2 minute read
A. C. MERRYMAN, Advcdrla3
J. E. MARTTN Mtr. Srrr Frrncirco Offico
IncorDontcd unda thc hw of Glifornir
J. C. Diomc, Prcr. ud Tro.; Ptil B. Hart, Vicc-Prcr.; J. E. Marrib, Sccy. Publirhcd thc lrt end l5tb of *h noDth rt {s-e FAY BLDG, LOS ANGELES, CAL. TELEPHONE VAndtkc ,ErtS Entcnd u Seond-ctur mttGr SGpt.mbat E, llt|. tt thc Pctoflicc tt Ilr Angela, Cdlfornlen undGr Act ol March !, l!' l
Subrcription Pricc, $2O0 pcr Ycer Singlc Copicr, 25 ccntc cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL., JUNE t, 1924
How Lumber Looks
There har been much talk of tf,e importance of curtailment, end of the recpondbility for therc lart few weeks' low prices and decreased demandr for rtoclc.
ln a recent review of the market rituation, as seen from the other end of the line, up No*h here is what one man har to ray, and he is a man who ir generally considered to be an authority.
"At last, rays of light begin to appear. Some rigns of irnprovement seem to be immediately at hand, the last week har brought into sight substantial developments which give the outlook ttre most cheer it har had for leveral months.
To the night of the 27th, thc total war 103,5(X),01X), wtih four dayr to go.
Advcrtbing Rrtcr on Application
"One of the brightest rpots in the new developments is the outlook for a resumption of export buying on a large scde. Stocks in Japan have beeri reduced. The mills are trimming up their order files in preparedness to shut down on short notice and this is already having its effect on buying. The feeling seemr to be generd that if the bottom has not been reached that it is near."
That is the viewpoint of one who is at the seat of operatiorir of supply, and who had given his unbiased opinion on whet to look for.
In California, t'he buying that has been done in May, har been at the lowest pricec obtainable, and in cases th€se pricer were mighty low. There ir really nothing to afrect the dealers placing orders, except their own opinionr of what stockr they will need, and what t'he demand ir going to be in their own territory for the next ninety dayr.
Randornr and cutting orders have rurely reached' tte low limit. Thir week a new price of $4.00 war reported on l5/g OP lath. One of the largest shipperr in California har announced their firm intention of refusing orders for any rtockr at pricer below what ttey have now set as the abrolute bottom. It was reported that cutting orders had been pleced in Southern California for as low at $2O.OO, and a few orderp for randomr at $17.00
At prerent there are about forty lumber carriers leid up at San Francirco, and other points, most of them of the rmaller capacities. The shipment figures for the month of May give an average of close to a million end ahalf feet per boat.
The last weekly report from the West Coast Lumbermens Association, grt.r the production of t'heir member mills, for one week, as 96,696,O00 feet, and they shipped lOl,OOOr0OO feet. As compared to a cut of 96,188,(XX) feet for the week previous, it shows very little change. They have unfilled rail orderc on hand for 4,O64 cars. For twenty weeks in this year, the total production of fir is within 42 million fet of being the sarne aa of the same period in 1923, 'and the orders for the compared twenty weeks, faII229 million feet below last year.
The redwood mills, according to their lart report, cut a total of 9,23Q0O0 feet, and sold 9,367r(X)O feet. There totalr are ver5r cloee to thore of the week before.