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for their neiy home, this young couple is typical of millions who will be building new homes throughout the country within the next few years. support

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2096, TenurNer, ArvNrx LOS ANGELES 54. CALIFORNIA

And He Thought He Was Saving Money

The owner oI c new home pcys only cr lew dollcns less lor uniredted lumber than he would lor trected lumber. And the chqnces r1t;rfrlr cre thqt within cr lew yecrs lhose few dollcrs oI cpporenl scving \htyri'i"":.Tijiil'"i"ff

!J tcges oI trected lumLer. He will recognize that "cn ounce of preY vention is worth c pound ol cure.".

WOODTOX (wood preservclive and moigture repellent) ecsily crnd economicclly cpplied, controle decoy, stoin, mold, mildew, termiteg, lyctus beetles cnd wood borers plus control oI wcrrping, Ehrink- llllitf.t ing, checking cnd groin rci:iug.

\ffi TtMBERTox (wood preeervctive only) controls deccy, stcin, mold, mildew. termites, lyctus beetles cnd wood borers.

WOODFIX (moisture repellent only) controls wcrrping, shrinking, checking cnd grcin rcising.

Commissioa <rnd Public Housing Authority epecificctioni cclling lor SreED] chlorincrted phenol wood preservqtives, moisture repellents cnrd !!lI7 colorins <rre lully met by our WOODTOL TIMBERTOX and WOOD- U FIX Oil Solutious.

Y SEND FOn BULLETINS Giving {ull descdptions oI purpo:ei trnd methods ol cpplicction ol stcndcrd wood preservctives cnd controlg..

GOI'ERNMENT REQUIREMENTS , . cll Army, Ncvy, Mcririme -


Architcct Builder tumber Dealer

The owners ol new homee and buildings cre entitled to the economy cnd protection of lrected lumber. Your recommendqtion is a senrice they will cpprecictte. WOODTOX treated lumber mecaures up to cll cpnstruc- tion needs cnd errdry lumber _{ggtgf ie in c poeition ro supply WOODTOX trected lumber, beccuse coetly crnd elcborcte trecling equip- ment is.not required.

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