2 minute read
Notes on the Convention
Halloran Is Live Wire
"Dynamite, Live Wire, Streak of l-ightning, and a few others, are names applied to the retiring president of the club, J. .T. (Jack) Halloran, of Phoenix. This gentleman is quite versatile; he has made a very capable officer for the club, possesses a good singing voice, and is a fine dancer. H,owever, it is necessary to see Jack in action to really appreciate him.
The "Once a Year Club," fron Los Angeles descended upon Ed. O'Malley's home in Tucson, during his alrsence, and just about exhausted the edible and liquid refreshmer.rts that were to be found. This was on Thursday. during a u'ait between trains, Mrs. O'Malley was very gracious, even to allorving the gang to leave a v€ry inrpertinent note to Ecl., thanking him for the hospitality that he had known nothing of. This bunch was led by Goodrich and Curran.
It was hot in the parlor car, in tl-re local train going from Douglas to Tucsc'n. Goodrich and Vance had made themselves comfortable u,'ith their coats alrd collars off, and they were each occupying two chairs. Dooley Goodrich turned to Frank and asked: "Why don't you put your feet on this chair and get comfortable?"
Frank replied: "No, darned if I do. After those th,ree days, I am going to punish myself all I can ,and stay hot."
Fun Across The Border
name of thc Mexican ,town ratherr hard of the day. "Agua Prieta" means At times it tasted like it.
1-he fumigation of out-of-the-s,tate passengers at Maricopa is not the hardship that has been reported. It is necessary for passengers from California- who are getting off the train at Arizona points, to leave 'the train at M,aricopa, have their baggage inspected for fruits that are under ban, and to thelr rvalk through a pan of disinfectant. Baggage is then giverr an "Inspected" stamp.
Thirteen Los Atrgeles men atterlded the converrtion. They rrere: to in
E. A. Goodrich, Union Lumber Co.
Frank Curran, E. K. W-ood Lumber Co.
.A.rchie Price, L. W. Blinn Lumber Co.
S. C. Hooper, S. Ct Hooper Lumber Co.
Jeff Tully, A. W. Smi,thJ Lumber Co.
A. L. Hoover, A. L. Hoover Co.
Roy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Sorr.
Parson Peter, A Simpkin.
R. I-. Vance, Cal. Portland Cement Co.
T-. E. Bancroft, Cal. Portland Cemerrt Co.
S. L. \4/eaver, Weave,r Roof Co.
E. U. Wheelock. E. U. Wheelock Co.
Phil B. Hart, "California I-umber Merchant."
Sylvester Weaver conrplaintd. u'hile nraking his 6rst addresi, that the altitude of Douglas hacl canse<l trouble in his throat and that he was sorry for being very hoarse. Hi Corbett said that it q'asn't the altitude of Douglas, it u'as the refreshments of Agua Prieta.
Joe Tarcly of Dorrglas, should be named Hos,pitallty Tardy. This 6rre. big-hearted gentleman was in evidence every nrinute of the day, (and most of the night), attending the wants and needs of the visitors. Joe closed hist yard for trvo days, putting l-rinrself and his car at their disposal
REDWOOD rvas much lJnion Lumber (.)ompanv, irr hats, orr suit cases, in California's rvood a lot of in evidence.' "Dooley" Goodrich, of the scattered several thousand small stickers automobiles and in orther places, giving much deserved publicity.