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San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club held a meeting at Fresno on Saturday May 24th, with a good attendance.
President J. C. Ferger, Swastika Lumber Company, Fresno, presided. IIe read a telegram from Peter B. Kyne, saying, "Have tried my best to conclude important business deal here in time to attend meeting of San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, but could not make the grade. Am very sorry and best I can do is to ask you to extend my greetings to the 'brethren'."
Secretary Frank Minard read the financial statement of the Club, showing their affairs to be in good shape, with a large cash balance on hand.
Mr. R. C. Parker, formerly of Fresno, and now of Portland spoke to the membership on lumber conditions. He told the Club that lumber conditions in the Pacific Northwest are similar to those in California and not likely to improve 'ivithin the next thirty days.
He attributed low prices and closing of mills to overproduction all along the line and said that the mills had become o\.erenthusastic in their rvork immediately after the Japanese disaster.
"This may be a good thing, however" he said, "since it gives us a chance to check up on ourselves and to bend ::orne effort ton'ard greater co-operaton."
W. F. Baird of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company said thatthe local concern is looking forward to the regular season's cut'and told the lumbermen that there will be no change in lumber grades.F. D. Prescott, Alberta Ruth Brey of Porterville and J. G. Martin, past president were others called upon for remarks.
The register of the meeting showed the following names:
J. C. Ferger, Fresno; Frank Minard, Fresno; W. K. Spalding, Visalia; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; W.F. Baird, Fresno: Wm. Cravens, Chowchilla; H. C. Kofoid, Carruthers; Chas L. Kofoid. Carruthers; O. C. Russum, San Francisco; J. H. Stutz, San Francisco; J. F. Wright, Porterville; Frank Baley, Porterville; S. T. Scofield, Bakersfield; Ralph P. Duncan, Merced; William Cravens, Chowchilla; Ralph W. Evans, Merced; R. C. Turner, Fresno; C. K. Crane, Exeter; B. D. Francis, Exeter; Geo. Burnett, Tulare; Floyd A. Dernier, Los Angeles; A. J. Russell, San Francisco; R. E. Holt, Fresno; H. B. Chadbourne, San Francisco; Erwin Frane, Reedley; B. F. Bordweant, Reedley; E. P. Ruth, Reedley; A. P. Wedel. Reedley; W. B. March, Venice Hill; J. G. Martin, Fresno; Robt. C. Parker, Portland, Ore.; Alberta Ruth Brey, porterville; Christine Gantschy, Porterville; W.K. Kendrick, Fresno; R. T. O'Hara, Fresno; Roy Clotfeller, Visalia; A. J. Lucas. Fresno; C. L. Burnett, Exeter; R. E. Burnett, Lindsay; L. P. Ross, Hanford; H. E. Verble, Fresno; W.H. Endon, Biola: Earl tI. Eyman, Reedley; R. W. Evans, Merced; R. P. Duncan, Merced; Arthur H. Kellie, Visalia; Chas. Schefer, Kingsburg; A. H. Crow, Kerman.