1 minute read
This introduces Fred Sturgess, advertising and publicity manager for the McCormick interests. He was born near Aluick on the border line between England and Scotland. He had an early desire to visit America, and when he was fourteen years old, he made the trip alone to America, and thence across Canada to Vancouver, B. C.
For several years, he lived in Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., where he was engaged in real estate and colonization work.
He served four and a half years with the Canadian army during the World War and saw service in France for three and a half yeirs. He was one of the youngest majors in the Canadian army-when 6e *"r twenty- nine years old he had charge of 1000 men in action. He did liaison woik between the 27th and, 29th American Divisions at the Battle of Bellicourt. Following the war, he returned to Vancouver, B. C., where he acted as Canadian sales manager for a large London machinery house. Later he moved to Los Angeles, where he was engaged in the oil business.
He joined the McCormick organization in 1925, and, makes his headquarters.a,t thg company's San Francisco office. He has been closely associated with publicity work for many years, and during the war published a magazine in the army:_ H_e recently completed a trip to all thJ company's operations on the Pacific Coast, which included an inspection of theii mills and -shipping. -facilities in the Northwest, and their Lumber operations in Southern California.
Four reasom why you should stock Browntr Supercedar Closet Littittg.
l-Demand-greater every day because architects are specifying it.
2-Cost-about the same as lath and plaster.
3-Easily Handledpacked in fibre-board, dampproof boxes. No depreciation. No broken tongues and grooves.
4-Profit-lt speaks for itself.
I*t us senil you turther inf ormation anil quote you pricas.