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Redwood Floor Blocks Rapidly Coming Into Use in Southern California
One of the finest uses for Redrvood developed in recent years, is for Redwood blocks for flooring purposes, for use in factory, industrial, and other buildings where there is heavy usage, and much wear and tear.
For instance, the new Sears Roebuck & Company building now nearing completion in Los Angeles, is being floored throughout with Redwood blocks, and the total order for this one building amounts to more than 90O,000 feet of Redwood lumber. The blocks are two inches thick, four inches wide, and six inches long. This is the size in very general use for such purposes. This order rvas sold by the Union Lumber Co.
There is another building recently completed in Los Angeles that used over 500,000 feet of Redwood blocks on their floors, and there are several other industrial buildings conlpleted with other large quantities of blocks.
This is most satisfactory business, brings an excellent price for the material, and diverts that amount of Redwood from the open lumber market. It is a business that is destined to grow very rapidly, because there is need for such flooring, not only here but throughout the entire country, and is a field where promotion work might well be expected to bring splendid returns.
Redwood is admirably suited for the purpose. It contains no pitch or any other ingredient that makes it in any way objectionable at any stage of its use. The blocks are laid 'ivith the grain vertical, and the wear is all on the ends of the grain. There is therefore no wear at all. The floor just gets shinier, and smoother with use.
In the Wilshire Country Club in Los Angeles, the Redwood block floors are a great success. The golf shoe spikes do no damage whatsoever, but there is a give to the wood under the spiked shoes that is much easier to walk on, and the floor gets better every day with use.
The Redwood folks are delighted rvith the success of the block floors so far, and lots of good promotion work is being done for further business along this line.