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\ZOU can offer your customers the newly I perfect ed Pioneq Y osemite Roclc Swfoc. eil Super Hexagonal Shingl€ with the know, ledge that it has all the good qualities of all Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles and many others distinctly its own!
No other shingle of its type reflects the qual, ities developed by Pioneer's years of experi. ment in combining the most perfect mater, ialswith the mostperfect manufacturing pro. cesses in a shingle so well adapted to the rig. ors of Western climates; no othq shingle, of i* type offas equal ailvantages ot o;ny fuice!
The Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Super Hexagonal Shingle is not an experimerlt... before going on the market it was put to the acid test. It has earned its right to share the reputation for Highest Quality held by all other Pioneer Products and its Sir Points of supuiority will build a memendous volume of both new and repeat businessfor the Pio, neer dealer. And all of its advantages are coupled with Pioneer Servic€.. o €ooftnous stocks for your conveniencerinstant delivery and the full cooperation of our Engineering Department! IJse these facilities and cash in on the demand!