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You're going to get a big kick out of our July First Birthday Number. It will commemorate our fifth birthday, and from the returns already in it is certain that it will far surpass in every worlhwhile particular our four previous birthday numbers.
Men and women of outstanding ability and prominence in the industry all the way from San Diego to Seattle are preparing things of interest which they will say under their own signahrres to the lumber people of California in that number. The list of special authors and-"ot'horesses for that special occasion guarantees a live issue, filled from cover to cover with interesting ttoughts, facts, figures, and pictures of California lumber trhings and lumber people.
It will be the most attractive, practical, and interesting issue of a lumber journal you ever 6ayy. The work of every lumber and HooHoo organization in California will be reviewed by their own officers. The greatness of California as a lumber state will be thoroughty covered and attractively illustrated. The lumber men and women of California will be well portrayed. Every page will contain tfiings that will interest YOU. It will be a number that will be long preserved as a Eouvenir.
It will be full of punch-the kind with a wallop in it.
Just as a sample, Mr. Ed Nicholson, of the Pacific Door & Sash Company, one of the keenest trlrinkers in California in any line of business, will tell you why California is bound to take from the Middle West the laurels as the world's mill-work center. Therets real romance in that story.
Mr. R. A. Long will be one of our special authors, and there will be scores of others from all parts of California and farther north on the coast. There will be a star for each subject.
Besides, wetve got our office gang worlcing out interesting and useful features for the iggue.
I personally guarantee it will be an issue that will well refect the greatners of California and her lumber industry.
Yours for a Record Breaking Issue,