3 minute read
work in the milling business' Mr. McDonald Dresented a papeisimilar to this at a convention in San Francisco last fall, and a comDarison shows a surprisingly close result -as to the costs of the various steps in manufacturing.
In closing will say that I believe the measure of any Mill's success is in its sales, which entirely depend upon its quality, ser-
Good Service Draws Poem to Shipping Clerk
'fhe American Lutnber Company, a Los Angeles company that uses a slogan, "One Plece or a Carload," received this verse in the mail last rveek, from a satisfied customer, ancl dedicated to the verv efficient yard foreman that has ofificiated for them, for a long time. He'is knorvn as Nick to cveryone that calls at their yard.
No matter what the business is Nor kinds of goods that's sold, Employees must be courteous Employees must not scold.
The American Lumber Companl' This fact does recognize, When "One Piece or a Carload" Is *-hat is advertised.
The writer had experience, When he urrdertook to buy Just one piece of plain moulding In order to get by.
Expectins that the buyers big Their own good time could Pick' He llas surprised to,hear for,thwith "Your wishes sir, I'm Nick."
Arr<i thus the ad was Proven true, And void of wile or trick. With service promptly rendered, if You cry aloud, "Oh, Nick."
Boyd In Honolulu
IVIr. Scott Boyd, president of the Boyd Lumber & Mill Company, is enjoying a three months vacation at llonolulu, accompanied by Mrs. BoYd.
ATTEllTlOll l5 ILLS!
I am a Texac com,niision rrnn reeking firrt' clars Western mill accoturts. I rell lumber, Red Cedar Shingle, Doore, Mouldingq Panels, etc. Manufacturers d'esiring satirfac' tory businets from Texar, write me. Give full particulars.
JOE LYONS l2l4 EI Paso St. - Ft. Worth, Texar vice and price furnished. To establish these there must be efficiency in handling the material from the time it leaves the ship until it is racked in the finish shed. And most important of all is the efficiency to know and control the costs all along the line and to accomplish this the only answer is . .well. .a good COST SYSTEM.
Longview To Have Memorial Hospital
Citizens of Longvietv, Washington, and surrounding communities again demonstrated their confidence in the new city recently when stock to the amount of $105,000.00 was sold in a four-day campaign carried on to raise funds with which to build a modern Hospital in Longview. It will be known as the Longvierv N{emorial Hospital and r,vill serve Longview and other communities in that district. The amount subscribed exceeded the goal by $5,000 and rvorkers had no difflculty in selling the stock in the time allotted for the drive. Approximately 150 persons, working under the dir'ection of J. D. Tennant, vice-president of The Long-Bell Lumber Company, and representing various civic, social and fraternal organizations took part in thg campaign.
steadily ahead, until completed, tested and ready for ship-
Aninteresting story of business enterprise is brought ping.
10 ligh] with the occtlpancy of their new modern factory Half of the plant is now ready for occupancy and the !f J. O. IMallace & Company, Chicago, manufacturerr of second section *;lt ne started in ihe near future. Wallace Portable Machines.
In-l916thisorganizationbeganmakinglightweight,/\^|2'a'^-^2^'_.portable machines for the woodworking and allied tra<tes.
Their products bridge the gap between hand sawing, ptan- ing, etc., and heavy stationary machines.
CalifOfnia LUmberman AppOinted On
NatiOnal COmmittee
7 President DwightHinckley of the National-American /Wholesale Lumber Associatioh, has cornpleted his ap/ pointment of the Association's standing committees for / the coming year.
il In the "Shingle Marketing" Committee is found the v name of Mr. A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, withfour others, two of them here on the coast; Mr.J.A. Edgecumbe, of Vancouver, B. C., and Lloyd Hillman, of Seattle.

These machines found a r,eady market. Industries, from exclusively woodworking plants, carpenters, builders, etc. to those which use rvood only in shipping or repair work, effect great economies bv using t6ese -portable outfits. These machines operate from the electric lgihting circuit. They are ruggedly built and powered to hanile, eftciently, any work withintheir capacitl., yet they are so designed and built that even the smallest rvork .rtr be handled -with absolute accuracy.
The new Wallace plant is a model of modern manufacturing- practice. It is of one story, fireproof, daylight con- struction. All operations are confined- to one -floir. All manufacturing and assembling is done on ahighly spec- ialized progressive system in-which each machin,.'-olr.,
How the Mighty Have Fallen
Fallen is the word, without doubt.
A. J. (Gus) Russell, of San Francisco, mighty with a shot gun and a fishing rod, and until recently a scoffer at the ancient sport of the Scots, has finallv come to it, and has played his first nine holes of golf.
Elmore King is responsible for the information that Gus made his first nine in 90, called it a day, and is now as energetic in his praise of the game as he rvas formerly in his condemnation.