1 minute read
Look For These Showlders On Frames
\Y/HEN vou buv window frames see that vou set Andersen \ff Standard Frames with the raised shouldels on the sill. The storm sash or screen sets against the first shoulder, and when the window is closed thJ sash rests directly in hont of the second shoulder, making it impossible foi wind or water to entet the house at ttiese points. The Andersen Frame is the only stock frame having these shoulders. The Andersen Lumber Company also makes Subsill Frames.
Reasons Why And.qsen Frames Are Prefeneil: delays
1. Immediate delivety-no expensive waiting for special frames.
2. l2L siues ready for every purpose.
3. Delivered in two compact bundles marked for size and easily handled.
7. Modern machinery, methods and specialization lower costs at the factory; quickness of assembly saves you time, labor and money plainly on the job.
4. ? units instead of 57. No small parts to become lost or broken.
5. N-o sorting, measuring or refitting. The com' plete trame nalled up wrtn pocKets ano iulleys in place in ten minutes.
6. Accuracy gives smooth running windows, yet excludes weather.
8. Better results in frame, brick or stucco buildings.
9. 'lfhite Pine presewes original accuracy and gives continuous sewice.
10. Made by largest exclusive standard frame manufacturer. The trade-mark is absolute Drotection.