2 minute read
Golden West Lumber Company Progressive Lumber Merchants
1-he Santa Rosa Lumber Co., Boyes Springs Lumber Co., Vallejo Builder's Supply Co., Fulton Lumber Co., and Clear Lake Lumber Co., which is orvned and operated by the Golden West Lunrl-,er Co.. have made remarkable progress during the past year in remodeling and constructing new improvements at their various yards. This line of retail lumber yards are ideally located and each yard is CLAYTON GREEN located in a prosperous and proPrcs., Gcn. Mgr. gressive community. This organization was started about four years ago by Clayton 'Green, who is the president and manager of company, and who is regarded as one of the most prognessive lumber merchants in the state"
At theVallejo Builder's Supply Co. plant at Vallejo, the company is remodeling their present offices and when completed will be one of the most attractive offices on San Francisco Bay. At their \rallejo plant, they also have one of the most up-to-date and complete planing rnills in operation, which they operate in conjunction with their retail lumber business. Vallejo is located on San Francisco Bay and is a prosperolls community o f 25,000 people. It is here that the Mare Island Navy Yard is located rvhich has employment for approximately 6000 people and practic-' ally all these emplovees make their homes in Vallejo. Vallejo is on the Pacific Highway and is on the main highr,r'ay between Sacrarnento and the San Francisco Bay district, and is tributory to the rich fruit and grazing sections of Solano manager of the Santa Rosa Lumber Co.
Countl'. President Green states that the location on San Francisco Bay affords them excellent facilities for shipments into the surrounding territory by water ou/ing to the low water tariffs. Their Vallejo yard and mill is under the management of M. C. Mitchell who has been associated srith the lumber business in this sectior{ for many years.
Boyes Springs, located in the heart of the Valley of the Moon and rvhich has been made famous by the pen of the popular autho,r Jack London, is the headquarters of the Boyes Springs Lumber Co. Boyes Springs has a national reputation for its mineral and rnedicinal hot springs and is a regular mecca for tourists and Californians throughout the entire 1'ear. The past tvinter and spring months have seen much building activity in this co,mmunity and many beautiful buildings and homes are replacing those that were destroyed by the Ere of 1923. The Company has constructed an attractive lumber office and yar{.here and N. M. Daubin isthe local manager of this yard.
The Santa Rosa Lumber Co., located in the beautiful and prospe,nous city of Santa Rosa, has one of the most modern and attractive lumber yards and office buildings in Northern ,California. Santa Rosa, situated on the picturesqrle Redu'ood Highrvay and the county seat of rich Sonoma County, has gained national prominence through the activities of Luther Burbank and almost adjoining the ofEce and vard of the Santa Rosa "Lumber Co. is located the "Luther Burbank Farm."
Santa Rosa during the past few years has completed many attractive homes and building structures and almost immediately opposite the quarters of the Santa Rosa Lumber Co. is located the new million dollar high school that is now under construction.
The Golden West Lumber Co. also mainta"ins a yard at Fulton ahd they are opening a yard at the present time at Clear Lake which is a popular tourist resort during the summer months. These yards are known as the Fulton l-umber Co. and the Clear Lakes Lumber Co.

Clayton Green is the President and General Manager of this line yard concern and associated r,vith,him as Directors are the well knorvn Califonria lumberman G. H. Ward and R. A. Hiscox, and Judge Russell lF. ,O'Hara who is a man of high standing in the city of Vallejo and also a member of the Vallejo school board. Mr. Green is a redl live wire and progressive lumber merchant and at all their yards they are equipped with Building Plans, Building Material Supplies, Paints, Built-In-Fixtures, and other cohveniences that are essential for the construction of Better Homes.