5 minute read
University of California Announces Courses of the Division of Forestry
A booklet, announcing the courses of the Division of Forestry of the University of Califqrnia, has just been prepared by Mr. Emanuel Fritz, Professor Forest Products and Lumbering.
The booklet was prepared to acquaint those interested in education in forestry, lumbering and grazing with the gpportnnities that these fields offer young men 1nd of the facilities of the University of California for giving instruc, tion to prepare men for them. Two curricula ari ofieredl The first is intended for those rvishing to specialize irr Forestry or Grazing and have for the'ir foundation the biological sciences. The other is intended for those r,r,isl,- ing to specialize in Logging Engineering or Forest Products_Engineering and is based on Mechanics, Physics. and Mathematics rather than on the biological scienci:s
There is a grolving demand for trained men from the forestry profession, the lumber industry, and the livestock enterprises. It is the aim of this booklet to outline pro- g'rams of study rvhich will give the student a sound an<l thorough basic training to serve as a foundation on which to build the practical experience he u'ill obtain after leaving college.
The booklet contains illustrations of parts of the LTniversity Campus in Berkeley, viels of California's pine and redwood forests, and the forest activities of the sturlents and faculty. Copies may be had free upon application to the I)ivision of Forestrv, 305 Hilgard Halt, Beitelev, Calif.
The Steamer G. C. Lindauer, owned by the Andrew I{ahoney Lumber Co. and carrying a cargo of lumber for Chas. R. McCormick & Co. from Reedsport to San Francisco, has been reported as destroyed on the Umpqua Bar. The ship and cargo was reported as atotal lois but no lves were lost. The Steamer Admiral Nickerson of the Admiral Line went. to the assistance of the G. C. Lindauer and was al'so lost,i
Ezra.T. Stimson, capitalist and lumberman, a resident of San Francisco for the past six years, died suddenly in San Francisco from a stroke of apoplexy. He was a native of Pig Rapids, Michigan, where he was born 62 years ago. He was one of the organizers for the Stimson Mill Co. rvith large lumber interests in Washington and he represented this concern in Los Angeles for many years prior to his moving to San Francisco in 1918. Besides his widow, he leaves two brothers, Willard Stimson, Los Angeles and Charles D. Stimson, of Seattle.
A man named Dodgin r,r'as recently appointed foreman, but his name \\ras not knou'n to all the men under him. One day, while onhis rounds, he ci.me across two merr sitting in a corner, smoking, and stopped near them.
"\AIho are vou," asked one of them.
"I'm Doclgin, the new foreman," he replied.
"So are n'e. Sit down and have a smoke."
In the golden hall of memory
Enshrined in the choicest place, Is a rare sweet picture, dear to me, Of my Mother's smiling face. And I see the love in her shining eyes, So earnest, brave, and good, And feel the throb of the loving heart, That always understood.
Mother-o-Mine, the glad years bring Treasures not gathered in worldly mart, My heart islight, and the way is clear, Onthesunlit road where fowers cling.
How English And American Languages Differ
"I speak four languages," proudly boasted the door man of a European flotel to an American guest, ,,Italian, French, English, /and American."
"But English and American are the same," protested the American guest.
"Not at all" replied the man. ,,ff an Englishman should come up now, I should talk like this: ,Oh, I say, what extraordinarily shocking weather we're having ! I dare say there'll be a bit of it ahead.' But when you came up I was just getting ready to say: 'For the Love of Mike ! Some day, ain't it? Guess this is the second flood all right."
George Bernard Shaw, with splendid audacity, said in a talk in a London Church: "I like to think of my God as a young man with his career still before. Him. I hate to think of God as an old man who strikes bargains with His creatures about the salvation of their souls, or a God who has to be begged or bribed."
They Go Together
A wise man has remarked that his idea of preparedness is to buy a good heavy pair of walking shoes with every used automobile that you buy.
He Was Safe
"Be careful on my newly polished hardwood floors" said the lady of the house to the plumber.
"Don't worry about_ me slippin lady," he reassured her. "I got hob-nails in my shoes."
An Unimportant Detail
A colored woman was telling about the swell wedding she had attended the night before, and went into raptures about the beautiful clothing worn by the bride, describing in all detail the gown, the veil, the slippers, the fan, etc., of the bride.
"And what did the bridegroom wear?" asked the friend. "Well, do you know that goOd-fer-nuthin niggah nevah showed up a-tall ?" replied the wedding guest.
Little Alice saw a"'
her kitten by the nap of the neck. It was the first time she had ever "u"r, ".r"h a thing, and she burst out indignantly: "You horrid cat ! You ain't fit to be a mother ! you ain't hardly fit to be a father !"
What Republicans And Democrats Are
A newspaper in the South offered a prize for the best definition of a Democrat and a Republican. This was the prize answer: "A Democrat is a man who thinks a Repub_ lican administration is bad for business; a Republican is a man who thinks a Democrat administration is bad for lusinsss-xnd both are right."

Why Women Live Longest
He-"Why do women live longer than men?"
She-"Why do they?"
Fle-"Because every cat has nine lives."
Then came the fireworks.
Not long ago the British Empire opened a great exposi_ tion in England, the aim of which was to show the re_ sources and products of theBritish Empire. The King opened the affair with splendid ceremonies. And when it was over the news crept into the papers that the platform the King stood on to start the great British Exposition was built of lumber imported from the United States, and quite a fuss ensued. With the mighty forests of Canada, it does seem that they could have used an Empire product there, and there has been much grumbling.
Another Angle
"People unaccustomed to thinking often exclaim, ,What a wonderful world this would be if only people practiced what they preach !' From most of the preaching f have heard I judge that this world would be a hell of a place if these pious people got their wish.":Thomas Dre:ei.
Trouble Proof Door Stock
We are now building up our o'$/n Stiles and Rails in
and furnishing them to Door Manufacturers. The factthat it is necessary to caution Buyers against imitations of our Trademark, is its own strongest recommendation for our Bataan Bagac Lamao Orion
Wfite for iletaik and samPles.
Caihualkiler -GiEson Company Inc.
The ONLY Importers with their own Timber Supply and Mills in Luzon and with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUARTERS
Sth and Brannan Streets San Francisco
Oahland Seattle Los Angel,es