3 minute read
Impmted u&r thc bvt of Cellfcnh J. C. Dlonnc, Prg!, and Trus; J. E. Mudtr, Vle-Prcr.; A- C. Merrlrnan, Jr., Sccy. Publfuhad thc lat ud lsth of cach nmth et 3lt-le-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES. CAI-. TELEPHONE VAndtke 4Ee5 Ent!rud u Sccond-clas'nattcr Septanbcr'E, lr?2, at tte pctbifie et Lo: Angcl*, Cdlfmi$ udcr Act of Mirch I ftt
San Francirco O6cc ll2 Mukct Street
?lt Suta Muina Bldg.
Talephoe Dannpct tllTt
Hardwood Situation Dominates
Lumber Market
Naturally, the high light of the lumber market right now ir the hardwood situation
Since our }ast mar,ket report was written, fully fifty ed' ditiond hardwood millr have been taken over by the foods in Louiriana and Arkansas, and with new outbrealc still occurring dong the lower parts of the Missisrippi and its tributaries, the curtailme'nt of hardwood production and rhipment is far greater than when last reported. The Hardwood Inrtitute of Memphis reports that the curtailment among their member mills is over eight million feet a day, and of courEe there are many mills in the fooded area not included in thiE membership.
However, the production of hardwood in Texas, Louisiama, and Arkansas has advanced slishtly from its lowest level, due to the fact that many hardwood mills outside the Mississippi foods, that were closed for some time by local foods and heavy rains, are operating full time again. Western Louisiana and East Texas mills are now rmaffected by water, and are manufacturing to t'heir highest capacity.
There have been continued advances in the hardwood price rituation. It is consenatively estimated that the price has advanced on all oak and gum an average of $12 to $15 a thousand rince the flood started.
It would be fooligh to attempt to predict anything about the hardwood market. No one can possibly lsrow anything except that Southern hardwoodc are going to bc very scarce for the rest of tte year. Naturally, competitive woods are looking up. Foreign hardwoods will come in rtro,nger than ever before, and there is already much sign of activity along that line.
In the general Fir market, reportr from the Northwert are more optimistic than they have been in many months. Crrtailment has had an excellent effect, and it looks as though when the sununer really opens up, and the terrific stor.lns and heavy rains that have been sweeping the cormtry ce.Ee, building should spring up apace.
The Lumber Merchant is much more strongly convinced today than two weeks.ago, that there is going to be a s8ong national lumber market by midsummen Soutfiern Pine ir showing continued etrength. The Redwood market ir fine1 and apparently getting better. The big food in the Miricsip- pi Valley will help Redwood. It has curtailed Cypresr production" and created a demand for building materiats in a territory where Cyprec is much ured.
California doet not refect the improved lumber rituatioa elsewhere. The market is weak and waveri-g, and there ir muc!. kicking to be heard on all sides, in all departmentc of the lurnber busineas.
About tte same condition pertains in all parts of the state. The physical conditions in the northwest, and the improved prospect and feeling up there is not refected in California, and will not be until they quit fooding the stbte with surplus stock, t[us making it impossible to itrengthen the price dovm here. The general feeling in Cdifornia is pessimistic. They are selling various items of Fir in Califorrria f"r !"q m{oney than it can possibly be bought at the mills and shippld dgwn here for. It's tte same old trouble, of course, overloading California. They think when tti lumber ia loaded on a boat consigned to Catifomia that it is so{, but it isn't sold until it has been once sold to a dealer, and then to a consurner.
There is an accrrnulation of stocks at San Pedro in the last thirty d-eys of _reven to ten million feet. Partial building reportr indicate that the demand is very good, and th; chancea are that May will stack up a good building total throughout the state"
Redwood is getting stronger. The lart barometer chowed saler at the top of_the measuring stick. Pricer are ateady. Com,mon, sap, and ghorts are oversold. Clears "re -oririo we_ll._ -Foreign demand is fair, and eastern demand is sood]
White and Sugar line stocks are getting lower, and Iower grade stockc ere badly broken- Clearr ari moit g well, and prices are a little better. White Fir dimenrion ic sellinc well. The mills of the California Association rhowed i product 9t \!2 millio-1-feet up to May l4th this year, as compared with 27O million up to the same time last iear.
This mill has a capacity of approximatelv 25O M daily. Parcels of standard items are aEsembled on the dock with the aid of a 4-ton Ederer crane. They favor rough dimension above other California items, and require one million to one and a half million of this class of business monthly. In addition, of course, th"y furnish rough boards, wire tied lath and the usual No. 3 occUillulations.

This plant is one of ten manufacturing operations whose product we handle exclusively in the state of California.
The large mill capacity, and widely diversified stock carried by members of this group permit us to accept and handle efficiently any type or size of order incidental to the Fir lumber business.
Prices consistent with the market.