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tJuDerJ, rve &aritedWg' lot-
Super Hexagonal Shingles
Here are the advantagee it gives your custoniersl
1,. Qreatu Roof Protection
Double thickness over entire roof surfacerand a 4Yz in. headlap assuring an absolutely water,tight roof.
2. Durability and Beauty
Doubly thick and heavily surfaced with non.fading Yosemite rock, this shingle lasts for years and it never needs paint or stain.
3. Econorny
Due to its massive size, fewer shrngles are requrred, fewer nails to hold them; less labor to apply them; and once on the roof, years of expense.free service!
4.'Rich, Non'Fa ding Colors
Surfaced with genuinenon-fading Yosemite, rock which ex. cels all ro,called "slate" surfacings in hardness and perma. mence of color; your customer may choose from red' green, golden,brown or blue,black.
5. Lowq Insurance Rates
Endorsed by the National Roard of Fire Underwriters for .fire resistance, every bundle bears the Class"C" Label-lnsurance, on both home and contents is reduced from 5 to l5%.
6. Produces a Distin&ive Semi, Thatched Effee
A oronounced shadow,line, in addition to the rugged texturi of the rock surfacing. so much in demand bv archi. tects, builders and home.owners!