1 minute read
A Finerrype of Sofrwood Flooring
'sfeyerhaeuser Facif,c Coast Ilenlock Flooring-a Neur kader ' and Sure Repeater for You
lust assoon ae you are ready lormnething new iadtettzr to show your conractor &iends and home-building prcpectq put in a trial shilment cfWqprhacuser Padft rC-,qst Henhck Floodoe Hardwood appearance at a softqrood pti"* A striking eucc€se-wherever it hae been diephved. A quick seller. A e,nrc rqnater.
Twomonths afterputting it in,one Pennryl' vania dealer reqrd€red fourtimes. Aoother re' ordered seven timeg. One New York State dealer pl""d six orders in two montbs; another ninc orders
Paciffc Coast Hemtock Flocing ie itrst the thing lor speculative builders. Slome builders who want an inexpensive flooring upstaile ale on the lookout lor iust euch material a thb Contractore like it for remodeling iobs.
Weyerhaeuser PaciftcCoast H€nlock Floc' ing is nade lron carelully selected strips' oa tlre same tyDe of machines ae the moet expensive grades oihardwood llooring The surlae is ready for the wood finisher.
Paciffc Coast Hemlock makeo ideal flooring No other softwood eo doeely res€nbles ha!dwood in texture, in colc, ingrain e6ect' in finish" iog po€oibilities and in aatural wear r€i*anas
'Weyerhaeuser improved methods of seasoning rcnder it inmune b alv tendency to walp. It-stays straight and works readily without splintering.
This flooring is a iast sc[iDg€peciahy put out to help you incteaeeyoursaleeand profita
\l/oahecurcr Prcif,c Cort Halcl Fl@rins b 13116' thicl r z%' hcq It coma both uitlr end matchiag end uithout cnd utchiag. Both typer erc milled sith thc hollow bacL Tbc highat gFrdc of thi! f,oing ir Laown ac "B and Bcner Edge Gnia. " For lc cnctiat u6 os whcre a still lowcr lriced llori4 ir wantcd it is abo made in tho grada oI "C Mircd Graia."
Theflooriagconala ret re budla,ach onc bearinr u attractivc label in olon which showa thc nane, ihc Wcyerhaeura Brand, the grade mul ud tbc tradc-ryL
Thir fioriq ie mrauhctred by Veyerhacurct Timbq Company md ir oboinable in mircd crr ordo dist hom the Wcyerbaqrq Mills at Evqen. W'erhlngtoa, and Snoqualmic Frlla, Waehington, or &om uy oI thc th,re Weyqhaeus Diltributirg Planu at Baltinore, Poronouth. R L. ud Miumta Tnadc, St Peul.
Velerbaetser Pacific Coas t
Hcmloch Fhoring is anotber feature of tbe Veyerbaetser Pbs-a baying adoantage tbdt bae,fits ateq deahr utbo ases it, .(sk tbe Vc7crbact ser mat,