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Frank Curran Back at His Desk Again
Mr. Ftanft Cutut
Frank Curran returned to his duties as general manager for the southern division of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company on Monday, May 16 following a successful three months' fight to regain his health which had been seriously impaired by his steady adherence to business. He spent the greater part of the three months leisurely touring California and Arizona and leaving business matters strictly alone.
Mr. Curran has been in the lumber business more than 25 veqrs and is one of the most widely known and respected men in the industry in the Pacific Southwest. His recovery of good health and his return to the high executive positibn with'the E. K. Wood Lumber Company has Lrought him the congratulations of mahy friends throughout Southern California and Arizona.
Jim Farley A Southern California Visitor
Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, is a Los Angeles yisitor on company business matters. While in the Southern metropolis, he is making his headquarters with A. L. (Gus) Hoo'ver, Southern Cafifornia repiesentative of The Pacific Lumber Co.
O. M. Bowen, W. H. Norris Lumber Co., Houston, Texas, is a California visitor and is inspecting the milling and logging operations of The Pacific Lumber Co. at Scotia. Mr. Bowen was also a visitor at the Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of The Pacific Lumber Co. The W. H. Norris Lumber Co., with offices in Houston and Dallas, represent The Pacific Lumber Co., in the Texas territory. Before returning to the South, Mr. Bowen plans to visit the Douglas fir mills in Washington and Oregon and the California white and sugar pine mill operations in the High Sierra.
"Please send The Lumber Merchant to me at my home address. Candidly I do not get sufficient opportunity to read it at the office. The minute it gets in the office it is grabbed by ary one of several people. Such a course is complimentary to you but derogatory to the complete dissemination of all your good wisdorn-tt
W. K. ("Billy'') Kendrick, Fresno, Calif.