2 minute read
(The Clearing Houce)
This Column of "Want;" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratcs s2.s0 per column inch
For Sale
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
' Retail lumber and building material yard located in San Diego on University Avenue. One of the best locations in the city and in a fast growing section- Doing a good business that will average $135,000 per year without the use of an outside salesman. Business can be materially increased with additional sales force. Will sell or take in a pa.rtner. S20,000 cash to handle deal. Arrangements can be made to pay balance on terms. An excellent opportunity for a live wire lumber dealer.
D. E. Thompson Lumber Co. 3502 University Ave. San Diego,
Retail Lumberman Wants Position
Experienced retail lumberman open for position, seventeen years experience, four in Southern California as yard manager, auditor, office and credit manager. Desires immediate connection. Address Box C-124. care of California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Stenographer And Secretary
Young lady with seven years local experience, personally known to "The California Lumber'Merchant," is seeking permanent position with Los Angeles firm. Is able to handle most any stenographic or secretarial position. Good worker, pleasant personality and steady. If interested call the Los Angeles office of "The California Lumber Merchant." VAndike 4565.
For Sale
Retail lumber yard in fast growing territory near Los Angeles. $15,000 to $20,000 will handle. Address Box C-123. care California Lumber Merchant.
Competent lumberman with five yeal's experience in retail yards, tlvo years as manager, desires permanent connection as manager or assistant. Two weeks notice. Bay District or Central California preferred. Address Box C-l25, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Retail Yard Trade
If your yard is east or north of Los Angeles, you can get quicker service when you want Hardwood Flooring if you call N. lL Parsons. Phone Terrace 1107. Pasadena. California. 241 N. Allen Ave. "Parsons delivers good oak flooring anywhere."
For Sale
Veneer Cutting Machines
One Twelve-Foot Slice Cutter
One Nine-Foot Slice Cutter
Louisville, Kentucky
Wanted:-Estimator and counter salesman. Must have local exierience; be able to take lists off plans. State age, references, full previous experience and salary expected. Address Box C-I26, care California Lumber M6rchant.
Wants Position
Knows all branches of the lumber business. Many years' experience selling softwoods and hardwoodi. Knows the Southern California lumber trade. Would like to make connection with wholesale or retail concern in Los Angeles, or as mill representative in this territory. Address Box C-722 caie California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Young man who has spent a few years at one of the large mills in the Northwest. Wouta fike to locate in Southern California, preferably in Los Angeles, with a wholesale or large retail -concern. Familiar with grading, billing and other office routine work. Address Box C-l15, care of California Lumber Merchant.
Near Ventura at Riva Ranch, nine miles from Ventura on the Ojai Road. Road will be posted.
Concat rvill be held under the oak trees at 5:30 p.m. .Big barbecue will be held at 7:30 p.m. A wonderful meal rvill be served. "Wild Cat Meat", Chili Beans and all the fixings. Barbecue will be held in the grape arbor. This will be the last Concattnation until next winter. If you have a Kitten communicate with Russell Edmonston. care E. K. Wood Lumber Co.
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