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There's Money in this Kitchm for YOU
Bag DiEtrtct Ha Ha Flut
ABBEY'S RE#iifttftS vna,n BooK
of the Wegtem Luber Inductry |l nw rcedy fc dictibudo
Four hundrud svcnty-.liht ,lgrFl l0 nora thrn lst yGJ'r adltlon. ComDhtc NID ild Dr!6r $ction hu b6tr addcd. - 'lt oqdB- cyry bnnch ot thc Loedn!, Lunbs and Alllcd lnduilrlGr trd ot Thc RGll6, hcludlrr Srltlsh Colunblr, Alulq PhlllpDlnd, and Hawrll.
For The Seller To The Lumber Industry
It llvd tha nama ot thr manrlor, tuDcrlntandrn$ pulohrdlt illnt, ilrrtf r& chanlc, caDrclly, tyDo of mlll rnd oonrlrtr lld of.qulDnant.
It llyrs thr trrnG ot ril.. nenit.r, rtccla of vood aiwrd, dry klln$ rilnrlaa box rhml|' lathq and dl olhcr Infdmatlon r.os$ry to Dlaor l[qulrl0r or ordarG
Socllonr 6v0rln! box trctorlor, ycnls plantt, crtoloclne plrntr ard rhlntla llllr wlth.qultncnt l! r fmturr ot thh yca'a boolc
REilEIIBER ABBEY'S REGISTER h i oomDlcl. dlmtory ot ti. Wcdt.l Lur. bcr lndurtry odrln! b6th lut. and small opd.ilona lt llrt. l0O tf, 6!t no.r llrm! than any rlmllr book. pdm, bound ltr blu6 olotb, 13.50.
In conn.ctlon wlth Abbcy'! Brlld.r (Annral), wG Dublhh Thc Wctcn Lumbcf Roehtcr quftcrly, thc DurDolc ot yhloh ls to brlne tho Atrnrrl up-to.drto 4 dnc. a ymr. Sub$rltdor tor both Dubllortlm$ f5,00 Dcr y6ar.
56i Sberloc.k Bldg. Pctland, Orcgo
THE modern way to eell casework is to handle it com' plete, just as you would doors.You never sell just the material for a door-why sell just the material for all new built,in conveniences? Sell them complete. The Penru.rss line of built in furniture consists of more than 80 dilferent units. Every one of them is popular and a god seller. We give exclusive agencies.
\V riu fcr ry2,6 Coulog and &oler propositiott.
26O8 Su Pablo Avenre, Bcrtelcy, Cdifonh 1160 N. Wc.t n Avcnue, Lor Angclcc