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San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club
The San Joaquin Valiey Lumbermen's Club met at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, on Saturday, May 14. The meeting was largely attended, representatives being present from all sections of the San Joaquin territory.
Ben Maisler, Maisler Brothers Lumber Co., Fresno, who had just returned from Honolulu gave an interesting talk on his trip. John Hemphill, manager of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co., spoke on lumber conditions in the eastern markets where he recently made a business trip.
There was an interesting discussion on Trade Extension. A committee was appointed consisting of W. K. Kendrick, Chairman, William S. Baird and Frank Wright to formulate
W. B. March, W. B. March Lumber Co., Ivanhoe, and well known San Joaquin Vallev retail lumberman, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several days attending to business matters and calling on the lumber trade. Mr. March reports that conditions in his section are very satisfactorv.
plans to encourage the sale of lumber and its products. President F. Dean Prescott gave an excellent talk on the features of the new insurance plan of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association.
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, and a popular member of the Club, was present and had the pleasure of presenting W. K. Kendrick with a new $50 bill for winning first prize in the "Questions and Answers" Contest which he recently conducted for retail dealers. Mr. Henry Furman, secretary of the Valley Lumber Co., with offices in San Francisco, lvas a guest at the meeting. A Club outing will he held at Yosemite during the month of June.
Southern California Retailers To Hold Annual Picnic At Pomona
Announcement has been made that the Southern California District of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will hold their Annual Picnic at Pomona on June 11. All sections of Southern California will be represented. and a large turn-out is expected to attend the meeting.