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Distribwors ol Pacific Coast Forest Products
Wholesale to Lumber Yards
Sash - Windows
Gasements - Doots,
Fertonal -/{ewt
Roy Stanton, returned from a
E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, business trip to the Northwest. has
Robert Schaefer, manager, Cabax Mills, Grants Pass, Ore., with mills at Ferguson and Kerby, Ore., recently spent a few days on business in San Francisco. He attended the 13th Annual Reveille at Hotel Claremont. Berkeley, Apr1l 27.
Roy Pitcher, Associated Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a visit to Palm Springs.
Ralph E. Barto of the Ralph E,. Barto Lumber Co., Huntington Park, Calif., recently made a business trip to Sacramento and San Francisco. While in the Bay district he took in the 13th Annual Reveille, held at Hotel Claremont. Berkeley, April 27.
G. R. Westfir, He will
(R"y) Bleecker, Ore., left April 25 be gone about 30 manager, \\restfir Lum,ber on a business trip to the days.
Chas. T. Gartin, Oregon Lumber Sales, Eugene, Oregon, left San Francisco by the air route for Eugene, April 28, after a business trip to the San Francisco Bay district. While there he attended the 13th Annual Reveille.
Ncrtionql Wood Tcrnk Institute Annual Meeting
fhe first annual meeting of the National Woocl Tank Institute u'as held in the Stevens Hotel, Chicago, on April 13-14 and .ivas attended by a large representation of the mernbers. The follou'ing officers r,vere reelected for the coming year: Fred W. Wendnagel, president; J. T. Barriger, vice president; C. E. Carlson, secretary, and F. H. Bailev. treasurer.
fie1d engiSan Franexecutive offices are at l3D-30 N{onadnock Bldg., Chicago 4.
Samuel Emmons Chaney, who rvas formerly neer for the California Redrvood Association of cisco, is the executive director. The fnstitute's