2 minute read
'IV'ho is the Guarantor?
HATis the hginning, the middle and the end of the *bjte of guaranteed asphalt 1006. The qmlfuy of the metcrials-. . . the care wfth whicl th.y are applied. the thoroughness of inqpeaion ...every heoibf strength in the guarantee is involved in the drara&er of the guarantor.
You anrwer that question to your complete satisfrction when you specify El Rey Ten and Twenty-Year Guaranteed Roo-fs. The guarantor is then the Los Angeles Paper Mfg. C,o., one of dre oldat and largest *619 concertu in thc Wet. operating a $rrloorooo phot;dwidelyknoun for its sound business methods.
Complete spocifications arc furnisH the atrhitd fc El Rey Guar' aotord Roofs. They are insalled undet the supenrision of our own experts, and inspe&ed at intervals throughout the term of the guarantee.
'We commend the entire El Rey line of roofings, including slate roo6 and shingles, to your consideration, and will gladly furnish you prices and samples uPon request.
1926-27 National Waste Prevention Contest Awards
As Recommended by the Utilization and Waste Prevention Committee and Approved by the Board of Directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association April 29, 1927.

First Prize, $1000: W-. J. McHale, Sawmill Superintendent, Menominee Bay Shore Lumber Company, Soperton, Wisconsin. Multiple Guide Dimension Mill.
Second Prize, $500: A. L. Thomas, Millwright, A. C. Tuxbury Lumber Company, Charleston, South Carolina. Board Width Scale and Indicator Attachment for Lumber Edgers.
Third Group, Prize $100: R. J. Moore, Filer, Ernest Dolge, fnc., Tacoma, Washington. Method and Necessary Attachments for Aligning Band Saws with Carriage.
Third Group, Prize $100: Fred Wiebner, Re-sawman,
Kneeland-Mclurg Lumber Company, Phillips, Wisconsin. Pressure Roll Device for Horizontal Resaw.
Third Group, Prize $100: A. E. Wyman, Clark Nickerson Lumber Company, Everett, Washington. Lumber Trimmer Table Board Turning Device.
Fourth Group, Prize $50: I. H. Ellington, Edgerman, W. M. Ritter Lumber Company, Fremont, Virginia. Sectional Edger Feed Roll.
Fourth Group, Prize $50: A. T. Kjelland, Chief Mechanic, Weyerhauser Timber Company, Everett, Washington. Lumber Edger Line-Up Device.
Fourth Group, Prize $50: Edward McCluskey, Foreman, Cloquet Lumber Company, Cloquet, Minnesota. Improved Re-arrangement of Dogs for Holding Small Logs on Carrrage.
The average man takes life as a trouble. He is in a constant state of irritation at the whole performance. He does not learn to differentiate between troubles and difficulties, usually, until some real trouble bowls him over. He fusses about pin-pricks until a mule kicks him. Then he learns the difference.
The Origllral Plastlc, Waterproot Portland Gernent YIGTOBT FOUNTAIN, at Long Beaah; one of the tnoct beautttut nonunentc ln the lVeetrlr of llonollth Ptac' ttc lYaterproot Portland Genert. It ls waterprootlc bullt to reclet htgh wlnd pre$ure and ternpereture etrccrer-cnd lret has nunerous dellaate ornanentat forn3. Ever'57 requlrGlrgtlt-artlctlc and tlractlcal wac "l'3: [:"tr* net blr Monotlth. Bldg. Lo Argelaa, Caltf. pl.ht at Moolith, Callf. Phme TRintty 7Ur
California has been building with Green Fir for years because it got into a bad habit, and habits of long standing are hard to tfrow off.
Of late Fir has been fooding the Middle West and Soutfiwest (Texas-Oklahoma) districts. First th"y rhipped them Green Fir. But the trade took less than a year to discover that Green Fir mahes a far inferior building to Dry Fir, and notw the mills are shipping Dry Fir to those territories.
And the difference between a green lumber home and a dry lumber home is just as great in California.