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J. R. HANIFY co.

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Flome of W. F. Granger at Larkspur, Calif.

Architect, \X/. F. Granger

Builder, W. F. Granger & Co.

ANZAC COLONIAL SIDING and other material furnished by LARKSPUR

(Continued from Page 24) four to six million feet of l\{ahogany lumber in stock all the time.

-_They.are installing at the Long Beach yard three Z2 f.oot North Coast dry kilns, which will make them a total of seven kilns in all on this side of the water, they having four of the same size and type in operation at fheir Lo"s Angeles plant.

It will be remembered that their Los Angeles plant, one of the finest and most modern woodworklng plants'ever built in California, has been built and in opdrdtion just a little over a year. In this institution thet' have iuit fin_ ished -installing a complete and wonderful plant for the manufacture of panels. They will make panels from their own Mahogany veneers, and will likewiie make them to serve their trade from some of the domestic hardwoods, such as oak, gum, and walnut. They are splendidlv eouioped now to supply their panel tradi from^ their ovrn'L6s Angeles plant.

The Los Angeles plant, in addition to manufacturins panels,-makes Mahogany doors, moulding, finish, and trim: and sells this product all over the Unit=ed States. Theii business in all lines is steadily growing, and they are con_ tin_u-ally_ opening up new terriioiy.

I\{r. Cadwalladef uses three nimes of their own devisine for the three distinct and separate species of philiooinE Mahogany. he produces. Thiy are Eataan, l-"r"oi'""a I3agac, and are listed according to their corhparative value. Bataan is their highest quality wood, is a beautiful d"rk;a rn color, is.a very-dense and wonderfully grained \ilood, and less subje_ct to defects than 1lI other Malogany, in thi lpinion of Mr. Cadwallader. They use this -for'il;i;, doors, and the highest types of paneling work. ifr.'""tir. omce.ot the.company-in I, os Angeles has panels and doois ot l3ataan, all with a simple finish, and the wood is extreme_ ly beautiful

Lamao is their second best species, and is lighter in color than Bataan, but is used for thi same general lurpor.r. I; the Philippines- where- they make .rr.nders and panels, they use other woods for their cores and cross-banding, and the Bataan and Lamao for their exterior cabinet us"es. Thev make some very fine flooring out of Lamao, also. . Their Bagac -is used {or entirely difierent purposes. It is what might be called their common Maholany lumber. It is very dark in color, is not beautiful for vineirine like Bataan:nd .Lama-o, but has a multitude of very praiticai usel. They have found a big market for it in furniiure fac!or!es, truck factories, auto-factories, and industrial uses. It is. being_ used very freely to replace domestic hardwoods rn brg trmber for the oil fields, and for industrial timbers also. In London they have found a fine market for Bagic with the railroad car'builders, for coach and car rnateriils. They. make lots of plain one-hal! by two inch flooring of it, and lt serves a fine purpose for those who want a fine hard_ wood floor at less money than the usual quarter-sawn woods. It looks fine, and wears wonderfully. ' " Th:f bring over their Philippine Mahogany lumber, sawn Iull thrckness, and running very uniform in color. Go through the Cadwallader-G-ibson- mill and yards, and you g-et a wonderful impress_ion_of looking at quality stock. You are convinced that Mr. Cadwalladei is tellins ihe facts when he declares that "You can go through Tn"t .i*. amount of lumber of _any_ species, aiywhere,-and you will never find so much lumbei with so- few defects,- so few kn_o!s, so little stock that need be wasted for any purpo.i.' . Mt.C.q.a*allader particularly resents the old origin"i ia." that. Philippine-Ma6ogany is wormy stock. ,.Oor jurUirl" graded under the rules of the Nati6nal Hardwood Lumber AssociStion, and worm holes are positively a defeci ir o", stock just as they are in any othir lumb-er, ,rrd anv M._ hogany that contains worm holes is defective lumber. The

(Continued on Page 28)

-90 Percent or More Red Hcert

-1O0 Pcrcat Oil Contcnt

Gcnuino Tcnncrcc Aromrtic Rcd Ccdar, eccurrtcly nenu. fecturcd, tolgue and groovcd rnd cnd nrtchcd. Cortr no morc thrn unknown brendr. Medc by Gcor3c C. Browl & Coo Mcmphir, world,r largcrt mrnufecturcr of Tclnc.lcG Aronrtic Rcd Ccdra

Scaled in doublc-f,rcc fibrc borrd cartonr egeinlt durt, dirt, dempncr or damagc in rhipping or rtotrgc. For circular and quotation oddrrru


Distribators for Distributors lor Southern Califonb Northern California

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