35 E. slst St. ....,.,............. Klnbdl 3rO Orcgon-Wuhilgton Plywood Co., fl8 Wcr Ninth Strat .....,.....TR|n|ty{lU Pacific Wod Productr Conpratlon. 3600 Tybum Stret tlOl Pacific Muhral Dor Go160l E. Warhiagton Blvd. ......PRorpcct $a Rem Compuy, Go. E., 23il So. AJueda St......,....,..Mlchige ttsl Red River Lmbcr Co., 702 G. Slauson CEntury 2lff UnitGd Strtca Plywood Csporatl,on, l93lt Eilt rsth St. ...........,...Rlchnond 6l|l Wcrt 6art Ssca CoItl5 E. c|rd Stnct ..............At)u llll Whcl.r Orgrd Srlo fnraoration 922 So. Flm St. .........,.....,VAndikc a32l

REDWOOD FITS INTO THE BUITDING PICTURE You know Redwood. You know how its durability

after yeat, his home has paid extra dividends in

makes it tbe wood to use in the vital points of every

comfort, in low operating costs, and in beauty.

home. You know how its beauty makes it the pre-

Good Hammond Diamond-H Redwood is doing just

ferred wood for interior panbls and exterior trim.

that for thousands of homes. Helping to make them

You know how its other desirable characteristics

good . . . and keep them good! That's why it fits

make its maintenance costs the very lowest.

right into any building picture. And that's why it

You've helped m ny a. home owner fit Redwood into

paints a mighty pretty sales picture for the dealers

his building picture. Seen his satisfaction when, year

who handle it!



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