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West Coast Hemlock Accepted by New York Building Superintendents
Seattle, Wn., May 14.-Following six months of negotiations and technical tests, West Coast hemlock from Washington and Oregon has been accepted officially by the building superintendents of four New York boroughs as ,equal in strength _of eastern spruce and the comnion grades of Douglas_fi-r, according- to telegraphic advices receiied today by the West Coast Lumber Bureau this citv from C. i. Hogue, field manager, at present in New Vork. Weit Coast hemlock, the telegram stated, will have full unrestricted use hereafter in the four boroughs of New york City at the same strength.values as other itandard building *oodr. Bro.oklyn -bor_ough was not _represented at the ineeting. Millions of dollars in potential income to the pacific Nortli west were involved in the decision, local lumbermen stated.
Late last fall the New York building departments tem- porarily accepted a ruling that hereaftei West Coast hemIock would be rated for strength along with eastern hem- lock, although until this timelhe *esle.., wood had been accepted by builders as_the.equivalent of eastern spruce and common grades of Douglai fir. Hundreds of miilions of feet of West Coast hemlo-k were, at the time the ruling was m,ade, in New York yards, on the docks and in transit-. The effect of this ruling, it rvas foreseen by hemlock manufacturers, would be to drive West Coast hemlock from this newly developed and most valuable market.
Protest was made at once by the West Coast I_umber Bureau, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and the New York Lumber Trade Association. Technical tesis of the .western wood arranged at the insistence of these or- ganizations were held under the supervision of building
L. D. Gilbert, Oakland, purchased the Henry Hess Com_ pany branch yard at Healdsburg, Calif., on May 20. Mr. Gilbert has organized a closed corporation under the name of The Healdsburg Lumber Co., the hame by which this yard was known f.or 20 years before Henry Hess secured it 8 years ago,
M-r. Gilbert, president of the new company, is well known to the lumber trade of Northern Califirrnia.
(Continued from Page 28) old idea that Philippine Mahogany ilust b. *o.- eaten is entirely erroneous. Most of the other old ideas about Philippine Mahogany are erroneous. It takes as wonderful a finish, with as little soaking of filler, as anlr Mahogany user could ask. Every day we are proving tliat to peopli using cabinet woods." engineers associated with the five boroughs at Columbia University Laboratories.
Following the preliminary mechanical tests to determine .the wood's strength, durability, eti., the supervising committee of borough engineers visited thp Pacific Norihrvest at the invitation of the West Coast Ldmber Bureau to see the forests, mills and ,lumber stock and to collect checking samples for further study. These enginlers visited Vancou-ver, B. C., Seattle, Everett, Grays- Hlarbor, Tacoma and points on the Columbia River, during dpril. Final reports were made on their return to Nerv Ydrk which were followed by a series of co-nferencees betwfen the building departments and C. J. Hogue of the \tfest Coast Luirber Bureau.
"'Probably the one most important {actor in the sale of our West Coast woods is the strengthiratings given them by city building departments," stated the Welt doast Lumber Trade Bureau. "All cil,ies have m{nimum strength requirements which govern the use of l'{'ood and othEr materials in various zones and building arefs. With a strength rating of 900 pounds extreme fibre-stre$s as announced 6st fall by the Nerv York buildine official$, West Coast hemlock would have been barred ior most]purposes from that market. Allowed a rating of 1200 pdundi extreme fiber stress, West Coast hemlo& will now do into construction in the City of New York as the equivaibnt of the best American soft woods.
"\Me believe the efiect of this rvill b{ to aid the sales of West Coast hemlock in all eastern and central markets to the great advaritage of the West Coasf lumber industry,". the Bureau stated.
P. C. Stevens assistant salesmanasdr of the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., Salem, Oregdrp, spent a ferv days in the Bay district recently visiting r,yitti James L. H;ll rrr- LIE Day ursrrrct recentry vtstung lylt rvho represents the company-in.San Fra{rci Mr. Stevens had returned from a trip which cov.ref Texas, Oklahoma and the Middle West. He states tlr]at business in the
So. Mr. Cadwallader and his great ution and organization, bigger and better equipped tha paring to put Bataan, and Lamao, and ket as never before, and to prove their entire lumber using world. And theirs ever before, is preBagac on the margreat worth to the is, indeed, an interesting campaign with interesting and autiful woods.