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Announces a Roof to Last Ten and Twenty Years
The Pioneer Paper Company, pioneers as the name suggests, in the manufacture of roofing materials, tar and asphalt products, have just:made an announcement carry- time been among the leader:s in this industry. At the pres. ent time, they operate o.ffices at [,os Anglles, San Franiisco, Portland, and Seattle, and their ioofing plant is at Los Angeles.
The new product, just announced, is a built up, specifica- tion roof, for various types of buildings, the- onb grade Known as the PIONEER TEN YEAR S?ECIFICAfION FOQF, is applied according to u'ritten directions supplied by the manufacturer, and is bonded by them for a perioa of ten years. The o,ther, PIONEER TWENTY YBen SPECIFICATION ROOF, is of a heavien type with more thicknessess of material, and carries a bond for a period of twenty vears.
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HON&ER PAPER@nN,!NC_ b6tu€ rtu4didtou ot Eow w YEa ArutnqnoN @F. r 6rH Dr U PImm fm CelpN. INL &d Xry 16, rtri d d d bt|{ b b4dd o! qDtd Dt ddr sffi .stotfr PImBPDnqlN.nC fr! OUN! lrrrtDt l.d, rhr h nOM Pm (!nfr, Drc, {6 ro bdrb!! u. toltod{ dldu proNB R lmNn llN 3lmi ing considerable interest and importance to the retail lumber trade of the west.
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The guarantee furnishecl by the co,mpany on these products is in the form of a written and signed document, a reproduction of which rvill be found in thi's article. After the roof has been laid by an authorized contractor, and has been approved by the Pioneer Paper Company, the owner is given the guarantee, rvhich is insurance of his complete satisfaction for ten or ttventy years.
The completed twenty year roof will weigh in the neighborhood of 525 pounds per hundred squari feet. It is built up of three layers of their, "Flaxatex," and one laver of r,r'hat they call "Nelr- Method Special Mica Surfaced." These materials are mopped'to the roof deck tvith Pio'neer HMP Roofing Comporrnd, ar-rd then the whole is spread with a heavy layer of gravel surfacing.
The draw'ing rvill give a mo're complete idea of how this is done ,and the approxirnate thickness of the roof rvhen completed.
This great institution, the Pioneer Paper Company, was organized in California, in 1888. Their operations in the roofing now cover the entire coast, and they have for some