1 minute read
"This Swimming Pool Leak? It Can, t-Tt, s PLASTITE !''
\I IHEN the owner inspects your completed job, it VY ir a source of pride and satisfaction to know that you have created for hirn a piece of work that will fulfill ALL the requirements for which it was created.
Swimming pools and reservoirs properly built of Plas, titeWater,tight Cement cannot leak. They will demon, strate their superiority year after year in their freedom from costly repair bills, and inconveniences which result when an unsuitable material is used.
Plastite waterproofed plastic cement is the best material known for swimming pools, reservoirs, basernents, and all other construction where strength and permanent resistance to water penetration are important consider, ations.
Plastite is manufactured by the Riverside Portland. Cement Co., 724 South Spring Street, LosAngeles, Cali, fornia. This company also manufactures "Riversidett and "Bear" Portland Cement, and t'Riverside Oil Well Cement.tt
Write for detailed plans and specifications for swilnming pools and reserq,)oirs.