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Stanislaus Lumber Company in New Home
Beautiful New Offices Are Last Word in Modern Merchandising
Here is the nerv office building, just completed by the Stanislaus Lumber Company, Modesto.
It rvould be saying too much to state that every person connected with this institution is proud of the attractive nel home, and to state that already they have felt the effects in their business, in increased business resulting from orders for materials that they have not heretofore carried. i
NIr. J. U. Gartin is vice-president and manager for the Stanislaus Lumber Company., He is wise in the ways of handling and selling lumber, and when the time came for a new home, he immediately decided to have it right, and as an ofrfice for a Building Material Merchant should be.
The changes and improvements to their plant included the remodeling of the fo,rmer office buildings, and the addition of a considerable quantity of space, to the manag'ers private offices, and the display and service departments.
The exterior of the building! holds to the Spanish Renaissance in,every detail. It is of stucco, with a most beautiful entrance doorway, and iryith plenty of large windows for light for the proper illuminatiotr of the display rooms. Situated on a corner, it present,s two sides on prominent streets, securing the maximum amount of effect to passers by.
Immediately inside of the front door is found the sales room, convenient quarters where the customers can be interviewed.
The display room is paneled with tr,r'enty-eight differ-