1 minute read
Bay District Golfers to Plan Lumber Tournament
There is considerable discussion among the Bay District golfers at the present time for a summer golf tournament which they hope will develop into an annual affair and within the fiext few weeks they plan to call a meeting of all lumbermen golfers to get this affair under way.
The Bay District lumbermen are very enthusiastic for golf and many of the lumbermen are ranked with the best golfers in San Francisco. So in the near future they plan to get all the golfers in the lumber fraternity together fort a one day tournament to be followed with some kind of a jinx in the evening.
The above pictures represent three of San Francisco's lumbermen golfers. On the left is "Bob" McCullough, of the McCullough-Fagan Lumber Co., who plays a whale of a game and at the recent Bulletin Tournament held on the Lincoln Park links he qualified among the "first flight-
ers." In the center is "Charlie" Wilson one of the sales stafi of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. "Charlie" plays a good game of golf and hovers around the "first flighters" class himself. Bruce Lemon, of Forsythe & Co., is on the right and from the reports going around among the lumbermen he is also classed as a finished player.
Cenrrneo hruckcoumrnn
trip Mr.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California 'wood Association, San Francisco, is on a two weeks' to Los Airgeles and other Southern California points. Hammatt is calling on the Southern Calfornia retail lumber dealers and is also devoting some of his time to the co-operative dealer bill-board advertising campaign that the association is carrying on throughout the state. He plans to return to San Francisco around the latter part of the month.
Fredgolding A Bay District Visitor
Fred Golding, of the Fred Golding T umber Co., Los Angeles, spent a few days recently n San Francisco attending to business matters and calling on the lumber trade. He was on his way to the Northwest to visit the Washington and Oregon mills.
Cliff Bergstrom Visits San Francisco
Cliff Bergstrom, Los Angeles representative of the MacDonald-Harrington l-umber Co., was a San Francisco visitor last week and spent several days attending to business matters and calling on his lumbermen friends in the Bav District.
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