1 minute read
Rough and Sur-and Uniformly Hard. faced Lumber .
Doors " Mouldings and Finish. Plywood Panels andTops
DATAAN and LAMAO Mahoganies are as free from worm l-D holes as mahoganies from Africa and Mexico, and are graded under rules of the National Hardwood Lumber Association which specify that worm holes are positively a defect. These beautiful hardwoods are grown in the highlands of Luzon, the northernmost island of the Philippines. They are sawn in our own mills, full to thickness, and run very uniform as to color. Bataan is dark red. Lamao is light red. They are very much harder and more dense in texture than the general run of Philippine mahogany.
With large stocks always on hand, and centralized control and manufacture, we are in a position to make immediate shipments at prices no higher than most domestic hardwoods of similar grades'
Srraaufrctared excrasitery by CADWALLADER- GTBSON CO., 3628 Mines Avenue - Ios Angeles, California