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Western Shook
The OPA announces that additions may be made to cover extra lumber costs for \4,estern shook to compensate producers for increased lumber costs resulting from the use of better tl-ran box grade lumber. Effective May 1 additions of up to $8.50 per 1,000 board feet may be made. (Amendment 1l to Revised MPR-186. effective Mav 1.)
Surplus Housing
Surplus housing will be disposed of by the Federal Public Housing Authority, the National Housing Agency announced. Included will be 200,000 permanent and demountable houses. On the sale of homes preference will be given to consumers in the following order, present occupants, litar veterans, other prospective occupants and investors.
Cijassified Advertising
Rate-$2.50 per Column Inch.
Want 4-inch MADISON or VONNEGUT.
Address Box C-1087, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Assistant miles South per month.
WANTED manager of retail lumber yard, seventeen of San Francisco. Starting salary $200.00 Splendid opportunity for the right party.
Burlingame Lumber Company Box 356
Millbrae. California
Experienced Planing Mill Detailer and Lister wanted. Ideal working conditions. Permanent position for right man.
J. A. Hart Mill & Lumber Co.
Jerrold Ave. and Napoleon St.
San Francisco 24, Calif.
Position Open
Lumberman-Want man to handle books and assist in store and yard. This is a perman'ent position in a country lumber yard with large hardware store in San Diego County. Give full qualifications and starting salary expected. No objection to an older man if able bodied.
Address Box C-1096, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg. Los Angeles 14, Calif.
The site of the Exposition Lumber Yard, approximately 26,000 Fg. ft., extending between Exposition and Jefferson Boulevards. Located on the North border'of The Baldwin Hills subdivision developments.
The only retail site in this territory with permits for both lumber and heavy manufacturing.
Address J. T. Mann, 45L2 W. 16th Place Los Angeles 6, Calif.
Experienced lumber and building material salesman by large, long established, San Joaquin Valley Yard. Must be able to take off lumber lists. An excellent opportunity for a permanent connection. Give previous experience and references in application.
Address Box C-1095, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Fornaer lumber yard on main highway for lease. About 2f acres with plenty of buildings. $225.00 monthly, including taxes, interest and owner's residence. 10 miles from Los Angeles. No stock.
If you want to sell your lumber yard, let us know. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746