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We are pleased to announce the appointment as our Agents in Northern California, the Wholesale Lumber firm of WendlingNathan Company, 110 Market Street, San Francisco. For Soutrhern C-alifornia and Arizona, Wendling-Nathan Company, through Mr. A L Hoover, Central Building, Los Angeles and Mr. E. UWheelock, Wholesale Lumber dealer, Marsh Strong Building, also Los Angeles.
As a result of twenty-two yeara' endeavor, our Company hae achieved an enviable reputation aE manufacturers of upp€r grades of Fir Lumber. In this our most pronounced EucceEa has been in the making of Fir Finish frorn selected old growth Yellow Fir logs. The demand for our Finish, together with the universal praiso accorded it, warrants our placing it on the market under a apecial brand and henceforth it will be known as
lVest 0regon Super-Finish
Hundreds of dealers are now using it with marked success and to those who are not, we cotnrrrend it as a superior product. Oun gang sawed Flooring is likewisea high-class product.
Sanding Mouldings Detail Work
Longview Mill Receives First Logs
Betweer-r nine and ten million feet of logs have been delivered to the Douglas fir lumber manufacturing plant of the Long-Bell Lumber Company at Longview, \Mashington, and are now in the storage ponds. These are the first to be received by the company for its Longview operations, and have been delivered preparatory to the beginning of the plant in July.
These logs were purchased from logging' concerns on the Columbia River and were rafted into the Long-Bell ponds. In addition, operations have started at Ryderwood, the seat of the company's logging operations in the Douglas fir region, and between five and six million feet of logs will be ready for transportation from Ryderwood previous to the opening of the mills.
The logs rvill provide timber for the first operations of the new plant, and by the time these are utilized, regular logging trains running to the plant will be in operation.
Effective June lst, L. H. Ives & Company, of Seattle, wholesalers of Pacific Coast lumber, will be represented in the Southern California territory bv R. F. Throm. and Mr. C. H. McDonald, who has been handling this office, rvill work out of the Seattle office.
A. J. Russell, manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent a felv days last lveek visiting their company yards at Tracy, Brentrvood, Pattison, and Ne.rvman attending to business matters lvith the various var<l managers.