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G. F. (Jerry) Bonnington, Francisco wholesale lumber May 14 from trvo 'rveeks in on the mills.
Lamon-Bonnington Co., San dealers, was back at his desk the Northwest spent calling
Carl R. Moore, Moore Lumber Produ,cts, Grants Pass, Ore., and Cape Arago Lumber Co., Empire, Ore., has returned to Oregon from a business visit to the San Francisco Bay district. .While there he attended the 13th Annual Reveille at Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, April 27.
C. M. (Friday) Freeland, West Oregon Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is back from the Northwest where he visited the company's offices at Eugene and Portland.
Tom llogan III, Hogan Lumber Co., cent business visitor to the Northwest.
Oakland. was a re-
N. B. Bowden, Pacific Manufacturing Co., San Jose, recently visited Oregon on business for his firm.
L. W. Martinez, San is back from spending business.
Francisco wholesale lumberman, tn'o rveeks in the Northwest on
Frank G. Duttle, president of the pany, Oakland, tvas recently on a Pacific Northu'est.
Sterling Lumber Combusiness trip to the
Caspar Hexberg of the sales department, IJnion Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, San Francisco.
E. G. (Dave) Davis is taking his place until he returns to the office.
W. W. Jackson, J. H. Baxter & Co., San Francisco, was back at his desk April 7, from a visit to the company's treating plant at Euger.re, Ore. He also attended a lumber auction at Portland.
Wayne Nfullin, Mutlin Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was a recent visitor to the Northwest on business.
Willard La Franchi, manager of the Fresno branch of Hill & Morton, Inc., has returned from calling on sawnrills in Northern California and Oregon.
A. M. Charter, manager, Wholesale Building Supply, Inc., Oakland, returned recently from a trip to Oregon, where he called on a number of sawmills.
F. "Tom" Tomlinson, sales manager, Wholesale Lumber Distributors, Inc., Oakland, returned May 1 from a three weeks' trip to his old home town, Ashland, Wis. It was his first visit in 18 years, and it was made necessary by illness in liis family. While there Tom called on many of his old friends in the lumber business in Upper Micl,igan and Wisconsin.
Tom Branson, Melrose Lumber & Supply Co., Oakland, is back from a business trip to Portland.
\\;. K. Kendrick, sales manager, Fresno, has returned from spending Northr,r'est, calling on the mills.
Valley Lumber Co., several weeks in the
I Montgomery S_treel 1800 Mttrsbcll f,ve. SANTNANCISCO 4, CALIF. STOCKTON, CAUF. DOuglos 2080 STockton 8-8521
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