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News of Our Friends in The Services 'D

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and is a former student of the University of ldaho. His old associates in the Noah Adams organization are naturally very proud of him, and wish him many "happy landings."

E. W. Hemmings, Baugh Bros. & Co., Los Angeles, received a cablegram from his son, Lawrence, on April 30 from Wellington, New Zealand, announcing that he was safe after having been reported missing. He has been in the Coast Guard Transport Service for the past three years. He was with the Hammond Lumber Company at Los Angeles before going into the Service.

Herbert F. Mabie, partner in the Economy_ lumber Company, San Jose, who is a Carpenter's Mate F$rrt Class in the Seabees, was recently home on leave, and is now back on active duty in the South Pacific. His address is: 7th Naval Construction Battalion, Company B, c/o Fleet P.O., San Francisco.

First Lieut. Paul Klinkerman, former shipping clerk at San Pedro Lumber Company, Central'Avenue yard, Los Angeles, is now stationed at headquarters of the Infantry . Replacement Training Center at Camp 'Wolters, Texas.

Here is a picture of Lieutena"t (jg) Robert L. (Bob) Spohn, USNR, of Fairfield, Calif., formerly right hand man of Ralph E. Gilbert, manag'er of the Fairfield yard of Noah Adams Lumber Company.

Lieut. Spohn, 25 year old dive bomber pilot in Air Group 8, was awarded the Navy Air Medal and Gold Star in recognition of his.meritorious achievements in combat against the Japanese, which included the sinking of tl.rree cargo ships at Okinar,r'a, Chichi Jima, and'Palau. recently home on leave and has been reassigned to duty.

Col. Frank B. James of Long Beach, son of Roy E. James, commission lumberman, Huntington Park, has been appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Sth Air Force in England. Ife was formerly Chief of Operations of the 8th Air Force.

Pvt. Alfred C. Hansen, Jr., son of Alfred C. Ifansen, Sr., secretary and manager of S. H. Chase Lumber Company, San Jose, Calif., has completed his training and is stationed at Fort Ord, awaiting assignment to overseas duty.

enemy Cpl. Richard S. (Dick) O'Neill, instructor in celestial He was navigation at Clovis Field, Clovis, N. M., youngest son of further W. H. O'Neill, O'Neill Lumber Co., San Francisco, tvas recently home on furlough.

He ls a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Spohn of Fairfield,

(Continued on Page 26)

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