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4L Directors Commend Employee's Interest in Industry Problems
Portland, Ore., May l7.-Strongly endorsing a communication from 4L employee members, urging that both employers and employees in the lumber industry of the Pacific Northwest work for adjusted production of lumber, the 4L board of directors yesterdav went on record as heartily commending employee interesl in manufacturing and selling problems. This was the 17th semi-annual meeting of the board of directors. The resolution had been formulated by lumber employees in districts I and 2 of the 4L and later endorsed by many other local groups.
"The lumber industry is facing a situation where production regulation with curtailment and retrenchments appear vitally necessary," the resolution said in part.
Vocational rehabilitation of those iniured in industrv in the state of Washington was another'matter brought-be- fore the board. It was pointed out that although both' Oregon and Idaho have vocational training by the state {or industry's unfortunafes, there is no similar act in Washing- ton. In this respect a 4L committee reported that 41 states now have some sort of vocational training; that 14,000 persons in 39 states are now undergoing training, and that during 1926,5,600 injured workmen had been trained in some gainful occupation. The board ordered a committee to act with Washington legislators before the next session.
No change in the minimum lvage scale of the 4L rvas requested or made.
The group disability insurance plan of the 4L was reported to norv be in force at 25 logging or lumbering opera- tions; 597 claims have been paid since August 1, tbtalling $16,143.
At the morning session of the board President Ruegnitz reported on growth of the organization since January 1, which he said had been more than 1000 new members. He also reported on the employees' wood promotion campaign of the 4L. The bodrd adopted plans to more.actively present this campaign during the next six months.
Composed of 12 employers and 12 employees, elected by ballot in the 4L districts of Idaho, Oregon and Washington, the board of directors is the governing board of the organization, and it meets twice yearly. Yesterday's session was the 17th semi-annual. -
The board this year is composed as follows:
Employers: A. C. Dixon, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene; M. C. Woodard, Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton; W. B. McMillan, Peninsula Lumber Co., Portland; R. H. Burnside, Willapa Lumber Co., Raymond, Wn.; J. C. Shaw, Eureka Cedar Lumber & Shingle Co., Hoquiam, Wn.; J. C. Buchanan, North End Lumber Co., Tacoma; D. M. Fisher, Snoqualmi,e Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Wn.; M. C. McGregor, Morrison Mill Co., Bellingham, Wn.; J. P. McGoldrick, McGoldrick Lumber Co., Spokane; Huntington Taylor, Edw. Rutledge Timber Co., Couer d'Alene, Ida. ; Joseph Stoddard, Stoddard Lumber Co., Baker; and H. E. Allen, Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., Bend.
Employees : J. W. Purcell, Wendling; R. P. Scott, Silverton; B. T. Turner, Portland; F. C. Beckman, Raymond, Wn.; W. F. Annett, Hoquiam, Wm.; l. A. Ziemer, Tacoma; J. M. Kanall, Snoqualmie Falls, Wn.; Frank L. Pederson, Bellingham, Wn.; Ashley Richard, Newport, Wn.; Fenimore Cady, Coeur d:Alene, Ida.; F. C. Grant, Baker; and Homer Mayrand, Bend.
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