1 minute read
Styles inBuilding
ilIahe Them, FoIIow Them, or Buch Them---Which?
Consumer demand is pervaded throughout with an ever-present desire for change. A fashion today is shunned tomonow. The greater the popularity, the more likely is reiection.
This ebb and fow in style is due to a conflict between the desire to conform and the wish to be individual. A woman will trhrow away a dress if no one else has one similar. But she will be iust as quick to throw it away if she sees a dozen other exacdy like it.
Style can be created if a powerful organization spen& money to popularize its product. Wise organizations ane quick to E€nEe andfollow the created style. It is futile to offer a product disrelished by the buying public.
The Holmes Eureka Lumber C,ompany has in stock sone new wood products. Others are ready for manufacture. Still otherg are under iontemplation. We are gathering ideas on artistic siding, rand blast treatment, acid stained and hand hewn effects, new ctain, gnln' and color cornbinations.
We want your ideas. A good idea is style. Once wood is styligh, wood substitutes are removed from the field of competition.