1 minute read
Age not guaranteed-r"-ii'ff::;ffd for 2o years-some less.
The Wrong Place
The colored woman from the South was working in a northern city, and very much enjoying her first touch of, "social equality." One Sunday she made her way to the finest church in the entire neighborhood, entered, and took a seat in the middle of the church. It was a stiff-backed church, of stiff-backed Christians, but Liza didn't know it. She had been told that all skins were the same color in the eyes of the Christians up north.
The Preacher began the delivery of a very powerful sermon, and as he warmed up to his work the effect on Liza was much the same as it used to be in the revival meetings down South, and her nerves began to respond to the call of
Sandiego Lumber Company Wharf Falls
A section of the San Diego I-umber Company's wharf gave way on Friday, May 23rd, dropping about 125,000 feet of lumber into the bay.
Owing to the prompt and fast work of Capt. Reiger of the Benson Lumber Company in getting some boom sticks around the wreck, none of the stock was lost.
religion. Soon she began to reply, as she was won't to do. "Amen ! Bless de Lawd !" caused the high-brow members to stare in great surprise. A few moments later, "Halleluh ! Blessed is de lamb of God," shouted the religionist of Southern extraction, and about that time the cold-eyed chief usher touched her on the arm.
Y.ou'll have to stop that talking," he said sternly.
"Man, Ah caint hep it ! Doan you see Ahm gettin religion ?"
"Then you'll have to go outside," was the acid reply, ..THIS IS NO PLACE TO GET RELIGION.''
San Pedro Mill Changes Hands
C. C. Blackman and L. A. Bell of the San Pedro Builders Exchange, have purchased the mill formerly operated by W. H. Langworthy, as the San Pedro Manufacturing Company.
They will operate under the name of the San Pedro Builders Exchange Mill, rnanufacturing sash, doors and cabinets.